Bigunit System

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The Bigunit System is a system of units mainly created by MinersHavenM43 and used in Weirdscraftland. The base units, in imperial, are derived from multiplying the ID of the user's first Scratch Project with the ID of the user, usually a Weirdscratchr.

Base units

Quantity Name Symbol Value (imperial) Value (SI) User
Length bigline bl 1576047413256240 mi 2536402448239450306.56 m Vejou
Time bigtime bt 993172688135680 h 3575421677288448000 s
Mass bigweight bw 95667659405049 lb 43394120361888.96587613 kg BlueDerv
Electric charge big'lectron be 19404880521858111 e e 0.00845115075 C MinersHavenM43

Derived units

Quantity Name Symbol Value (SI)
Area bigsquare bS 6.43333738×1036
Volume bigblock bB 1.63175327×1055
Speed bigspeed bs 0.70939953 m/s
Acceleration big'celeration ba 1.98410032×10−19 m/s²
Force bigpush bp 8.60982878×10−6 N
Energy big'nergy bE 2.18379908×1013 J
Potency bigpower bP 6.10780847×10−6 W
Electric current bigcurrent bc 2.36367945×10−21 A
Electric tension bigvolt bV 2.58402570×1015 V