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<WRAP right 350px>

In Game Username clone2204
Alternative Nicknames Clone
Publicly known alts Geddy_ _Lee

Neil_ _Peart
that other guy in Rush
Languages English

other??? idk

Residence Xanadu maybe? is it like a city or estate or just a vault? not sure
Political Ideology CivCraft: Pearl on Sight

Real World: no clue

Professions Owner of Xanadu

Professional qt


Clone2204, or Clone, is the qt warden/tyrant of Xanadu prison (a position now shared by Rekvia. Or something like that.) He holds the dubious distinctions of having his own "fuck clone" brigade and having the most negative peterpoint count of any registered peterpoint recipient, due primarily to his extended holding of the pearl of Our Lord Catpeter.

Questions about sexuality

During the Bloodcrew HCF invasion clone's sexuality came into question. The HCF raiders demanded that towns which did not want to be raided erect signs saying "Clone is gay." Many towns complied even though Clone contested the statement.