Annexation of New Detroit Treaty

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New Detroit treaty
Annexation of New Detroit Treaty
The full treaty
Signed5th August, 2014
FormatA google docs file
Expiration1st September, 2014

The Annexation of New Detroit Treaty allowed New Detroit to be annexed by Grundeswald. It was signed on the 5th of August, 2014 and went into immediate effect, it however expired around the 1st of September 2014 when New Detroit became autonomous and the Kingdom of Gensokyo was created.


Offer to permit annexation
The State of New Detroit, hereafter referred to as New Detroit have determined that within their best interests, to permit 
annexation of New Detroit into the Kingdom of Grundeswald, hereafter referred to as Grundeswald.

If all terms are agreed upon, annexation would occur immediately.

a) The Most Honourable Autocrat of New Detroit, Screenname, hereafter referred to as Screenname, is to be granted full status as 
a citizen of the Kingdom of Grundeswald and immunity from prosecution for any activities prior to annexation.

b) Screenname will be recognized as the sole autocrat of New Detroit, with the State of Detroit, consisting of New Detroit City, 
and the City of Jericho, joining the Kingdom of Grundeswald as an autonomous state within the Kingdom. 

c) Screenname will be subject to all international laws of the Kingdom of Grundeswald.

d) Grundeswald will recognize New Detroit’s labor holidays, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 
and Sunday.

Autocrat of the State of New Detroit.

Viceroy of the Kingdom of Grundeswald

*Note: Document is null until stamped by the official seal of the State of New Detroit.