CivClassic Portal: Difference between revisions

fix some imagemap links
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m (fix some imagemap links)
Line 3:
circle 410 147 35 [[Lexington|Lexington]]
circle 428 198 12 [[End Citidel|End CitidelCitadel]]
circle 284 209 45 [[Columbia|Columbia]]
circle 219 238 25 [[Box News|Box News]]
circle 108 327 62 [[SPQR|SPQR]]
circle 656 166 19 [[Nipplerock|Nipplerock]]
circle 685 238 32 [[USA|USA]]
circle 556 351 40 [[OWL|OWLOrder of the White Lotus]]
circle 672 425 24 [[NEA|NEANorth East Alliance]]
circle 716 424 10 [[Calon|Calon]]
circle 539 422 22 [[Nevada|NEVADA]]
circle 565 401 9 [[Nyasland|NyaslandNyasaland]]
circle 366 576 38 [[Sovia|Sovia]]
circle 453 603 41 [[Zesteros|ZesterosZestroso]]
circle 516 496 41 [[Verda|Verda]]
circle 457 530 38 [[WayRest|Wayrest]]
circle 450 419 61 [[Gensokyo|Gensokyo]]
circle 402 391 16 [[TvTopia|Tvtopia]]
circle 258 340 75 [[Impasse|Impasse]]
circle 224 440 49 [[TdC|TdCTierra de Conciencia]]
circle 53 426 36 [[Konigs|KongigsKönigsberg]]
circle 123 524 106 [[Holy jadedJaded Empire|HJE]]
circle 256 578 21 [[Jumpism|Jumpism]]
circle 211253 604615 3411 [[MtA|MtAWalton incident]]
circle 253174 615658 1152 [[Walton incident|Walton incidentCommonwealth]]
circle 174211 658604 5234 [[Commonwealth|CommonwealthMount Augusta]]
circle 113 707 30 [[Nymph|Nymph]]
circle 171 712 22 [[Southshire|Southshire]]
circle 212 792 20 [[CSR|CSRCasanuela]]
circle 386 279 38 [[WIP|LexLexington City]]
circle 269 812 15 [[Airhaven|Airhaven]]
circle 238 834 29 [[Resimare|Resimare]]
circle 210 732 13 [[Nudist Beach|Nudist Beach]]
circle 247 785 9 [[Vsiz|VsizVzis]]
circle 244 771 16 [[Vallera|Vallera]]
circle 247 698 15 [[Yoahtl|Tulpa]]
circle 417 708 43 [[Okashina|Okashina]]
circle 443 743 30 [[Vinland|Vinland]]
circle 327 737 76 [[Yoahtl|Yoahtl]]
circle 430 827 30 [[Pacem|Pacem]]
circle 411 777 17 [[AncapWIP|Ancapistan]]
circle 505 829 22 [[Medwedia|Medwedia]]
circle 727 477 47 [[Iria|Iria]]
circle 785 513 42 [[Anguish|Anguish]]
circle 760 603 64 [[Mir|Mir]]
circle 798 458 9 [[WIP|Somber warWar incidentsIncidents]]
circle 638 453 19 [[Apolia|Apolia]]
circle 595 443 36 [[Garudistan|GarudistanGarundistan]]
circle 604 590 41 [[Pripyat|Pripyat]]
circle 658 597 44 [[u3p|U3P]]
circle 349 861 75 [[Falstadt|Falstadt]]
circle 62 639 19 [[WIP|Zen gardening for beginners]]
circle 442 891 21 [[WIP|Academic achievments]]
circle 539 889 35 [[Laconia|Laconia]]
circle 520 219 12 [[I see you hovering over random map area|I see you hovering over random map]]
rect 574 902 653 930 [[Squareblob|squareblobSquareblob made this]]
poly 777 761 713 780 670 835 663 873 661 899 669 929 670 931 672 932 823 929 824 765 818 761 [[CivClassic|CivClassic]]
poly 1194 812902 35166 783861 7288 776867 8981 784875 10378 792884 13168 816898 14562 840905 14961 860921 14963 891928 126 932 2189 930 -1195 884919 [[Civcraft|CivcraftDevoted]]
poly 1941 902812 16635 861783 8872 867776 8189 875784 78103 884792 68131 898816 62145 905840 61149 921860 63149 928891 189126 932 2 930 195-1 919884 [[Devoted|DevotedCivcraft]]
rect 155 268 196 284 [[WIP|Has this joke gotten stale yet?]]
poly 698 526 653 541 648 498 671 481 682 497 [[WIP|Join]]
circle 624 754 7 [[WIP|DontDon't I have a dropchest somewhere around here?]]
circle 508 354 5 [[Ham|Ham. was here]]
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