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The Empire Vzis is a secluded nation ruled by Emperoremperor DroidJoe the First and chancellor [[Vzis#1st_Chancellor_Election|Bluedillydilly]]. It is divided into several districts including a classic district and a modern waterfront district.
= History =
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Vzis can trace back its origins to late Civcraft 2.0 in the short-lived and unfortunate nation of [https://wiki.civcraft.co/doku.php?id=towns:icenia Icenia], which despite a promising start was eventually torn apart by tensions both internal and external, being ultimately dissolved and absorbed by the neighbouring Volteran Empire during the final days of the world.
However in spite of being destroyed in large part due to inner conflict, months after the end of Civcraft 2.0 there still remained a strong sentiment of unity and nostalgia ammoungamong many of its former players, as a result DroidJoe, together with several other former Icenians would go on to lead several attempts to reunite the group under a new state: first on Civcraft: Worlds as [https://wiki.civcraft.co/doku.php?id=3:groups:astanna Astanna] and a second time on CivEx 3.0 as the Kingdom of Icenia, it is this later group that would migrate to CivClassic to establish the nation of Vzis.
Due to the common origin of many of its players Icenian culture, memes<ref name="Memes">Icenia War Ruse: https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/6ig7e4/the_republic_of_icenia_declares_independence_from//</ref> and history is considered an important part of the nation's identity with Icenia's original declaration of independence from Kaiserin being celebrated as a national holiday.
Anonymous user