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This new era was due to the increasing integration of Elyras into the Imperial Federation and the subsequent end of the Treaty of Elyris as Elyras had developed sufficiently to fulfill the requirements to become a state of the Imperial Federation. This is when Aelthori Fylaena submitted an application to join the IF in the form of [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hURLJty9Aojno7jP8i52htLQ5hdBwwdEqwKMBp6OlRA/edit The Termination of the Treaty of Elyris].
During this period integration with Groveheart was increasingly sought due to the economic benefits and was promised land to be given to Elyriani settlers in the main Groveheart state, what is now Vyrmyhra.This lead to the vassalage of Elyras to Groveheart.
=== Tyras Fylae - Purple Era 28th April - Present ===
Following Elyras' further integration into the Imperial Federation and Groveheart it is clear the grand realm of Ellyria is a distant memory and a misguided dream. Additionally the hierarchal traditional way of life for the Elyriani has been challenged with their numbers dwindling and the more egalitarian community focused approach they have had to take to survive. This therefore led Aelthori Fylaena with the guidance of members of the community to seek to reform Aelthori society to properly acknowledge these changes. The Purple Spring has been declared, Elyriani society will be reformed into a more democratic, communalist and representative version. It is a time of rebirth and change!
Much of the aristocracy had their privledges revoked in this period, trade unions and worker co-operatives started to be implemented in particular for the mining and pickaxe production industries that Elyras was famous for. Additionally the previous political party founded by Aelthori Fylaena; the progressive trade union (PTU) as a compromise had become split into its right wing which became the progressive party (PP) and the left wing which became the Western Bay People's Party (WBPP). This notably placed Elyras as a staunch stronghold of Western Bay Separatism and a centre for left wing thinkers.
''<nowiki>''</nowiki>The Dissolution of the Elyriani Hierarchy''
''“Radical reform is needed to reshape Elyriani society to help us thrive in our current situation. We must throw off the shackles of arrogance and accept our new reality. We are no longer rich, we are no longer powerful but we are together. Only together can we get through this. Therefore I announce the following Decree:''
''The Fylae Talmus (Purple Council) will be created. This will debate and pass Elyriani laws, customs and manage all aspects the Aelthori once did.''
''The Aelthori will now serve a speaker role, to organise the debates of the Fylae Talmus (Purple Council) and serve a spiritual unifying role.''
''The Fylae Talmus will be composed of Elyriani elected by Elyriani and Elyras.”''
=== Current State of Affairs ===
Currently Elyras is a membervassal of the GreatGroveheart Western Bay Councilbut andstill plays an important role in fostering cooperation between the states of the Bay. The ProgressiveWestern TradeBay UnionPeople's Party founded by Aelthori Fylaena ishas the2 largest partysenators in the Imperial Federation with 3 senatorssenate. The Elyriani are currently become more connected with the wider world and what, this shallhas lead to isthem yetbegining to spread out of Elyris to greener pastures where new communes will be decidedset up.
== The Elyriani ==