Volterra: Difference between revisions

1,244 bytes added ,  29 days ago
Fixed typos and added info about the founding of Volterra
m (updated discord invite link)
(Fixed typos and added info about the founding of Volterra)
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| alliance = {{flag|Elysian Pact}}, [[ASN]]
| capital_city = Volterra Prime
| settlements =Volterra Prime, Shockton, Jorvik, Aeros, Warmia
| territories =
| currency =Cookies
| government_type = Crowned Republic
| governing_document =The Volterran ConstituionConstitution
| position_title1 = Arbiter
| position_name1 = [[Mickale]]
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| preceded_by =[[Jorvik]]
| succeeded_by =
| language = Italian/German/British/NigerianEnglish
| religion =Feet Pics / The Cult of Zaros
| ideology =
| motto = "Could be big." / "It's tendie time."
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=== Jungle Migration and the era of the Bone Regime ===
After a time in hiatus and recovery from the aftermath of the Generic War, On November 11, 2022 the return of Volterra was announced officially and the southern migration began. S4nta helped facilitate the Volterrans being granted land formerly belonging to Estalia, and a camp was soon set up in the location now home to the Volterran senate building. The Volterrans worked over the next few weeks carving out an open space in the jungle and setting up the first structures of what would become Volterra Prime, culminating in an ecological disaster. During this time, Seldomshock laid the foundation for Shockton, just a few hundred blocks from Prime. The Shockton Hotel was the first building he constructed. It was decided that Prime would be the official capital of the city, with large planned builds overseen by Mickale, while Shockton was more of a free form city that any citizen could add to or expand upon.
After a time in hiatus and recovery from the aftermath of the Generic War, On November 11, 2022 the return of Volterra was announced officially and the southern migration began.
==== Volterran Involvement in the [[Four Hour War]] ====
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|+Reelect Cicero as Lord Paramount?
!Vote Count
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|Volterrans will remember Cicero for the passing of constitutional amendments and other government reform. Cicero's tenure oversaw a period of record high activity in the state. Cicero also oversaw a drastic shift in Volterra's foreign policy and the formation of the Ascendancy of Sovereign Nations. The ASN was composed of many of Volterra's historic allies including SPQR and Nara. A new addition was Icenia. Estalia and Pavia, Volterras allies in the Elysian Pact were not members of the ASN. Estalia and Pavia also left the EP during this time.
|Volterrans will remember Cicero for the passing of constitutional amendments
and other government reform. Cicero's tenure oversaw a period of record high activity
in the state. Cicero also oversaw a drastic shift in Volterra's foreign policy and the formation
of the Ascendancy of Sovereign Nations. The ASN was composed of many of Volterra's historic allies
including SPQR and Nara. A new addition was Icenia. Estalia and Pavia, Volterras allies in
the Elysian Pact were not members of the ASN. Estalia and Pavia also left the EP during this time.
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|This bill was created to establish a supreme court in Volterra, appoint justices, and establish the Volterran Bar Association. It also define the powers of these court justices in the context of the Volterran judicial system. Voting eligibility ceased before a final vote was achieved due to the 7th Senate session ending.
|Failed 1-0-4
|Criminal Penal Act and Volterra Penal Code
|28 May, 2024
|This bill greatly expanded the Volterran criminal/penal code. It defines crimes in the state of Volterra and suggested penalties/sentences for these crimes. The bill also greatly defines the legal and judiciary process of the criminal court.
|Passed 5-0-0
= Geography and Surroundings =
Carved out of the dense jungles in the shallow -,- Volterra was settled along the banks of a great river near where it empties into the greatformidable Lake lakeMickale. Further to the southwest the town of Shockton was established prior to the breaking ground in Volterra as a barracks for Jorvik laborers, but has since taken on a life of its own along the shores of the western sea.
== Economy ==
Volterra's economy is largely upheld by self reliant mining and farming operations. They cooperate with their allies to obtain resources like XP. Volterra deals in tool manufacturing, exporting large amount of enchanted pickaxes.
Volterra is a city built on a foundation of cookies.
== Notable Players in Volterran History ==
