United Republic: Difference between revisions

Added info on Stalin's Last Army
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(Added info on Stalin's Last Army)
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Tired of the repression they faced in Xiangmu, a group of anarchists fled the capital of Unitas to start the new commune of Xifang in the north of the country.
Quickly they realized they had to form a party that could oppose the hegemony of the National Workers Party in Unitas, so the Anarchist Vanguard Party, influenced by democratic confederalism, was born.
=== Stalin's Last Army ===
Staln's Last Army is the political vanguard of The People of the Shining Crab. It's goal is the full stalinization of the entire world in order to reach Crab Communism as envisoned by the King Crab known as Shiny Crab Man. The goals of this political party are:
* The construction of a crab-socialist caliphate in the United Republic in which Shiny Crab Man takes the eternal position as King Crab of the Republic and it's chosen human form, the Hermit Crab of The People of the Shining Crab, acts as it's human representative and as the official head of the state.
* Elevating the guidlines of The People of the Shining Crab above the laws of the state.
* Outlawing all religions and cults, specifically the Cult of Unicrap.
* Relocate all labor-power and ressources of the United Republic into the construction of a temple for Shiny Crab Man.
* Creating the conditions for the Crab Communist Utopia by advancing philosophy and technology to such a high degree that we can replace our weak human bodies with a collectively-shared giant crab body in which we share one collective consciousness.
* Crab Communism by 2049.
=== International Trade Union of Shepherds ===