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Country Grundeswald
Province State of Fortytwo
Official Languages English


Demonyn Fortytwoth, 42er
Government Semi-Autocratic Republic
Lord Proprietor Kaiwren
Anthem Vierzwei Marschiert
Establishment 19th May, 2013
Population 0

</WRAP> The City of 42 is the hoofstad (capital) of the State of Fortytwo, an autonomous province of the Kingdom of Grundeswald. It is quite possibly the oldest locale on the server that has been continuously actively claimed, but has largely remained out of the public eye in most ways.



42 was founded on the very first day of Civcraft 2.0 by Contract_ as a small lumber camp, with Caiden and some others arriving shortly thereafter. From there, 42 quickly developed into a small town, forming the core of what 42 is today.

The Breslau Incident

While on her way to New Leningrad (and, due to a silly mistake, headed in the completely wrong direction), Kaiwren passed through the peninsula 42 is built on while its forest was aflame due to a lightning strike. While there was no snitch evidence she had started the blaze, there was evidence of her passing through while it was in progress, and so a dispute arose between the inhabitants of 42 and the Prussians, which group Kaiwren was part of at the time, as the former accused her of griefing their lumber operation. No real settlement was reached, and the incident was begrudgingly forgotten by the 42ers.

Incorporation into Grundeswald

Some time during 2013, the settlement at 42 was abandoned by its inhabitants, though some continued to actively lay claim to it. By September of the same year, the Kingdom of Grundeswald was proactively making a claim to both 42 and the land around it. This caused some controversy, but on 13th January, an agreement was reached, and 42 as well as the entire Fortytwoth Peninsula was formally incorporated into Grundeswald as an autonomous city-state. <WRAP right>

Statue of Catta