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LightbarrowThe lightest barrow is the one we lift together
The Territory of Lightbarrow
Local Languages English
Demonym Barrows
Governor ReformedCreeper1
Establishment December 2013
Population ~7
Abbreviation Lb
SubReddit r/CivcraftLightbarrow
Founders ReformedCreeper1, meesathinks


= Lightbarrow =

Lightbarrow is a Territory of the Nation of Fellowship. It is the site of the Lightbarrow Cooperative, as well as some of the Fellowship government's industrial and farming infrastructure.


Lightbarrow began in December 2013 when ReformedCreeper1, a recent immigrant to Fellowship after the collapse of Aurora, created a small walled area on the plains east of the Hexagon. He invited a fellow Aurora, meesathinks, to come to Fellowship and start a farm with him. A small wheat farm was built within the walled area, not even large enough for a single wood cauldron run per harvest. Soon, however, the two founders realized this was no way to farm and began expanding the farm. They acquired animals to begin harvesting their meat, built a small workshop building that still stands today, and opened a small shop at ReformedCreeper1's plot in the Hexagon.

Soon, scramble0 and his friends OPMC and Nimrit were invited to join the fledgeling Lightbarrow Co-Op, as it was called. They continued to work and expand the farms, though the Co-Op remained a meager non-botting wood cauldron operation.

Soon though, scramble0 and other members of the Co-Op began constructing the farms necessary to run a diamond cauldron. In the coming weeks and months, Lightbarrow acquired a much larger Hexagon plot and became a major local XP producer. Sintralin and vinovin15 joined the Co-Op during this time.

Over time, Lightbarrow's members drifted in and out of inactivity, and competing XP producers went into business. However, Lightbarrow still stands today prouder than ever.

Laws and Government

For most of its existence, Lightbarrow operated as an informal cooperative. All its members worked the farms together, and proceeds from shop sales were divided according to how much work each member had done.

Today, Lightbarrow is a Territory within the Nation of Fellowship. It is under Fellowship's protection and recognizes the authority of the Fellowship government, but has complete control of its internal affairs and operates under the principles of Mutualism. The Territory itself is governed by the Lightbarrow Cooperative Charter.

Notable Features

Important features of Lightbarrow include:

  • The Fellowship portal farm. Fellowship's is one of the largest on the server and is heavily used by trusted Fellowship citizens.
  • The Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Library, or merely the Lightbarrow Library. It was recently finished, and will soon open as a public library that will lend books to the people of Fellowship.

Notable Figures

Although all of Lightbarrow's members have made great contributions to Fellowship, a few specifically have distinguished themselves as members of the Fellowship government:

  • meesathinks, former Minister of Defense
  • sintralin, former Representative Diarch, former Interim Soverign Diarch
  • ReformedCreeper1, current Representative Diarch, current Governor of Lightbarrow, former Minister of Economics