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Holy Kingdom of Spainland
Capital NewMadrid
Official Languages English, JAJA, Spanish, Memes
Demonyn Spanish, JAJA, Spainlander
Government Monarchy
Governing Body House of madrid and Junta Madrid
Establishment 22/3/15
Population 4-5
Abbreviation Hispa



Founded in early 2015 Spainland is one of the few nations in civcraft who can withstand being next to white-nationalists to the north and gun extremism to the south considering the fact that it is full of minorities.

  • Provinces

Spainland has three provinces including:

Communidad Nuevo Madrid: Houses the Capital New Madrid

Las colonias: Home of Spainland's Cactus production

__ Condado Bolivia__: Home of Spainland's Coco farms, Polynesia also from time to time operates the farms and has set up farms it is more of a communal land in chanada were Polynesian and Spainland Farmers work happily together for a greater chanada.

  • Conflicts/wars

First Spanish Civil War Failed Coup of TheSavysj. Motives: Rick was passive towards members of a southern town that was hostile to Spainland's Sovereignty. Winner: Loyalist Victory

Spain-K conflicts Low intensity conflict that was started when government members of Kountry, especially Prind12 was sending threats towards spainland. Winner: None lol

CLA Conflict See Catpeterism Winner: CLA political Victory

Government Military Victory

MirConflict Role played: Organized defensive operations including the CDC, made most of the Propaganda.