List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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All remaining votes until the end of the Parliament era.
m (year typo)
(All remaining votes until the end of the Parliament era.)
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|A Volunteer Construction and Mining Corp controlled by a representative chosen at the Senates Behest is to be created and marketed by the Imperial Federation.
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|That the Parliament supports the above purge but giving less active citizens the role of resident instead
|The Parliament of the IF approves claiming the area outlined in red for cactus farms <nowiki></nowiki>
|6-1P 5-0S
|In order to have easily defendable iceroads which will be an important landmark in the militarization of the IF it is imperative that we allow kibbles along with anyone who may assist him to develop the ice roads so they are properly secure and he has communicated with me that the ice roads will still be available to trusted civillians and will also make a video explaining how to use the new ice road design and entrances in order to defend with it (Picture of the new entrance to the ice road in vanaheim)
|I propose contracting SpeedyJustice's law firm to assist with the overhaul of legislative frameworks within the IF so that laws are actually collated and codified instead of being announced haphazardly, and that a fair and impartial judicial system is developed.
|That the Parliament supports the Cabinet positions and roles made by Cupar for the forthcoming term
|A "tweets" channel should be created in the discord that allows approved citizens to send short messages/updates
|The Parliament supports requiring candidates to disclose that they are not part of foreign governments on their candidacy form. If a candidate fails to disclose their position, they may be subject to a trial where their punishment or conditions for them to continue in their position are set.
|The Parliament/Senate supports removing Argonite from his position within 24 hours from this bill passing unless he leaves his positions in foreign nations.
|4-3P 7-1S
|Do you approve of southwest's plan to rework the IF rail network?
|Parliament supports splitting land green = thoria red = iF <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Parliament permits Cupar to post a reddit post about crayon claiming in Otonabee
|That the Senate supports granting Meriecatia statehood
|The Parliament of the IF opposes joining the ⁠Forum of Southern Nations due to its inclusion of Otonabee and exclusion of other nations in the +Z including Commonwealth and MtA
|That the Parliament of the IF supports the ⁠SEC Redevelopment Plan : reaching out to representatives from Icarus, Icenia and Mercutio to support them in their post-war redevelopment
|The senate readmits freeport as a state
|That the Parliament removes Argonaut's citizenship and makes him a resident as he does not primarily play in IF
|That the Parliament supports the appointment of HassDaMahn as Deputy Chancellor
|The IF establishes a 200m maritime zone around its territories
|The IF agrees to allow the chancellor and king to buy city bastions from Hassdamahn using treasury funds in regards to the nation-wide city bastion scheme
|Do you support changing #citizenship-application to a forum channel?
|The Senate of the IF admits Nalora as a state
|The Parliament supports attempting to crowdfund for bastions. If this is not achieved by Tuesday 11 July, the legislation to purchase vault bastions from hassdamahn will come into affect
|That the IF gets itself a bastion factory, using the exp and the diamond in the treasury to fund the necessary emerald and diamond, and crowfunds the rest of the ressources.
|The Parliament supports paying hass for a stack of city bastions, using emerald blocks available to the treasury first.
|The Parliament supports removing smothyhoo and crispy (TomatoeChips) from the pool of candidates for the By-Election if they do not submit the candidacy form in the next 3 hours.
