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<WRAP right 315px>

<wrap lo>Saying:</wrap>

"We are all a pixel in the circle"

Demonyn Circlist
Religious Structure Circular
Founder YavinFive
Established unknown
Followers unknown
Holy Book None
Leader None


=== Circlism ===


Circlism is the belief that all living beings, from humans to horses, are a piece of a circle. The circle unifies all being, im the circle all creatures are one. To kill is to damage the circle, thereby damaging all living beings. To allow yourself to die is to damage the circle and all living beings. Only through a death without cause can a being be safely removed from the circle

The circle which all living beings reside is not truly a circle. A circle is infinate in sides, yet the cosmos is limited in lives. The circle which all living things reside is the Almost-Circle. Upon death the being ascends to a position in a new circle, the True-Circle, which is infinate in life and sides

Beings which are forcibly removed from the Almost-Circle will not ascend to the True-Circle, but instead are quickly removed and replaced back into the Almost-Circle. Only the beings which die without cause ascend to the True-Circle

Followers of Circlism are encouraged to love their fellow pixels, circlist or not all beings are still part of the circle. They are encouraged not to kill to avoid damaging the circle, but not to let themselves be killed. If some other being wants to kill you, run, hide, and as a last resort it is ok to kill them, for trying to damage the circle is an evil deed



To remind all beings of their place withen the circle, circlists are encouraged to construct Almost-Circle effigies around the world. These AC are to remind all beings of the circle, and to bring others to the circlist epithany. Circlists are encouraged build temples(preferably circular temples) , sacrifice objects(preferably circular objects) and enlighten non circlists, so that they too may appreciate the Circle

As of yet there is no holy book, people are encouraged to write circle themed books to fix this