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This section lists organisations which do not fit into other categories such as factions, cities, religions and businesses. Most are nonprofit, meaning they do not turn a profit, and therefore do not expect to make any money from their operation at all. Some even lose money, and/or its members spend hundreds of hours on the work they do for their organisation.

Numerous organisations have been founded and operate in Civcraft. Many of which do very important work. Some of those include:

Organisation Name Goals
The Wander Association Promoting Safe Travel in Civcraft.
The Maester Alliance Recovering, preserving and distributing knowledge in the form of books.
The Civcraft Olympic Commitee Promoting the use of sport as a way of both entertainment and a way to achieve peace, in civcraft.
The Commonwealth Space Program To build spacecraft related builds and offer education on the real life counterparts.
The New Danzilona Hockey League To organise, promote and standardise the game of hockey.
The Farley War League r/FarleyWar To organise, promote and standardise sportive war games, to promote PVP mechanic changes and the use of rules in formal warfare between nations.