|That the Parliament supports allowing the Chancellor to appoint general diplomats to represent the IF overseas, and Ambassadors to represent the IF in specific nations
|That the Parliament supports the release of ppang who has deserved a 2 week sentence for minor raiding
|That the Parliament supports the annexation of the two islands outlined by southwest for freeport
|That the Parliament/Senate supports the annexation of the two islands outlined by southwest for freeport
|6-0P 8-1S
|That the Parliament supports purchasing 768d of city bastions from Hassdamahn with the understanding that the diamonds spent will go towards a major national projection; that hass and Cupar will seek to replenish the treasury following the purchase; that Cupar will independently purchase 12 city bastions for Imperia; that the Chancellor will have some leeway on bastion distribution based on existing infrastructure and that several bastions will be set aside for future states and farms
|That the iF supports the full annexation of the Summerset Isles mainland territory in exchange for the declaimation of Pride Rock in 1 week, an area which has not been played in since the formation of the IF
|That subject to the above passing, the IF Parliament issues a public statement that the land in question is reserved for newfriends and protected by IF Government from being overclaimed by established nations or their satellite states
|the parliament supports the creation of a channel that allows any citizen to voice their opinion
|The Department Establishment Act: 1. departments are created to manage a specific task through a majority vote in parliament 2. A citizen is appointed the chair/secretary of the department and is given the power to run the department the way they see fit. they can also delegate their own power even further if they believe this is necessary 3. Each department has its own channel in the IF discord that the department chair can manage and add people to if they believe necessary. 4. department chairs can be paid from the IF treasury and funds can be allocated to the departments that can be spent at the discretion of the chair for use in their goal 5. every 2 weeks, a department chair files a short report to the IF parliament and public detailing what they have been doing over the time frame and what progress has been made, and how the money given to them has been spent 6. if the parliament believes a department chair is inadequate, they can be replaced by a majority vote in parliament. A department can also be disbanded by a majority vote
|The parliament asks for cabinet members to publish, at the middle and the end of every parliamentary term in front of the parliament and the electors, a report on their accomplishments. Likewise, MP should published a report on their actions and accomplishment for the electors of the Imperial Federation.
|A meeting will be held in the capital amongst all IF citizens this Friday 5pm ETC / 9pm UTC to discuss possible reforms to the IF, especially related to the legislature. A citizen ping will be given to alert citizens of this
|That the Parliament supports undoing the right of MPs to be able to change peoples roles on the discord.
|That the Parliament supports hass's proposed xp exchange
|That the Parliament supports the spending of 10d blocks to purchase the lands marked above from Moloka, and further supports granting the existing exclave of UTSS which is too small for a cactus farm to Sdorrland, who will hold the land until needed by a newfriend nation
|5-0P 8-1S
|The IF maintains the desert exclave claim
|That the Parliament supports the adoption of the below BUILD treaty <nowiki></nowiki>
|That the Parliament of the IF bans thorians from the IF rail network for the duration of their ban of IFfers from Thoria
|That Vanaheim will split from Midgard to become its own state
|That the Parliament grants freeport independence
|4-2P 8-1S
|The Parliament supports allowing Freeport access to the pre-existing FELINE farms and that in exchange, IF citizens will have access to Freeport wheat and birch farms
|That the Parliament supports retaining 455M4N's island as federal land until 455M4N confirms whether he would like his island to remain part of the IF or join Freeport, or if 455M4N goes inactive.
|The Parliament supports Cupar making a new round of government opinion polling
|As per citizenship rules, Argonite is recognised as a resident of the IF as they primarily play in Truidencia
|That the senate of the IF supports ⁠expansion of nalora
|That the senate of the IF supports the ⁠expansion of nalora <nowiki></nowiki>
|That the senate of the IF supports ⁠Surmadri Expansion <nowiki></nowiki>
|That the IF supports the ⁠Establishment of the Santiago Territory <nowiki></nowiki>
|The federal territory of Christopia/Vouxia will be created out of federal land with the borders specified. td_d_ian will be appointed territory governor. <nowiki></nowiki>
|Glendalough National Park is created out of Gotland with the borders. Romanito will be appointed park ranger. <nowiki></nowiki>
|JoelThaTroll, Caddywomper, Zombie_Striker, SlothInASuit are formally removed of their IF citizenship and residency and formally placed under a POS order. A tribunal will be held to assess further guilt and punishment.
|That the Above area is declared a demilitarized zone and those seeking entry should require permission from the government of the IF <nowiki></nowiki>
|the parliament of the IF bans southwest from the nation
|The Parliament of the IF revokes 455m4ns citizenship and makes him a resident
|That Southwest is banned from IF discord
|That the Parliament/Senate supports the independence of Southsea
|5-1P 7-2S
|The Parliament approves this IF Code of Conduct <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Parliament/Senate supports amending the Constitution to replace Section 8.1 with "Federal Elections for the parliament shall be held no longer than 60 days after the conclusion of the last election."
|5-1P 5-1S
|That the Parliament/Senate supports adopting the below Constitution <nowiki></nowiki>
|5-0P 5-0S
|The remaining Parliament grants emergency powers to King Jalhf following the unilateral secession of several states and resignation of the Chancellor and other MPs
|That the Imperial Federation reverts to the first constitution of the Imperial Federation. <nowiki></nowiki>


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