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<WRAP left round important 40%> If you have been falsely alt banned then contact modmail with your answers to the form below.

Alt List Repair Form


= Alternate Accounts and Alt Bans =

Civcraft uses an automated system to find and prevent the use of alternate accounts to escape pearling. Any account you have ever used to log onto Civcraft is considered your alt and the system may create a chain of associations between accounts detected as your alts and other accounts regardless of other factors.

When a player has two accounts pearled, they will be restricted two logging into only the (initial) two pearled accounts. The rest of that player's alt list will be alt banned. It is not uncommon for false positives to result in a player being falsely alt banned.

= Preventing False Associations =

To avoid false associations, avoid all of the following:

  1. Connecting with a VPN/proxy/tor active
  2. Connecting from public wireless network
  3. Using cracked accounts
  4. Connecting from a server hosting provider (Counts as VPN)
  5. Sharing accounts
= Fixing False Alt Bans =

As mentioned previously, false positives happen quite often. If you try to connect and receive a message stating "You have too many imprisoned accounts" then you are alt banned. If you don't have two accounts pearled or get the message on an account that you should be able to connect with then then contact modmail with your answers to the form below.

<WRAP left round alert 60%> **Warning: ** Connecting with a shared/cracked account will make it very difficult to fix your alts accounts. Make sure you remember every single account you used, but better yet don't use shared/cracked accounts at all! </WRAP>

Alt List Repair Form

Please make sure you use correct capitalization on all character names. We would also encourage you to format your answer for readability. Please make sure to answer all questions completely and correctly.

1. What is your account name? 
2. What alts do you have?
3. Who has access to your account(s)? 
4. What accounts do you have access to? 
5. Was your account previously stolen or on a list of cracked accounts?
6. Which of these account(s) are currently pearled (if any)? Which were recently pearled?
7. Are other players using the same connection as you?
8. Do you play in a public place?
9. Have you used a public proxy or vpn? If so, which one?