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{{Infobox civilization|image=ElyrasFlag.jpg|language=Elyriani|name=Syferau Elyriani|demonym=Elyriani|capital_city=Elyris|territories=Myhfaer Fylaena|government_type=Elven Monarchy (Rule By Decree)|position_title1=Aelthori|position_name1=Fylaena Draeni Illaeri, (IGN: matanic1107)|position_name2=Valani Hyneani Sylvaeus (IGN: travistoo)|foundation_date=19th December 2023|religion=Nature Worship, Worship of Elyris|ideology=Harmony, Prosperity, Strength|motto=Mir Elyris Solsyr!|discord=https://discord.gg/d8HYkMsw|image2=Elyras First Map.png}}
Elyras also known by the names Elyriani Realm (Syferau Elyriani in Elyriani) or Elyria, is a small state located in the west of [[Deluvia]]. On 1st of January 2024, Elyras joined the Imperial Federation as a state, revoking Elyris Treaty.
Elyras is also a cultural institution for all Elyriani living everywhere and the laws made by Elyras apply to every Elyriani settlement. It can be seen as the 'Sovreignty of the Elyriani elves'
== History ==
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By the end of this era the Elyriani were established on Deluvia, still fairly undeveloped but were known by most inhabitants of the Otanobee Bay area. There was further integration with Imperial Federation following Aelthori Fylaena's run for the chancellor elections of December 2023 and the establishment of the Progressive Trade Union. This is a political party in the Imperial Federation which has a strong prescence in the Otanobee Bay area.
=== Tyras Haethmar - Era of Praying and Hoping 31st December 2023 - Present28th April 2024 ===
This Era was declared by Aelthori decree:
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This new era was due to the increasing integration of Elyras into the Imperial Federation and the subsequent end of the Treaty of Elyris as Elyras had developed sufficiently to fulfill the requirements to become a state of the Imperial Federation. This is when Aelthori Fylaena submitted an application to join the IF in the form of [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hURLJty9Aojno7jP8i52htLQ5hdBwwdEqwKMBp6OlRA/edit The Termination of the Treaty of Elyris].
During this period integration with Groveheart was increasingly sought due to the economic benefits and promised land to be given to Elyriani settlers in the main Groveheart state, what is now Vyrmyhra.
=== Current State of Affairs ===