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Bembezi-Yevulu Democratic Liberation Army

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Capital Geldfontein (proclaimed)
Official Languages Yevulu
Demonym Yevulu
Type Paramilitary Organisation
Leader William Ngbulu
Establishment May 21st, 2015
Strength ~5


The Bembezi-Yevulu Democratic Liberation Army (BYDLA) is a paramilitary/terrorist organisation that aims to establish a Yevulu state in the Yev-Majority territories of Grundeswald.


Grundeswald began negotiations to cede the ancestral Yevulu homeland of Bembezi to the Holy Krautchan Empire as an Imperial Territory. The Yevulu population, having signed various treaties with Grundeswald, protested the transfer as they feared their ancient rights would be violated.

The Empire expressed its intentions for the land of Bembezi, with no regard made for the well-being of the Yevulus. They would be forcibly relocated to another section of the Empire and given a meagre sum as compensation. One Yevulu, William Ngbulu, refused to be moved and declared an independent Yevulu state.


The Republic of Bembezi claims the Grundeswegian states of Bembezi-Deco, Helfontein, and the northernmost district of Helfontein y Negros. This area is a mountainous plain, and is considered the ancestral homeland of the Yevulu people.

File:/groups/other/claimed bydla.png
The Republic of Bembezi in red, within the Kingdom of Grundeswald in green.