United States of America: Difference between revisions

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test test
|name = G E N S O K Y O
|bodystyle =
|titlestyle =
|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above = USA
|imagestyle =
|captionstyle =
| image = [[file:USAFlag.png|200px]]
|caption = Flag of USA
|headerstyle = background:#;
|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital City
| data1 = Shitsville 【桃子市】
| label2 = Government
| data2 = Democratic Dictatorship
| label3 = Leader
| data3 = Poortea, ParkerTehPwner
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = Server Start
| label5 = Religion
| data5 = None
| label6 = Demonym
| data6 = idk what this means
| label7 = Other Cities
| data7 = Washington DC, Rio De Janiero
