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Havenaka Candyland
Neutral Meritocratic Capcoms
Flag of Haven
Demonyn Havenite
Subreddit CivHaven
Directors Intellectual Hobo


Deputies Deadycrafter


Establishment March 2012
Population 73
Abbreviation Ha
Location -6798,-4640



Haven is a medium-large Capitalist-Communalist, Meritocracy located underground and is the oldest continuously occupied city in Civcraft. It was founded by LvMBastiat, Mrs_Bastiat, and IntellectualHobo on the principle that it should be a safe place for anyone on the server, including wanted criminals. Because of this, it is viewed unfavorably by most bounty-hunters. However, Haven's residents are friendly, prosperous, and welcoming, and friction due to Haven's harboring of griefers rarely arises. Theft and griefing are quite rare in Haven relative to other cities of its size; this is perhaps because of its kind treatment of griefers.

As with most old cities, Haven has gone through many periods of relative activity and decline. In it's active times it it kept in an eclectic, hiddeldy-piggeldy condition by the attention of it's residents, and during inactive times is often visited by looters who lovingly add to it's eclectic charm.

During all times Haven's spirit lives in the hearts and better natures of all Civcraftians!

Haven's National Anthem --


Reposted with permission from this historical archive. A brief history by co-founder IntellectualHobo:

Haven, there and back again in the best of times and the worst of times in a galaxy far far away

"To not include the entire city as one living, breathing entity would be a mistake. Haven can feel like a jumble of things thrown together in a cavern and shaken up, but the beauty lies within the chaos. The naturalistic manner in which the city is set into the rock is incredible, and the colorful use of wool gives the place a Candyland feel." - Sami Ghani

Where do I begin with Haven? I could start with the Haven of map 1.0 before the Great Reset or I could start with the Haven of the First HCF War or perhaps the Haven of map 2.0. All are the same Haven, just merely Haven at different times in her life.

Haven is really what you make of it. To some, we are a Haven for griefers, criminals and scum. To others we are a center of culture, fun, and warmth. Or we could look at the politics of Haven which is a defining factor of what has made Haven special.

We strive in Haven to be apolitical on a server about politics. In this way we've attempted to usurp the political flows of the server (Ancaps and Libsocs mostly in 1.0 and now the rise of statists in 2.0) by resisting all outside influences and self-defining our own politics. To this end around the creation of Haven we attempted to develop a very non-standardized, enigmatic, form of "government" where it was less about governing and more about developing a culture that can self-govern itself with minimal oversight from any sort of "governing" body.

To protect this independent culture we established a strict code of neutrality. This code of neutrality would later become one of the few strictly upheld laws of Haven. It has been said as a semi-jokingly in the past but Haven is essentially the Switzerland of Civcraft. In time the culture of Haven and it's neutrality (similar to the cantons of Switzerland) needed a centralized body of sorts to protect it and that's where the Board of Directors comes in.

The Board of Directors was an attempt by myself, the other Founders of the city, and many of the other prominent members of Haven to protect Haven and provide basic services whilst simultaneously directing the city of Haven's resources into both domestic and international charities. The establishment of Haven's Board turned Haven into something of a large benevolent corporation that owns a city.

The land and much of the starting funds were donated almost entirely by the first founder of Haven LvMBastiat and his wife Mrs. Bastiat. thecriminalmind and I were the first residents and helped lay the foundations of the city, a city for which it was decided would reside almost entirely underground. This decision to remain underground led to some quite fascinating design choices for personal residents and public works. thecriminalmind's first house was made entirely of iron blocks which was to the best of my mind never truly robbed!

The city was, and still is in its current form today, divided into districts where the owner of each district had the say over the development of each district. Above ground this might mean a bunch of ugly squares with roads dividing them but no not in Haven. Districts were all kinds of shapes and sizes. One district from Haven 1.0 was made entirely out of wool! Another had an amazing skylight and was titled "Beverly Hills"! In Haven 2.0 we have one only a few blocks from a river that has thecriminalmind's face pixelart-ed into the ceiling!

Each district has its own "flair" to it and once entering Haven for the first time its practically illegal NOT to get lost in the wonderful mess that is Haven!

It is a difficult to fully explain such a wonderful city with such a rich history in one mere post but I hope that I have done a decent job for you fine folk. Come check us out sometime! /r/CivHaven


Landmarks and Surroundings

Home of the World Renowned and, oft copied, Chicken Piano. Also home of the LSIF H-Dome Spleef Arena and Maydragon Commune.


Haven's economy is mostly subsistence based with both large public and private farms marking the surface area above the city.

Recently Haven cooperated with two other cities in the minus minus region on an infrastructure project known as the H.O.E. (Haven-Orion-Etherium) Initiative. This Initiative was a joint infrastructrure project between the cities of Haven, Orion, and Etherium to develop the region's first Netherfactory. The project was a sucesses and the HOE Netherfactory was created. For the sake of convenience for all three cities, and after the Haven Board of Directors declined to host the factory and Etherium threatened to create their own and shut out both Haven and Orion from it, it was decided that the HOE Factory would be located in Orion's central station. The technical owner of the HOE is the Haven Board of Directors but the Board is more than happy to share access to the factory to all inhabitants of the Minus Minus and beyond. The Board maintains the stance that the Factory will only ever be closed in the event of an extreme emergency and threat to the residents of Haven, Orion, Etherium, or the factory itself.

Notable Residents

DYDOMITE, IntellectualHobo, Ace_of_Knaves, bobpndrgn, thecriminalmind, gbro107, and tealnerd.