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<WRAP right 240px>

<wrap lo>**Saying: **</wrap>

"Quartz is love, Quartz is life"

Demonyn Quartzists
Religious Structure Quartz Rubbing
Pope Xanderpig
Established 5/2/14
Place of Worship Holy Quartz Shrine


=== Quartzism ===

Quartzism is based around the worship of the one true god, Quartz God. Founded in Polska, it is important to Polskan's every day lives. Polskan's usually take Quartz blocks with them during long journeys, reporting great fortune during trips.


As long as Quartz God is happy, followers that rub the quartz are forgiven of their sins. Travellers that bring quartz blocks with them on journeys are said to not only live, but be lucky and find loot.


Little is known so far, besides a certain verse in the Quartzan: Gandy 1:4 "And ye who traverse the seas with quartz, traverse the sea with god"

In Scripture

Little is known scripture wise, as the Quartzan is still being made. More information will be added later.



"Rub the Quartz and repent!" --- Xanderpig

Pope Xander I

Leader of the Church Of Quartz, and follower of the Quartzan, Pope Xander I is a wonderful man, he spreads love and aids all around the land.

Shrine of Worship


The Holy Holy Lawd Almighty Quartz-Shrine

Sinners repent at the shrine by rubbing the Quartz-Shrine.

Chops 16:9: "He who vandalises the shrine shall spend eternity in the End"

Chops 16:10: "He who protects, and worships the shrine, shall spend eternity in the Nether.

The Nether


Unlike most religons, the Nether is the holy land for Quartzists.

Full of warm, not hot, lava.

Quartz Trees, touching one shall heal any wounds.

And Quartz, Everywhere