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===Acadia Conflict===
{{Main|TNSC-Acadia Conflict}}
Rain was well aware of the war-hawks that existed in the Acadian government, the same ones that occupied political positions in Norlund, a nation Rain was formerly apart of. The Norlund King at the time [[Shameless_Shamus]] pearled Rain on a "casual visit" to his town the Paris Commune, violating Norlish laws and creating a great sense of mistrust in the Norlund government which lead to Norlund collapsing into a bloody, messy civil war.
Despite the way lots of Acadian government members treated Rain formerly in Norlund, peace and co-existence was always the most clear and obvious option for all members of TNSC. And yet conflicts with Acadia started from the very beginning, despite TNSC's intentions to be a pacifist and relaxed nation.
====JuniorTide's house "griefed" with signs====
JuniorTide reported and provided a screenshot of one of his Acadian homes sporting signs on the front such as "NORTH KOREA BEST KOREA" and other kinds of left-leaning statements. With no evidence, he accused Rain as the one who made them. Rain fired back reminding JuniorTide that he was an Anarchist and is against the North Korean dictatorship. On top of this, Rain had only very recently joined CivClassics and was still in the [[+,+ (CivClassic 2.0)|+,+]] territory, nowhere near JuniorTide's home. Despite having no evidence to support his claim that Rain put signs around his home, he publicly threatened to "glass" him.<ref>[ JuniorTide, citizen of Acadia and Icenia, threatening to "glass" people]</ref>
====Pentigrass incident====
At some point a new user joined CivClassics named [[Pentigrass]], he was invited by Rain and was new to the Civ genre. He was told multiple times to treat people kindly and to not raid or steal anything along his journey to TNSC land. Despite these warnings he started to break into things until he was caught and pearled in [[Icenia]].
Frustrated with himself and being pearled, he tried to lie and claim that Rain ordered him to raid and steal, believing it would give him a "lighter sentence" until he later admitted to throwing Rain under the bus trying to lie about it. Despite Pentigrass admitting his own wrong doing, many who disliked Rain stuck with this new false narrative that Rain was out to incite violence and raiding among the community. The first incident was the Pentigrass Conflict, whereby members in Acadia tried to run with the rumors and make Rain out to be an enemy that needs to be dealt with.
====hawkeye0066-Acadia incident====
This idea of Rain being a nefarious untrustworthy malicious raider was further propagandized when another member of TNSC who was new to Civ, [[hawkeye0066]], against TNSC warnings decided to start raiding and stealing things in Acadia just like Pentigrass. He was caught, and was told by TNSC to return what he stole and turn himself in, which he did. This situation was almost immediately resolved, in fact people in Acadia offered him a house and citizenship.
====Rain's Mining Trip====
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Acadia Raiding Party
| image =
| date = July 28th, 2022
| place = [[The No State Commune]] Bunker
| result = Successful plunder of TNSC
| combatant1 = [[The No State Commune]]
| combatant2 = [[Acadia]],<br/>[[Icenia]] (JuniorTide)
| commander1 = Big obsidian bunker
| commander2 = [[Egi]]
| casualties1 = Mass-griefing, mass-theft
| casualties2 = Loss of dignity
| units2 = [[Egi]]<br/>[[JuniorTide]]<br/>[[Polygondwana]]
| units1 = Reinforced Block 1<br/>
Reinforced Block 2<br/>
Reinforced Block 3<br/>
Reinforced Block 4<br/>
And the many others we did not name.
On July 27th, 2021 Rain was mining for ore underground at bedrock level when he stumbled across mines that other players had already dug out. However, these users seemed to only be interested in diamonds because they had left all other ores - iron, redstone, lapis - ores which TNSC required. While mining along these pathways he came across an underground bunker, walking around inspecting it to find a sign of ownership until [[Egi]] logged on. Egi was concerned at first, but seemed more peaceful as he advised Rain that he was in Acadia territory, demanding that he leaves and mines elsewhere, orders which Rain followed.
==== Acadia Raids TNSC's Bunker ====
By tomorrow on July 28th, 2021 when Rain logged in he found that TNSC's only bunker was completely broken into and robbed. The snitch logs implied Acadia was responsible, the members of the raiding party consisted of [[JuniorTide]] (Citizen of Acadia & Icenia), [[Egi]] (Acadian Minister of "Defense"), and [[Polygondwana]] (Poly is probably an alt). The three man raiding party completely destroyed the bunker and stole everyone's gear. Sometime after the assault TNSC players logged on and found the bunker in ruins, realizing that Acadia was responsible Rain and TNSC issued an angry international dispute to the CivClassics subreddit.<ref>[ TNSC issues international dispute against Acadia for destroying their bunker unprovoked]</ref>
The raiding party received little to no consequences as a result of raiding the newfriend bunker, never being held accountable for their toxic actions. On the same day that the raid was revealed to the international community, a vote was held in Acadia against Egi for "Impeachment of Egi as Minister of Defense due to unauthorized use of force against TNSC". The vote failed with only 1 in favor, 6 against, and 2 abstaining. Icenia seemed to commit absolutely no punishment against JuniorTide, not even removing him from Icenia, or denouncing him, demoting him, etc. Polygondwana is a name nobody is familiar with, so it is assumed that they are an alt.
====TTastic, Okx, MrJeremyFarmer Raid====
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Okx-TNSC Battle
| image =
| date = July 28th, 2022
| place = [[The No State Commune]] Bunker
| result = Successful pushback of attacking forces
| combatant1 = [[The No State Commune]]
| combatant2 = [[Yoahtl]],<br/>[[Vinland]],<br/>[[Southshire]]
| casualties1 = A few healing potions
| casualties2 = Massive loss of dignity. L
| units2 = [[Okx]]
| units1 = [[Zombie_Striker]],</br>
}}After announcing to the international community what Acadia had done, many TNSC members did not know what to do - whether they should quit the server or move far away from Acadia and so on. Though it didn't take long for others to exploit our panic and weakness.
