United Northern Congress (created 2018): Difference between revisions

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| label2 = UNC Charter
| data2 = [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRevL87k_RaLevUqwTps_pK5mgrOkqTiE_Pk1mJQtfL5_Cga8eh4qAAKof60URtwF9EUFquyHfz8OcA/pub As of June 2019]
| label3 = Last Alliance Spokesperson
| data3 = BritishWanderer
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = 3rd August 2018
| label5 = Principle StatesDisbanded
| data5 = [[Tvtopia]]13th July 2019
| label6 = Population
| data6 = ~90+
The United Northern Congress (UNC) was an intergovernmental economic and military alliance between 10 countries, all of which are located in the northern hemisphere of CivClassics, and was formed on the 3rd of August 2018 and effectively disbanded on July 13th, 2019. The UNC operated under a system of collective defense whereby its individual member states agreed to mutual defend each other in response to any attack by any external party.
