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In February 2014, wing was at the centre of the DZF's dispute with the neighbouring town of [[Melonwood|Monaco]], which occupied DZF land in what Danzilonans deemed an illegal seizure due to there not being a vote on its forfeiture. wing regularly protested for the return of the land to the DZF on its border with Monaco, and for his efforts he was pearled by the Monacans when they invaded NDZ on February 23, 2014.<ref></ref>The Monacans continued to grief the DPNCCR frequently due to its proximity, and although the Danzilonans eventually pearled the Monacan leaders, wing felt he and his citizens were not fairly compensated. This led to wing and his fellow Disciples of Ranubis to declare independence from NDZ city jurisdiction while still remaining in the DZF.<ref></ref> The city's independence was generally well received by the Danzilonans, and the DPNCCR experienced a subsequent renaissance in activity. During this renaissance in March and April of 2014, the new district of Venice was built, along with a railway to NDZ and a church of Ranubis in NDZ's city centre.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>This renaissance culminated in wing's coronation as King of DPNCCR, a position he held in all but name up until now, in April 2014.<ref></ref>
This reinaissance ended in May 2014 when religious conflict arose between followers of Oberon in New Danzilona and the Disciples of Ranubis. They had snuffed out a flame of Ranubis in the DPNCCR, which wing and friends responded to by burning down the Oberon church in NDZ.<ref></ref> wing took this as simple roleplay and did not take it seriously, but many Danzilonans did and so seriously criticised wing. This was largely the final straw for wing and many other residents of the DPNCCR, manyculminating in wingnut declaring full independence.<ref></ref> This act, however, was largely not taken seriously by the majority of whichDanzilonans, and, seeing the futility of the situation, many in the DPNCCR went inactive thereafter. wing openly expressed his extreme frustration with what he perceived to be other players' lack of interest in the roleplaying aspect of Civcraft, and himself took a break for a few weeks,. and whenWhen he returned, hehis attitude towards stoppedpolitics playingon the gameserver particularlywas seriouslymuch less serious, and he let the DPNCCR fall into inactivity, choosing to prioritze spending time and rebuilding relationships with his friends in Danzilona. Over the summer, he built and spent time in an artificial island resort with some friends and the Danzilonans who set up holiday homes there.<ref></ref>In August, wing helped build NDZ's new treasury and was made the official assistant of the treasurer, who for that month was also a fellow resident of the DPNCCR.<ref></ref>
Owing to the permanent inactivity of the DPNCCR following the end of the summer, wing advocated for it to become a territory of NDZ once again in September 2014, which it then did.<ref></ref>After that, wing played very infrequently but remained in the Danzilonan online community and posted memes on its subreddit throughout 2015.<ref></ref>