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<WRAP center round info 40%> This is a page for notable players of Civcraft, please do not add yourself to this list. If you'd like a personal page consider creating a User page on the Wiki. See Alternate Accounts for a detailed list of Impersonators and Alts. A list of staff can be found here. </WRAP>


_dbb_ - Beloved diplomat, one of the founders of the Kingdom of Prussia. Bought the netherrail from Deliz_seemack, renaming it the Royal Prussian Railroads.


Berge403 - King Berge and his entire Kingdom of Grumpdolan were gradually becoming grumpers, Berge had requested a Honecker House in Aris, but Berge had already personally razed one in Aris, also Bills Queue was already too long to handle this before the Grumper exodus. Rustled a few jimmies in his time. (King of Gondolin)
Billwilliams - Grumpers founder and first Warlord, known on the server as "Builder of Honecker houses", author of a few stories: My Account of the Augustan Civil War and The Grumpers & The Camp. Later allied with HCF in order to destroy what he perceived as the racism that was corrupted "civcrap".
Bleeding-Madras - Professional Canadian, long time player and owner of multiple alt accounts. Notable recently due to his membership in the Gimmick Brigade.
Bodhidharma - LSIF eric holder, and co-founder of the LSIF with StraightFoolish, easy troll bait. Also one of the spiratual leaders of the LSIF, is pretty nice except when you troll him or you are a racist cunt around him.

Caiden06 - Former Mayor of Mt. Augusta., Founder of Megadetroit. A Mutualist.
c0c0nut - Master of P... splashable poison, drinkable poison, poison Patoto, PATOTO. also an excellent minstrel. (Soverign state of C0c0fort)
Chemistry35 - The new Admin Grumper, wrote many songs about none-grumpers in none-grumping situations. (Agora/New Agora)
chx - Had a city named chxville named after him, chx is an archetype of capitalism, profiting from arbitrage and ingenious business models. Doesn't like it when people kill kittens. Doesn't play very much, he was notable in /r/AncapMinecraft days.

DiamondReaper - Doesn't really do anything, just sits in a corner and does nothing. He is the leader of UMPR. He mostly makes empty threats and usually spends his time dying alot unintentionally in very short periods of time. Has been known at 1 point to die 8 times in 1 hour from non-player related reasons.
Dossier5 - Founded Columbia and Rapture.
Dr_Oracle - A researcher, the first possessed victim of the Turbocactus, durring his possession he murdered Personfrommars many times. (Liberty/Rapture/Tigerstaden)
dvanclev - Popular merchant, well known for popularising Liberty as a central hub for trade. Used the alternate account 'alex9002' for criminal activities.


Foofed - Foofed is a bot maintained by AI researchers that pearls griefers on the server. He is famous for punching people in their nerd ass necks, being the most prolific enforcer of justice and well known prison operator, with a really badass vault. Is the father of 2 babies, Anarcho and Capitalism.

Gezoerksel - Prussian, Recorded many songs and such of the Minstrels and Warlord (Prussian), founding member of Danzig.
Gordge - HCF member who pretended to be leader of HCF but didn't actually do stuff but make speeches and attack Tigerstaden.
GimmickBrigade - a user that represents the Gimmick Brigade, a group that did nothing wrong.

hpoom - The Ultimate roadbuilder. -"But who will build the roads?", "have you met hpoom?"
Hamster238 - The universeally despised lone horseman of the Apocalypse - Brought forth the end of Civcraft 1.0

iusethisforgood - Notorious for his extensive use of impersonator alternative accounts, and vigilante approach to justice, was banned for a few weeks for sprint hacking.

Juz16 - Second Warlord of the Grumpers, Causing the grumpers to have the first Succession in a Dynasty in Civcraft, lead the grumpers through dark times and prosperity. Herald and Translator. (Tigerstaden)

Karst1 - Founder of Tigerstaden and Tutum Bank. Part owner of Tutum Bank. (Tigerstaden)
Kempje - Well known griefer hunter famous for neutrality until he helped spark the final HCF invasion by pearling RKWildCard.
KisaruBandit - Highest member in the Path of Honecker, durring the sneak attack on Agraria, he saw past Lastsheeps distraction and conducted Bill to build the house on a plot... this The Honecker House is now the oldest and longest standing The Honecker House in the game. (Leader of Agraria)
Koentinius - Mapped the entire ++ quadrant, singlehandedly built and assisted in the construction of many buildings at Danzig and abroad, and dedicated wiki contributor.

Lucifielle - Queen of the End, purveyor of the finest meows. Got in a nasty fight with Ron Paul 2012.

Mandy - A former griefer and Islamic extremist, member of the former terrorist cell Al Kaowni, a group known for the destruction of Old Agora.
Manintime - Well-known arbitrator, wealthy player and notable griefer-hunter. A good writer and a pretty chill dude.
Matticus_Rex - Long-time player known for his wealth and generosity and notable griefer-hunter. Rumors say his excrement contains more wealth than several small countries, subscribes to the objective matticus theory of humor, mysteriously became less active when judge dredd appeared.
McFluffykins - Literally fluffy. Infamous griefer that was originally allied with his friends from HCSMP when they arrived on the server but later joined up with the WB vault group.
mrgagetron - First Sheriff of Columbia, notable griefer hunter.

