Chan Town

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Revision as of 05:46, 12 March 2022 by Miloski1 (talk | contribs) (disclaimer)
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Chan Town is the current nickname for a town situated in the sub-Saharan climate of the world.


This town is made up of certain players who are considered edgy in what they say and build in the server. In March 2022, this group of people have been notorious to a couple of nations in the VintageCiv server for causing problems with another player from another nation. Their base was recently raided by a solo player who did it in retaliation against what they did to that player, which was them locking him and shackling him in a basement in their base, and the raid on the base was also in part due to that player feeling strongly against what they build and say in the server. The town that was raided says the raider broke a peace treaty in what he did.

[Please feel free to continue to update this entry in a neutral and civil way]