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// April 13th - October 30th 2015 //
Official Flag of the Kountry File:/towns/fic hfrm8.jpg
Country Chanada
Capital Kompound
Demonyn Komrade, Komrade's, Operator & Operator's
Establishment 4/13/15
Official Languages English

Auto, Semi & Safe
Very bad Russian and various others

Form of Government Democratic Council
President Syncrates
Vice President www66
Population 99 total, about 25 active
Anthem We Like Guns


Foundation of Kountry

The idea of creating a city for the weapons boards had been around since the arrival of channers on the server, but all prior attempts had been short lived and unsuccessful. Undaunted the founders of the Kountry resolved to see a successful city built. On 4/13/15 a thread went up on 8chan calling for Komrades to help with a new attempt at a town. The call was answered by a large group of Komrades including KnealzNeely, Raquito, Sanshiium, Prind12, Gecko49, Miknarib and ApolloNexius. This Group would later on come to be known as the founders. With the amount of komrades coming onto CivCraft the other Chanadians realized this was the best shot a /k/ town had of actually getting of the board and on the ground. With /k/ being another board they of course suggested that the town be built in Chanada and so the group of operators slowly made their way to Chanada. Once assembled the group of Komrades and Chanadians began to scout for a spot to have /k/ call home. They found it in a NPC village within FAGGT territory to the south of Spainland and east of Akihabara. Within the village a sight appeared to confirm that it was home for the operators. Next to a wood house was a black cube covered in weapons, ammo and tools. The grass had been scorched by its presence. The MurderKube itself had blessed the town and at once all doubt went out the window, this was home to /k/. The next few days saw the village turn into what is today the main settlement and capital of the Kountry; the town of Kompound. Roads and rails went down, houses went up, a trench was begun, shops opened for business and maps were drawn up. The population grew over time and it was soon obvious that a government would be necessary for the future of Kountry.

Leadership & Government

Early on a vote was held as to who should be leader of the Kountry. It was agreed by the masses of the Kompound that the leader would be a president. The vote was held tribal style with a simple show of hands the first president was KnealzNeely with Rasquito being voted in as his Vice-President. It was this first administration that set up much of what the government of the Kountry is today. It was decided by the masses that the governing body would be that of a council which would pass legislative and judicial decisions. The president and vice-president would be given the executive powers. The council meet and a constitution was drafted up. After debate and several redrafts the constitution was signed by the president, vice president and councilmen. The Konstitution became Law. As a part of the debate it was decided that leader elections would be held every month. This means that Kompound has had a fluid leadership. The different administrations are as followed.

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Kountry Leadership
President Vice President Length of Administration
KnealzNeely Rasquito 2 weeks
Prind12 Gecko49 1 month
Syncrates Sanshiium 1 month
Syncrates Pastrie300 1 month
Syncrates KnealzNeely 1 month
Syncrates www66 To the end of Kountry


The council of Kountry has also gained specific positions within the government besides the standard councilmen that all Kountry citizens hold. These positions include Head of Defense, Head of Trade, Head of XP, Head of Farming and Head of Construction. These position are held by different members of the council at any time depending on the circumstances.

Towns & Defenses

The Kountry has a few settlements scattered throughout the land of the Kube but the Kountry has one main city that works as its capital and main settlement. This is the Kompound and from starting as a NPC village it has become a large well defended city with different housing districts and all manner of shops, fixed housing for newfriends, arena’s, farm’s, Monuments, and railroad and ice road stations with arrivals from Xiphias, Spainland, Polynesia and Versailles to the North; Akihabara and Rocktagon to the West; Titan to the South.

Other major settlements within the Kountry include the Port of Kountry and the Snow Fortress. The Port of Kountry is a series of two maritime centers separated into commercial and military uses. This area houses the Kube Kathedral, several homes, and a fishing pier. The Snow Fortress is was an ancient ruin left behind by the dwarden people who inhabited the land in the times before humans. It was transformed into a fortress by the komrades in the early months of the Kountry. The Snow Fortress area contains farms, and a few homes.

As Kompound is the capital city it also has a series of major physical defenses. It is these large projects that have become a staple of Kountry’s reputation in Chanada. The two largest of them are Nomad’s Wall and the Trench. Nomad’s Wall started when a user known as www66 began outlining a project In early march of 2015 known as “Nomad’s Wall”.

Phase 1: Construction began with a 2 high 1 thick brick outlining wall, then as the shape of the wall was fixed into place with the guidance of the user KnealzNeely.

Phase 2:Over the coming month, www66 and user NomadAlex dug a 10 block 4 block wide trench around the wall, the wall was also raised towards its final height, being reinforced and widened to two blocks thick.

Phase 3: The wall was downgraded to 1 thick due to complications by KnealzNeely, the team of 3 began to reinforce and finish building the wall up to 86y [26 blocks high].

Phase 4. NomadAlex and www66 dug the trench deeper, KnealzNeely worked on the battlements and entrances. In late may www66 and NomadAlex took an extended break from wall construction, leaving the whole of /k/ to slowly dig the trench down to bedrock.

Phase 5. August 5th, 2015, the trench was finished, however the battlements remain to be completed. Phase 6 is the completion of the walls battlements. [Construction was interrupted by the mir conflict, /k/’s walls used as housing for non-combatants and defenses solidified to an almost impenetrable level.

History of Kountry