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The Valencia CommuneValencia
Note: Rails to Sky City and Aegina are proposed routes. The Rail to Mt. Augusta is complete and maintained.
Local Languages English
Demonyn Valencian
Leader Citizen Council
Establishment October, 2014
Population ~5
Location +,+
Subreddit /r/ValenciaCommune



The Valencia Commune is an autonomous worker-managed commune located on an Island off the coast of the Cairdeas continent in the +, +. Valencia primarily farms and produces goods for its own sustainment as a community. Its population generally remains within the Commune, farming and mining without conflict.

The Commune

The Valencia Commune shares all resources, allowing public access to funds, equipment, infrastructure, etc. The only personal property allowed is a neighborhood of free plots for residents. Farms, mines, factories and public infrastructure is housed in communal buildings with access allowed for all Valencians.


Valencia was founded by hughwoodbury and Glabmo following the decline of Aurora and renewed interest in civcraft. Glabmo and Hugh recruited the first three permanent residents shortly after, and constructed infrastructure, roads and buildings necessary to sustain the Commune.

The first large-scale infrastructural project was a long rail from Valencia to Mt. Augusta, completed in December, 2014. The rail allowed access of foreigners to the Commune, as well as facilitating trade and foreign aid from the Commune to Mt. Augusta. Mt. Augusta soon became one of Valencia's closest friends in the quadrant.

In late November, 2014, the continent of Cairdeas' alliance was reformed for the purpose of Valencia's and Cairdeas' representation on world maps. The continent was comprised of Sky City, Megaton and Portus Magnus, small towns located in the shallow +, + during the early months of 2.0. Valencia, an autonomous Anarchist Commune, simply appropriated the title of the Cairdeas Federation to facilitate representation and communication with larger cities. The Federation granted the right of any town, commune, or community of any size or political affiliation to secede. As of January, 2015, the only community to do so has been the Southwest Cairdeas Autonomous Zone.

In January, the Cairdeas Federation was dissolved due to the inactivity of any other member states and the desire of Valencia to pursue a more autonomous identity and structure.