The Potistani Host

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The Potistani Host or simply Potistan, is a nation on CivMC. Organized by Polpot_TheAncom in order to create a new Potistan under a cossack way of life.

The Potistani Host/Potistani Sich
Flag Of Potistan
AllianceSteppe Coalition (unofficial as of June 1st), International League of Assistance
Capital cityBaturyn
GovernmentCossack democracy/Anarchistic
• Ataman
MottoSomebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb

In the shape of an "L" on her forehead



See also: Rhayatshola

The Potistani sect of Rhayatshola contains nearly the same origin story and ritual as the Mery interpretation. Potistanis Believe that after Tshola's great construction, the deity Shul offered Tshola the sacred pipe, a stick decorated with wheat and buds and its powerful wind. Tshola accepted Shul's sacred pipe and flowery stick and thus a sacred union began. Shul is embodied by a Buffalo varying in color and size.


Every decision in Potistan is decided via civil and military assembly with discussion and debate until a decision is made. Each citizen is given an equal say in general assembly and in the bimonthly (every 2 months) election of the Ataman. Citizens can depose an ataman before their 2 month term is up and hold an election if they wish. There is no term limit to the position of Ataman.

The economy of Potistan is based in mutual aid and all products of labor are held in common.