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== Summary of the Course of the War ==
The War of the Isles was a short-lived conflict (lasting less than a day) between the Kingdom of [[Norlund]] and the indigenous group known as the [[Isles]] over the fate of the former [[SPQR]] colonies in the [[New world]].
The Senate and People of Rome chose to abandon their beleaguered colonies in the [[New world]], with the Treaty of Kingsluund<ref>https://docs.google.com/document/u/3/d/e/2PACX-1vQm4v9QyV1ueN-z4YhlhkB2AQi2j7Yb1UTHWEt3Hy865Y1AGB15YprwytV2_vXYwNIz1u5u5STw4tyG/pub</ref> on the 3rd of August 2020. Article I of the treaty established the Roman design to “cede all Roman territory in the new world of Kingsluund to the Kingdom of Norlund”. Article II of the treaty stipulated that Norlund would “allow S.P.Q.R. to mine for tin in their claims”. This reciprocal arrangement created the foundation upon which Norlund would attempt a second colonial expedition, following the previous disaster in the [[Norlundic Bush War]] which led to the loss of all Norlish colonial possessions.
At the same time, to characterise the handover as previously uniform prior to the conflict would be misinformation. The [[Imperial Federation|Imperial Federation,]] in a now deleted subreddit post<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/i3msz1/updates_in_the_imperial_federation</ref>, appeared to challenge the validity of the Norlundic claim, announcing their own intent to occupy the formerly Roman land. Notable defensive infrastructure was built on the Roman claims including a bunker and snitches, which would be broken during the conflict due to miscommunication. The international reaction to this turn of events was broadly and overwhelmingly negative. The post was deleted shortly after and due to negotiations with [[Norlund]] these claims would be dropped fairly swiftly<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/i4kh6o/if_apology_post_and_explaining_our_current</ref>.
With this backdrop of contention over the Roman claims, the [[Isles]]- a relatively new nation- announced they would occupy and thereafter contest the Norlundic expedition. The small nation, it was widely expected, would fall to the more numerous Norlish. However the first skirmish between the two sides went extremely poorly for the Norlish. An official statement by the Minister of Interior, Cortwade, acknowledged extremely heavy casualties<ref>https://imgur.com/a/toI5XuH</ref>. The remaining force was put into retreat. This was achieved by a surprising competence on the part of the Islanders alongside bunkers and traps which the defending force fell foul to. There was additional speculation over the state of Lovelessness, a fighter determined to have been an alt.
Eventually, despite large setbacks and further casualties with the murder of Cortwade, [[Norlund]] with the assistance of Kicky of [[Paradise]] prevailed over the [[Isles]]. In a return to a status quo ante bellum Norlish claims to the islands were recognised by and seized prot was returned. For all intents and purposes it was a white peace, with [[Norlund]] retaining possession of its colonial holdings.