Comprehensive Guide:Miscellaneous

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Kira is a plugin that lets the player create relays on discord. These relays can display snitch hits, chat messages and player login/logout.


Authentication is required before using Kira. This will link the discord account to the IG account.

In order to do that `/discordauth` must be performed on the server. This will create a token. The token must be then transmitted to Kira through discord in order to perform the authentication using `auth [token]`.

In Game commands

  • /deletediscordchannel
  • /discordauth - Creates auth code
  • /linkdiscordchannel
  • /syncdiscordchannel

Discord commands

Kira commands[1]
Command Description Example
!kira help Shows help
!kira apitoken <SNITCH|CHAT|SKYNET> Generates a token for use with Kiras API
!auth [code] Allows linking your discord account to an ingame account. Run '/discordauth' ingame to get a code.
!kira getchannels Shows all relays owned by you
!kira createrelayconfig [name] Creates a new relay configuration
!kira createrelayhere [group] Attempts to create a relay in the channel this message was sent in for the group it was sent by
!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay] Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
!kira info Prints basic info on the bot
!kira mc [command] / !kira ingame [command] Allows you to run ingame commands from discord !kira mc nlip CW-1 Falvyu (adds player Falvyu to CW-1 name layer)
!kira invite Allows you to add Kira to other discords
!kira quote Gives life advice
!kira relayconfig [name] Configures properties of a relay config
!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay] Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
!kira whoami Shows your linked accounts



See Discord Servers


  • /present - (opens present) [Donum]
  • /helpop - sends message for help [Official discord recommended for fastest help response time]
  • /tps

Namecolor gives players who donate $10 or more to the CivClassic Patreon the ability to change the color their name displays in chat and tab menu using the command /namecolor. For $25 the color can be set as rainbow. [2]

Note not to confuse the grey colored names with the greyed out spectator names, which unlike namecolor can only be used by admins. [Add image]