Civ Law Standard

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CivServers are usually servers where the laws are being enforced by the players using the Mechanics and Plugins.

although most of the actions you take in CivServers won't be punishable by the staff team there are a few laws that (most) nations will pearl you for doing them.

Those rules are:
  • Pearling/Killing an innocent player - Pearling a player for no doing an offense (especially the ones with good relations with other players/nations)
  • Raiding - Raiding/Breaking into peoples bases/nations
  • Trespassing - Most nations allow players to enter their lands but those nations sometime have restricted areas and there might be some nations that disallow entrace to their land entirely.
  • Placing blocks without permission - When you build you should have some common sense because some players won't like you placing blocks (especially reinforced ones) in some areas. placing reinforced obsidian without permission will most likely get you in trouble and in many cases this can even be seen as an act of war [1]