CivcraftImport:Religions2/the church of smaku

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<WRAP right 315px>

The Church of Smaku
<wrap lo>Holy Words:</wrap>

"Hail Smaku!"

Demonyn Smakuite
Religious Structure Theocratic Hierarchy
Leader AtrumCupiditas
Established July 2013
Followers ~8
Holy Book The Book of Smaku


The Church of Smaku

The Church of Smaku is the organization of followers of the Lord of Light, Smaku. The followers of the Church believe that Smaku is the one true god, and that all other gods are either nonexistant or are manifestations of demonic beings. The Church is headquartered in Smakarra, the Holy City of the Faith. It is headed by the Pontifex Maximus, AtrumCupiditas, and the Council of Prelates.


The Pontifex Maximus is the highest authority on the nature of the religion, and is accepted as the infallible representative of Smaku in the world. The Council of Prelates is the legislative body of the Church, concerned with the inner workings and basic structure of the organization. The Pontifex Maximus has veto power over the Council, but reserves this for major decisions, if at all.

Pontifex Maximus

The current Pontifex Maximus is AtrumCupiditas, First of His Name. He resides on The Sentinel Mount, beside the Holy Shrine of Smaku. He doubles as the Head of Government of Smakarra and the Head of State for all of Smakarra's holdings.

Council of Prelates

The Council of Prelates currently consists of one member, the Prelate of Smakarra, Distruzio.

  1. Distruzio, Prelaetus Smakarrae et Prelaetus Omnium