Pavia: Difference between revisions

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SteelHand7 (talk | contribs)
SteelHand7 (talk | contribs)
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Duchies may be dissolved through a majority plus one vote of the Privy Council, whereby the ruling Duke is stripped of their title, and their lands are absorbed back into the Crownland territories. It is generally accepted that Dukes that are removed from power keep any landed or unlanded titles they hold in other Duchies in Pavia.
===== '''Current Duchies & Lower Nobility of Pavia ====='''
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===== '''Lower Nobility of The Crown ====='''
===== Lower Nobility of The Crown =====
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===== '''Religions ====='''
===== Religions =====
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===== '''Previous Duchies of Pavia ====='''
===== Previous Duchies of Pavia =====
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of Cintra
====='''Previous Lower Nobles of Pavia====='''
=====Previous Lower Nobles of Pavia=====
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|Count what777
===== '''Previous Lower Nobles of The Crown ====='''
===== Previous Lower Nobles of The Crown =====
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