Verda: Difference between revisions

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* [[Axiom]]
== Geography ==
The lands of Verda are quite large, and so encompass multiple biomes. The capital of [[Crowsroost]] is situated in the [[Greenmarsh]] swamp, while [[Pinnacle]] sits atop a mountain range. To the west of the Greenmarsh and Pinnacle, across the river Greenmarsh and the Greenlake is the vast region known as the Greenlands, home to many ruined cities. This vast, sparsely wooded field stretches onward west for the rest of Verda's claims. To the south, near there are many mountains, and at the southernmost part of Verda is a vast, mostly unexplored mesa. In the south-west, there are also the beginnings of the Firoxus Swamp and a savanna island.
== Culture ==