Icenia (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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=== Reparations/Formation of Lambeau ===
After the war, many Icenian fighters who were not pearled chose to "not log in" or turn themselves in for reduced sentences. ChrisChrispie decided to take a massive step back during this time as well—due to feeling as if reps made no sense because of the initial defense nature of the war. As such, most negotiations with TB of Butternut, Chosen of the new nation of Lambeau (on Icenia's southern border near Butternut), and Gang Shi were handled by Shadno and Seared. These reps would, essentially, bankrupt most of the population of Icenia and caused much public consternation. Nevertheless, Icenia followed through on most of the reps requests (save for Chosens who requested Icenians "dig him a hole") who most Icenians decided they'd fight regardless eventually.
=== Post-War Economic Miracle Led by Seared, Juniortide, and Shadno ===
As a direct result of having to pay exorbitant amounts of diamonds, Juniortide, Shadno, and Seared looked toward the future rather than the past and worked with Icenians such as Anvil to get the economy booming again—following in the path of Rinvincibl3 before them, they worked on expanding EXP exchanges, nether farms, and server-wide shops such as "Sneed Store" in Pavia.
=== Temporal "Empire" Crisis and Obbybombing ===
At some point PhysicsGamer had a gamer breakdown and decided to attack TE. Theres a lot of drama here beforehand.
=== Formation of Dawn Guard Pact with Yoahtl ===
-Explain how Icenia and Yoahtl decided to keep their independent alliance with each other post war and formed a dedicated discord called the DGP in order to create iceroads, share POS lists, and watch Gang Shi.
=== Drama Factory Crisis ===
=== ChrisChrispie's "Left Alone" Address to Gang Shi Operatives ===
ChrisChrispie, ever lurking in the shadows, decided after the pearling of Senator Justice to go to Wilson directly and express that if Wilson had "just come to him about his concerns" in regards to the derelict Icenian iceroad by Winterborne, he would of had the iceroad removed quickly. Wilson agreed and, for a while, it seemed like nothing bad could possibly happen until...
=== Florance and DarkFCC Crisis ===


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