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City State
Local Languages Anders, Español, English
Demonyn Polipiapan
Government Theocratic Diarchy
Kings Vulturelord, Grampavulture
Lord Gazear
Establishment November 2014
Population 8
Abbreviation P
Location +9500, -9600
Subreddit /r/civcraft_poligred



Poligred is a city-state located at (+9500, -9600). It was founded by Vulturelord and Grampavulture as a theocratic diarchy. The city-state exists as its own sovereign entity for the time being, however possible affiliation with other sovereign states and territories is unclear.


No current historical data available.

City services and features

Poligred is dwindling in current facilities for its population, However public facilities do exist. These public facilities are generally taken care of by the Kings themselves, and seem to be regulated by unspoken forms of law.

Naval Yard

A public naval yard exists in Poligred, where foreigners and civilians are allowed to dock. Near the dock, which is constructed from oak wood, is a small dock house which provides boats for travellers who wish to explore the local waterways or make passage via ocean to other city-states. The Naval Yard is one of the most advanced and costly facilities offered in Poligred.


A public roadway was constructed in the early hours of the city-state's formation. This roadway was constructed of cobblestone and appears to be the only path linking the few buildings in the city.


In Poligred, there is a small reserve for local wildlife that has been ordained to be used as a food source by King Grampavulture. The reserve has been taken care of by local residents however there are no known amounts of food to have been taken from the pen.


A public mountain passage exists for the residents of Poligred, those who wish to travel to the city's upper levels may do so by taking the spiral staircase to arrive at their destination. The mountain pass leads to multiple levels, the most notable being the final level at the top of the mountain which connects to the farming community of Poligred. This area is primarily built of stone and has been moving toward planting a self sufficient woodfarm at the top via spruce trees.

Notable Events

No events yet

Laws and Justice

All forms of regulations come from Huedist law. This religious law is generally viewed to be rather conservative and a bit less tolerant than other laws. The Huedist list of laws were said to be given to the Holy Man, Hassani who attempted to implement them into his own kingdom before being murdered by a neighboring kingdom.

The Laws of Poligred are publicly posted on three great tablets near one of the walkways. These tablets are avaliable in all of the three official languages of Poligred, and were implemented under the command of King Vulturelord. The erection of the tablets was a small project only involving a few workers, however the process in which involved marking signs in their respective languages was rather difficult as the Kings themselves were to oversee the translation process, limiting as many errors as possible.