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After the state tax and payment to the Guild Leader, the remaining 70% of the proceeds is distributed to Guild Members according to the system determined by the Guild Leader. This system is approved by the Arbiter who can insist that the system be reorganized if the Arbiter is dissatisfied. In the event that the Guild Leader fails to establish a fair system, the Guild Leader can be removed from office by the Arbiter and loses eligibility to run for the position of Guild Leader for 28 days.
=== VotingPublic RecordElection Records in The Crowned Republic of Volterra ===
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|+September Referendum on Democracy
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=== Lord Paramount's of the Volterran Republic ===
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|+Lord Paramount's of the Volterran Republic
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=== Senatorial Voting Record of the Crowned Republic of Volterra ===
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|+1st Senate of the Crowned Republic of Volterra
!Legislation Name
!Date Proposed
!Voting Result
(Aye - Nay- Abstained)
|Volterra Foundation Act of 2023
|15 October, 2023
|Reorganizes the nations Discord
|Passed 5-0-0
|Pavia Declaration of Friendship and Coinciding Funding Agreement Act
|17 October, 2023
|This bill exists in order to approve a declaration of Friendship with Pavia and a coinciding funding agreement. Pavia has offered Volterra a declaration of friendship that includes a number of terms including the creation of a direct rail, the deepening of economic relations between the nations, and the establishment of embassies. This requirement will require the following from Volterra: Constructing a line rail line to connect to another rail line constructed by Pavia, the construction of an embassy in Pavia, the provision of space in Volterra Prime for Pavia to build a branch of the monument bank, an embassy, and a discounted shop space in Volterra prime.
|Passed 5-0-0
|Act to Approve Pavia-IF Rail
|17 October, 2023
|Approval of a rail from Pavia to the Imperial Federation that passes through Volterra. Includes a direct line from Pavia to Volterra Prime
|Passed 5-0-0
|Warmian Stewardship Bill
|17 October, 2023
|Volterra would designate the Island territory of Warmia North of Volterra as a protectorate. We would prevent any outside interference or settlement in the territory. If Warmia returns, a conversation will be had to return control of the region to the Warmian. Bill passage announced on October 22, 2023.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/17e68iv/the_volterran_republic_announces_the_protectorate/</ref>
|Passed 5-0-0
|Volterran Annexation of Aeros Act
|17 October, 2023
|The Realm of Aeros is  annexed by the Crowned Republic of Volterra, with the former becoming a sub-autonomous region within the larger governmental structure of the latter.
The regional government of Aeros may engage in limited foreign diplomacy; but may not unilaterally enter defense treaties; cannot declare war, may not enter or maintain foreign alliances, and must not participate in offensive conflicts without approval from the Regency.
Aeros citizens become citizens should they qualify, with equal requirements as other citizens
|Passed 5-0-0
|Aeros Security Subsidy Bill
|17 October, 2023
|The Volterran Government will provide Aeros with 320 diamonds to turn into jukeboxes and reinforce said jukeboxes with in return for Senators to be made MODS on the group the jukeboxes are reinforced on and a relay in the Volterra discord will be setup to help secure the area.
|Passed 5-0-2
