Comprehensive Guide

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Revision as of 16:28, 3 March 2019 by Squareblob (talk | contribs)
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This page is in its very early stages : For a currently comprehensive guide see Getting Started Guide

Editing Philosophy

Civ needs radically different guides for different purposes, audiences and mediums. This guide is not the essential 5 minute introductory video or the easy to glance at infographic; Ideally it forms the as-detailed-as-possible guide that other guides can be derived from. Think of this guide as only one step up from the civclassic github configs. That does not mean this page will lack quality standards, such as, but not limited to :

  • Consistent tone
  • Very clearly demarcated sections
  • Avoiding superfluity
  • Keep the loose bullet point style to make rearranging information easy - particularly so information can later be rearranged by how fundamental it is.

Why not use existing guides? There are a lot of useful guides that can be cannibalised from yet they all clearly lack in comprehensiveness or clarity. Other guides also lacked the collaborative aspects of a wiki.


Small Tweaks

Easily visible changes :

  • Villager trading is disabled
  • Ender chest usage is disabled
  • Chorus fruit teleportation is disabled
  • Disable XP drops from mobs
  • Allow obsidian to be generated from string and lava

Other changes :

  • Wither explosions disabled
  • Death announcements disabled
  • Golden apples disabled
  • Buff bows by 1.2
  • Chest minecarts disabled
  • End portal frames made indestructible
  • Strength pots nerfed
  • Banners can be equipped as hats
  • Books cannot be manually copied
  • Cannot open inventories inside vehicles


More efficient item production

  • Setup : Create a factory by placing a furnace, a crafting table and a single or double chest side by side.

[To do : attach image of initial factory setup].

  • The chest : Inputs for the factory must be placed in the chest and after running, inputs are consumed and outputs are deposited in the chest. The factory will keep running even if the chest is full, which wastes output(?). Hitting the chest with a stick gives the factory health and type.
  • The crafting table : Hitting the crafting table with a stick is used to select the factory recipe/upgrade the factory. In the 'select a recipe' GUI hover over an item to what recipe it corresponds to and how many times it has been run.
  • There are three exceptions of items inside GUI that are consistent across all factories. The furnace item, or 'repair factory', which fixes broken factories. The redstone block or 'Toggle Auto Select' which sets the factory to automatically select any recipe it has materials to run wherever activated. (Be careful for some factories create a block as output in one recipe and take it as input in another recipe meaning the cycle is infinite or until fuel runs out.) Finally the painting or 'Open Menu' which shows the setup, recipes and upgrades of the factory. By clicking on one of these three categories one can see input and output amounts and all details required to run and manage a factory. The chat commands /fm and /fm [factory name] can be used to open this informational factory GUI at any time.

[To do : attach image of factory GUI].

  • The furnace : The furnace requires charcoal. Charcoal can be placed in either the bottom slot, top slot or both. Hitting the furnace with a stick activates the factory and runs the selected recipe, which will run until there are no longer enough inputs or charcoal.
  • Complete the factory setup by placing a dirt block in the chest. Using a stick hit the furnace. This creates the dirt factory, from which all other factories are derived.
  • Generic factory : Many factories can be upgraded further. When factory health reaches zero only the repair recipe can be ran in the factory. This normally happens after (x) months.
  • Special factories : all factory recipes can be seen here. Most factories offer an increase in yield, for example the iron forge 'Make Buckets' takes 96 iron and outputs 64 buckets versus a vanilla cost of 192 iron. Some factories create a rare output through an alternate method, for example the Aesthetics Factory can make mossy stone brick taking stone brick and vines. However some factories offer entirely new outputs
  • The basic, intermediate and advanced Cauldrons create emeralds from common crops. These emeralds can be placed in a crafting grid and turned into XP bottles.
  • The Compactor : Used to make carrying bulk items easier or in factory recipes of advanced cauldron. Place stacks of items with crates (Made in carpentry factory with iron and chests) Running the factory will turn a stack of items (64 if cobble, 16 if enderpearls, 8 if unstackable items e.t.c) into 1 compacted version of the item. This compacted item has the same stack size that said item normally has. Unstackable items must have the same NBT data, for example When one wishes to uncompact they simply must placed compacted items in compactor and select uncompact.
  • Compacted blocks cannot be placed however compacted tools and armour can be used. Be warned this provides no advantage and effectively uses 8 times the durability, for when uncompacted the durability on each of the 8 output object equals the durability on the compacted input object.

[Add image of compacted item]

  • The printing press
  • Aesthetic factory
  • Factories can be run by redstone
  • if the crafting table, furnace and/or chest is physically broken the blocks can be replaced and the factory recreated for only half the initial factory startup cost.

Building on other plugins and advice:

  • The blocks composing a factory can and( for protection) should be reinforced.
  • Factories can be dropchested for safety
  • Factories require charcoal and cannot run with coal in furnace
  • Infinit factories :