Later in the same day, a raiding party sponsored by an unknown organization / nation came to attack. At first [[Okx]] came to pearl Rain and Zombie, but the two of them fought hard enough to get him to retreat away from the bunker. Okx was already caught wandering around TNSC hitting snitches, and failing to provide a reason for his unannounced visit.<ref>[ Okx hitting snitches two days before raiding TNSC]</ref><ref>[ Okx hitting way more snitches]</ref>
Not long after, the full raiding party came consisting of [[TTastic]], [[Okx]] and [[MrJeremyFarmer]] with intent to pearl everyone with no reason provided. Their mission failed as Zombie, Rain, and all other members successfully evaded being pearled.
TNSC took to the international community again on the same day, exposing them for their shitter behavior against the newfriend town.<ref>[ TNSC's brief post calling out Okx, TTastic, and MrJeremyFarmer for attacking TNSC unprovoked]</ref> After taking a break to think and breath, TNSC returned to the international community a day later on July 29th to clear things up and provide all the evidence everyone would ever need, mostly via video proof.<ref>[ TNSC providing video proof of what Acadia's raid did, proving Rain was not trying to raid Acadia's bunker, and showing the perspectives of Okx, TTastic and MrJeremyFarmer as they attacked]</ref>
It was unclear what nations Okx, TTastic and MrJeremyFarmer belonged to, but it is clear that they were never held accountable or punished for their shitter behavior. We believed Okx was apart of [[Yoahtl]], which they claimed he sort of was and then said they weren't going to do anything to hold him accountable, nor were they going to take responsibility for his actions.
====Rumors Spread like Wild Fire====
After all of these events, all kinds of jibber jabber and rumors were floating around. Acadia made testimony on how they think their actions were justified but ultimately were debunked by TNSC.<ref>[ Acadia making their own statement regarding nuking TNSC's bunker]</ref><ref>[ The nuking of TNSC's bunker told from the perspective of an Acadian citizen]</ref>
====="Rain was breaking into our bunker"=====
Rain was accused of running around near the Acadian bunkers to try and bust open a vault and free someone's pearl. This claim that Rain was breaking into any bunkers or vaults is never substantiated or backed up in any capacity beyond logs of him walking past the bunker,<ref>[]</ref> and to further prove it wrong Rain uploaded a video of his mining trip that brought him near the Acadian bunkers, proving to the community that he was never at any point trying to break in, it also shows his conversation with Egi that night.<ref>[ Rain providing proof that he was not trying to break into Acadia's bunker(s)]</ref>
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Shitter Raiding Party
| image =
| date = July 28th, 2022
| place = [[The No State Commune]] Bunker
| result = Failure to pearl intended targets
| combatant1 = [[The No State Commune]]
| combatant2 = [[Icenia]] (Jeremy),<br/>[[Yoahtl]] (Okx),<br/>[[Vinland]] (Okx),<br/>[[Southshire]] (Okx)
| commander1 = [[RainOfPain125]]
| commander2 = Unclear
| casualties1 = Temporarily logboxxed
| casualties2 = Loss of dignity
| units2 = [[TTastic]],<br/>[[Okx]],<br/>[[MrJeremyFarmer]]
| units1 = [[RainOfPain125]],
====="Rain's goons were raiding everyone"=====
This was already proven wrong in the Pentigrass incident and Hawkeye0066 incident sections. Essentially their reasoning for hostility to TNSC were incidents that TNSC considered already resolved.
====="Zombie was funnelling commies into Acadia"=====
Due to Rain and Zombie's friendship, and Zombie being a member of Acadia, it made her an easy target to lay blame against. A user [[FE_Flags]] ran the Acadian communist party and accused Zombie, claiming that she had a whole scheme where Rain would recruit new commies into the Acadian communist party in order to sway elections, and in return Rain would get diamonds or something like that. There was no evidence to back this claim, and Rain wasn't even aware of any kind of deal. As far as Rain was concerned if such a deal was ever proposed, then it was never agreed upon or committed to.
Acadian Senator Tsar Ivan, run by [[FE_Flags]], spoke with [[Zombie_Striker]] directly, in which an admission of funneling Acadian funds into the hands of [[RainOfPain125]] in exchange for recruits into Acadia which never came.<ref>[]</ref><ref>[]</ref><ref>[]</ref> Though one could believe this conversation was intended to expose Flags as someone who would betray Acadia, considering the "deal" was never acted upon and was merely discussed - in which case this perfectly incriminates Flags.
====="Zombie sabotaged Acadia"=====
A player in Acadia{{Who}} accused Zombie of breaking a factory after the raid on TNSC's bunker, claiming it must have been an act of sabotage but they did not provide any hard evidence. Zombie in light of these two accusations quietly left CivClassics to distance herself from the drama and the rumors against her. TNSC joked that she should obby bomb Acadia, but of course she never intended on doing it.
A member of Acadia [[Bloof_]] would later go on to threaten Rain on CivMC, believing he had told Zombie to sabotage Acadia's diamond factory among other things.{{Citation needed|date=July 2022}}
===TNSC Post-War===
With Rain and Zombie out of the picture due to what had occurred, the remaining newfriends of TNSC continued despite having lost so much. They rebranded the nation as '''Consortium''' in their attempt to disassociate with what had happened. They pretended to hate Rain in order to gain the trust of Acadia so that Acadia would stop raiding and being hostile towards them and the town. Meanwhile the members would invite Rain back to the town on alts so he could appreciate their progress and builds.