NoxyD - Leader of the Pumpkin Jacks, the server's all-time most organized faction. He sold out to the man and got a real job, no longer plays.
NJplams - Griefer hunter, origianlly an assistant of Positronic, he soon got his own vault and started getting in on the game himself, known for his part in the pearling and vaulting of Bumpert, Yakman0's alt the last one with mod acces on the WB vault.

orthzar - Current Czar of Dance. Not very active in-game; mostly active on Mumble as a joke-killer and Mr. Apathy, when he is funny it is completely accidental. Whenever in-game, he is rather reclusive. The voice of reason whenever he is not trolling.

Personfrommars - Led Rome/Kizantium through it's golden ages when it had over 40 people. Completely destroyed Gerald on a gimmick alt group and main account (under the alias "ttk4") using cobble towers and stone pickaxes.
One of the most well known Grumpers, when he takes to the gerf is referred to as a "Force of Nature", Grumps so hard some lesser tolerant people hate the grumpers because of him, but he is a really warm hearted and great guy who turned from a malicious gerfer to a player who would give full trust to noobs. eventually turned to creating beautiful Grump Music and awesome Grumpimations. (Founder of Constantinople)
Positronic - A famous bounty hunter. Known to engage criminals in conversation before pearling them. Owner of Wonderland. Considered by many to be the best PVPer on the server.

Quicksilver991 - very large foogoot and griefer who needs to be punched in his nerd-ass neck.

rdhayes06 - First President of Columbia, leader during golden age of the Republic of Columbia.
Ron_Paul_2012_ - Long-standing member of Mt. Augusta and reputable griefer hunter. Cannot be downvoted.
Rourke750 - Dictator of Prisma, owned the longest lasting dictatorship which had almost no one in it. Owned an 7 core spider grinder.
rydenstrife - Second president of the Federal Assembly of Grand Territories and commander during the war between Duck City and the Federal Assembly.

Sami_Ghani - Third Member of the Grumpers, helped find many cities for Honequest, Former Mayor of Mt. Augusta, basically the most kick ass diplomat to ever exist (Mt Augusta). Also a kick ass admin.
Skillzor123 - founder of The Fourth Reich and now on eternal vacation in the Kingdom of Prussia.
Smackman0 - One of /r/civcraft's leading shitposters, after he was banned for allegedly colloborating in x-raying a vault of Foofed's, he has continued to haunt the users by complaining whenever the chance is given to him. Despite being banned, one of the few remaining HCF players who actually still care about the server. Swallowed a thesauras at birth and has been spewing vaccous platitudes ever since.
StraightFoolish - One of the spiritual leaders of the LSIF (Is not a mastermind nor does he control people), can be pretty chill unless he's not (abuser of unmentionable substances).
Strongman332 - Builder of the first large nether roads, a feat which earned him the nickname of "Road Jesus", and the founder of the Roadcrew. He was also formally a politician in Columbia, serving as Secretary of Transportation and Zoning under President rdhayes06, and as a Congressman of the Second Congress of Columbia under President Foofed. He was running for the position of President when the government was dissolved.

tanotron5000 - Founder and first president of the Federal Assembly of Grand Territories.
Tbeau1 - Founder of Liberty and Nine and owner of Nine Realty, the company that sells plots in Nine, notable ancap.
Teajizzle - Former Junior admin, senator of Myra, recently well known for owning the griefing account Inspectorbellend. Loves bedrock.
Timmy123180 - Music man that likes the same stuff as Billwilliams, therefore its good. Probably knows more 4chan memes then the rest of the server put together. Although ancap, he spend the majority of his time with the lsif. Him and bobpndrgn have a strange relationship.
Toastedspikes - The Sexiest Fgt of Civcraft, in close competition with LastSheep of Valenti, has a strange obsession with the colour pink and alcoholic beverages. Does nothing other than sell alcoholic beverages and throw empty bottles at fascists.
thecriminalmind - Extremely low key member of the Grumpers, He is actually the Co-Founder of the guild. A lovely arbitrator and despite his name is a kind soul and a Steward of Haven, (Founder of Amnesty)

Ursakar - Notable Prussian. Former Diplomat and parliament member of Prussia.

Viciovs - Formerly the Guardian of LSIF outposts, a nice guy who tends to be lit easily, and therefore would often get into troublesome situations.



Y_ankees - "Skillful" pvper, was a major power player in the HCF before he was found x-raying then banned. Has returned on a multitude of different accounts using vpns, but is alway busted beacuse of his utter incompetence, it's quite sad really.

ZaneTNT - An outstanding Marshall, formerly the most brutal gerfer of the server, a great warmhearted person who upon the commands to gerf for a good cause, becomes another "Force of Nature". Main character of the tragedy "Havana: From the sky, To the ground" and a major protagonist of the story "Grumping to the Moon and back again" (Communa, Founder of Havana)
ZombieLenin - Founder and leader of The Baratas Isles, and founder and previous leader of Leningrad and Buenos Aires. Political roleplayer, loved by all.