The Failure of the Holy Roman Empire: Difference between revisions

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===Intial Movements===
Ferrumprinceps first discovered [[Civtest]] on the 6th of April and promptly directed his discord with an "edict" to begin settlement on the server.
[[File:Civtest roman edict.png|thumb|The academy refers to a college teaching players to mod Minetest]]
He then proceeded to make the most comprehensive map of the server so far over the course of a few days<ref>Due to the only conventional method of saving map data locally being the option in the advanced minetest settings on the client to save loaded in mapblocks, or chunks, meaning travel is necessary to map out areas without admin cooperation.</ref>
A comparatively large land claim within the swamp jungle south of [[Minetown]] was declared as he was making a trade deal with the nation. His players acting as security in exchange for wrought iron and steel ingots. Although he apparently discovered many ore veins he didn't have the infrastructure to smelt the ore.
==Conflict Encroaching==
Meanwhile on the 7th of April ferrumprinceps was getting anxiety from the possibility of being pearled before setting up fortifications and getting soldiers on the server, in fear of [[Mt Chungusta]] and [[Rubenwardy]], who has only logged onto the server one time and made a comment on the Civtest discord about his land claims. Both of these never happened nor were they necessary due to the most players being online at the time would be four in ideal circumstances. A plan involving a spy was made but would have been impossible due to no one in [[Mt Chungusta]] being present to sign in a new citizen.
[[File:Minetown ferrum.png|thumb|Arrow pointing to everything ferrumprinceps has built on the server. A structure resembling a fence and guard tower. The depressions in the dirt are from the destruction of the tiny partially built church, Presumably by him as no one was sighted there at the time.]]
==Failure realised==
On the 11th of April ferrumprinceps cut the trade deal off with Minetown for not delivering and declaring neutrality despite the fact these were both strategic actions and he did not make one enclosed reinforced structure on the server yet to store several stacks of metal ingots. His 4x4x4 wooden cuboid guard tower was reinforced with stone but still had a dirt floor.<ref> At the time a stone axe had a dig time of two seconds on choppy 2 which was the dig group of the wooden planks. This means even if someone were to dig through the wood reinforced with stone (25) instead of the floor it would take 50 seconds to get to a chest within.</ref>
[[File:Ferrums_Civtest_tantrum.jpg|thumb|DMs between the Leader of Minetown and ferrumprinceps]]
Also perceiving that the server admin [[R3]] was against him due to a bug preventing reinforced blocks from being made which was fixed shortly after he left the server.
Ferrumprinceps then declared war on [[Minetown]] and [[Benjaminsburg]], the second essentially being the admins lawn chair to watch server events, and left the server presumably destroying his church.
== References ==
