United States of America: Difference between revisions

lottas shit gang gang
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(lottas shit gang gang)
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== Geography ==
map of geo claims here
=== The second claims ===
The USA claimed the north east world border to create a new vault, designed and mostly dug by DJmeffy. It was 4 rings and 16 layers thick. It held pearls of petty raiders. The vault was never completed, as it lacked the 3 intended sky bunkers and 4 additional rings.
=== Biome and Climate ===
The vault was dug 75% of the way by DJmeffy on an alt account before he was pearled while defending Anguish. The remained of the vault was dug by Poortea and E girls he recruited through /pol/ and /r9k/ servers, notably WarriorHeart and Weepypeach.
=== Rio De Jainero ===
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=== [[Columbia]] ===
== Collapse and downfall ==
=== Inactivity ===
The start of the downfall of the USA started after poortea lost his PC while moving house. The population dwindled and a large amount of the players left the server, notably; ParkertehPwner, Camwen, Kayla, Lucy, Sausiejii and Powkitty.
=== Losing members to Lexington ===
Many members went and fought for Lexington during the war and poorteas leave. These include; Ez2Clutch, EZ2Kill and Bewsiej.
=== Bannings ===
Bewsiej was banned for "General Toxicity" including the general bullying of Callum and his determination in bringing the known child molester and pedophile Talydaria to justice. Do not go after pedophiles with admin influence.
Poortea was banned when a fabricated or heavily edited HTML document was released among the Reiko Trap Harem situation. The document was leaked to show Reikos activity and communications about his Trap hunting. Among the leaked documents there was a leaked Big Dog group chat from discord, with Doxes and edited names, framing poortea for the release of members of the communities personal information including emails, names and nude images. Poortea argued this was debated but the server administration does not know that HTML is easily manipulated with Ctrl F replace. The real doxxer Rene remained unbanned for 6 months afterwards without ever facing justice for this. The new USA vault was raided right after by some of the victums of Rene's doxxes as they wrongfully seeked justice from poortea. The vault was broken into from the west and the vault popped. Poortea remains banned for this mess to this day.
