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=== History ===
The [[Starongia|Starongian Empire's]] invasion and annexation of the continent during the latter half of the 17th century brought the disunited Vinlandic clans for the first time under the control of a central government, the unplanned and overcrowded Vinlandic capital; Hvalsey was completely rebuilt on a European Baroque-style grid & plaza layout featuring buildings as tall as 5 stories; some of which still stand today. Although the Starongian's claimed to bring 'civilization' to the 'barbarous' lands of the north their activities in Vinland were in many cases far from Civilized. Imperial troops were frequently used to extort farmers of their crops and fishing communities of their catch; often triggering famine in their wake, travel was heavily restricted with each Vinlander tied to a feudal estate presided over by a foreign absentee landlord whilst worshiping the old gods or even reciting the ancient Vinlandic sagas were strictly prohibited. In one instance 30 druids from Mannerheim were burned at the stake for witchcraft and blaspheming against the Emperor, their charred remains displayed in iron cages along the Hvalsey- Kaer Adagan road as a grim reminder of the cost of rejecting Imperial values and culture. Thrice in 1698, 1744 & 1844 the streets of the capital flowed with blood as famine, oppression and toil drove ordinary Vinlanders all over the Imperial province to take up whatever arms they could possibly find, be them pitchforks or muskets and march on the crown governer's office only to be driven back by unceasing volleys of musket & cannon fire.
Starongia was however never able to subdue the myriad of resistance groups operating from hidden encampments in the Skogsdalen mountains nor those in Yoahtl or the Far East Asian laborer colony of Okashima, with many rural areas of the northern continent being considered untamable bandit country by imperial authorities as early as 1690, the failed national revolt of 1844 coupled with the influx of European ideals and technology from the Empire's ports resulted in dissident groups merging into single national entities, eventually carving out their own modern nationstates as the empire collapsed during the 1850's.
Vinland regained its independence in 1858 and has since risen from an impoverished backwater to become one of the most developed nations in the Civclassic world, today Vinlanders enjoy comparatively high incomes, life expectancy and civil liberties. The arrival of the Overland Railway at the end of the 19th century and wave of modern airport construction between 1960-80 has connected Vinland not only to its immediate neighbors but the entire world.
=== Geography ===
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=== Economy ===
Despite the creation and growth of the financial service sector in recent years, the Vinlandic economy is still largely agrarian. The fishing, agriculture and forestry industries continue to be the primary source of employment for most Vinlandic citizens, most manufacturing industry is located in Hvalsey whilst capital and luxury goods continue to be imported from neighboring states.
The fishing, agriculture and forestry industries continue to be the primary source of employment for most Vinlandic citizens, most manufacturing industry is located in Hvalsey whilst capital and luxury goods continue to be imported from neighboring states.
It is hoped that the completion of the transcontinental railway in 2018 to [[Yoahtl|New Yoahtl City]] will open Vinland up to the global market and catalyse the growth of domestic industry outside of the primary sector.
=== Transport ===
Vinland is served by the far north road from Falstadt and the soon-to-be-renovated overland railway to Nixoltan via Okashima, most trade comes through the Port of Hvalsey, which is scheduled to undergo extensive renovation in the late 2nd/ 3rd quarter of 2018 to allow for larger container ships and tankers to dock. The renovation of the overland railway line to [[Yoahtl|New Yoahtl City]] has invigorated the agricultural and mining sectors in addition to opening up the country to tertiary and Quaternary industry in addition to reducing the import costs of manufactured goods and materials.
=== Foreign Relations ===


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