Temporal Isles (founded 2022): Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox civilization|image=Temporal_Flag.png|position_title3=Chancellor|position_name6=VariedDr_Bacon_Hair|position_title6=Temporal Representative|position_name5=VariedBlu9710|position_title5=Militia Chief|position_name4=VariedVacant(PhysicsGamer)|position_title4=Economic Advisor|position_name3=VariedBlu9710|position_name2=SirAladorVacant(Founding to 2 months after FoundingPhysicsGamer), later Vacant|name=Temporal Isles|position_title2=Second Consul|position_name1=PhysicsGamer|position_title1=First Consul|government_type=Consulate|demonym=Temporal|activity_level=High|settlements=Temporal City, Basaltington City|discord=*Temporal Empire Discord: https://discord.gg/Sz7gJdk4kg
*Temporal Isles Discord: https://discord.gg/QYC5ymK4qH}}<blockquote>"I really don't have much to say about Temporal Isles. It's exactly like every other nonexistent town you've ever seen in minecraft. Overly wide, straight avenues cut across the landscape going from nothing to nowhere, designed for gasoline engined vehicles which don't exist in the game. Wooden huts lurk menacingly, their purpose refusing to be ascertained from their architectural qualities in the landscape which has been stripped of every tree, flower, and blade of grass. It's like a plague of locusts tried to make a society. The most interesting part of Temporal Isles is the fact that the entire country is city bastioned, preventing one from placing boats to escape as fast as possible from the visual atrocity one witnesses upon entering." -[[Hg__80]] [[https://discord.com/channels/912074050086502470/1026665430003236985/1121656401014554644 source]] </blockquote>The '''Temporal Isles''', formally referred to as the '''Consulate of the Temporal Isles''', was an island-based nation in the -,- quadrant led by [[PhysicsGamer]], which has since separated into two distinct entities, the [[Temporal Empire]] and the [[New Temporal Isles]]. The Temporal Isles was made up almost entirely of taiga, with an amount of snowy plains located in the northern reaches of its territories to the east. A small nation in size and population, and having seceded from Icenia in September of 2022, it stood as one of the youngest of its peers on the continent of [[Northlandia]], focusing on trade and infrastructure development above other concerns.
== Foundation ==
The Temporal Isles began at the Start of the World as a territory of Icenia, acquiring statehood under the leadership of First Consul [[PhysicsGamer]] and Second Consul [[SirAlador]]. Quickly farms were constructed, creating a large-scale and consistent source of food which fedcontinues to feed Temporals and travelers until they were disassembled as a part of an effort to improve the aethetics of the island headed up bythis [[Jaimiemie]]day. As [[PhysicsGamer]] became a Senator of [[Icenia (CivMC)|Icenia]], his attention was drawn away from the Temporal Isles due to concerns of the larger nation, and took on strict and harsh policies regarding production goals for the Temporal Isles to match the pace of Icenian development. Going so far as to entirely forego city development in favor of simply living in holes in the ground, dissent began to develop among the populace of the Temporal Isles, eventually resulting in [[SirAlador]] resigning from his position as Second Consul of the Temporal Isles, passing the position to [[PhysicsGamer]], and announcing that he was quitting from Civ.
The resignation of [[SirAlador]] was a massive blow to Temporal morale, particularly with the harsh policies which had been enacted, and lack of trust in his leadership among the existing populace. The Temporal Isles rapidly lost citizens, ultimately resulting in the decline of the Temporal Isles into obscurity in Icenia, as well as the Temporal Isles becoming a largely dead state.
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== Valyrian-Temporal War ==
On January 16th, The Temporal Isles and [[Kallos]] declared war on [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]] due to the fact that [[Dr_Bacon_Hair]] had been removed from [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]]'s nether portal groups. The planning of this war mostly occured in a new alliance called Vox, also known as Vox Pendelum. [[PhysicsGamer]] and [[Dredd_kiji]] planned the operation, with [[Dr Bacon Hair]] pressuring for the operation to occur, and [[Docker_Image]], and [[Blu9710]] also contributing. Several days before the attack, [[Blu9710]] elected to back out of the planning, as he had determined that it was not the ideal course of action. Temporal government member [[Jaimiemie]] was intentionally left out of preparations(despite many questioning the decision) because he had expressed support for [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]] in the recent months and was deemed to be a security risk. Soon after the Valyrian War had started [[Dr Bacon Hair]] had realized that the war was a mistake and along with Blu9710 and Jaimiemie began pressuring [[PhysicsGamer]] to surrender and pay reps. However, knowing that the situation had ruined relations with the closest ally of the Temporal Isles, [[PhysicsGamer]] believeddid thenot only waywant to secure the future of an independent Temporal Isles was to depose the regime of Valyriasurrender and replaceinstead itcame with a regime which would be friendlyup with the Temporal Isles. This plan to attempt a coup againstthe ValyriaValyrian wouldGovernment ultimately fail due to a number of factors,despite the mostactive notablepopulation of whichTemporal wasIsles poorbeing infosecagasint and a lack of organization among the prospective Valyrian collaborationist government, leading to the plan failingit.
== The 1st Temporal Coup ==
Because of [[PhysicsGamer]] inability to listen to the players of the Temporal Isles and them wanting to surrender he was couped and thrown out of TI.
Because of the situation with Valyria, and [[PhysicsGamer]]'s assessment of the Temporal Isles' situation being untenable without a friendly Valyria, the players which had initially pushed for the war and later a surrender elected to depose the regime which had administered the Temporal Isles since the start of the world in favor of a new path.
In the early hours of February 2nd (Central Standard Time), the Valyrian-Temporal War continued, during which [[PhysicsGamer]] was online and running along former joint infrastructure and hitting Valyrian snitches to test response times and annoy them. During the day on February, [[Blu9710]], [[Dr_Bacon_Hair]] and [[Jaimiemie]] began plans to remove [[PhysicsGamer]] from the leadership of the Temporal Isles. Around 5:00 PM CST, Blu9710 returned from his trip to the Imperial Federation and moved the doors of the Temporal Potbunker over to rebel groups to deny access to [[PhysicsGamer]]. [[PhysicsGamer]] was to be manipulated into logging on by the presence of Jaimiemie, who had become a hostile player to the existing regime. This plan quickly proved to be unnecessary, however, as [[PhysicsGamer]] had logged out within the Pot bunker, being assassinated soon after logging in. The Temporal Isles was soon turned over to Icarus by the instigators of the coup, who annexed the land as a semi-autonomous region under Dr_Bacon_Hair, while [[PhysicsGamer]] was pearled for a month before fleeing to Gang Shi, who had taken him in at Gwua's insistence during his time being held on the behalf of the Icarian Temporal Isles and Valyria.
== Boarian/Icarian Era ==
After [[PhysicsGamer]] was couped the citizens of TI electeddecided to join Icarus, having become good friends with the Icarians along with the past strife endured by an independent TI. During this time, the Temporal Isles shifted away from economy and military in favor of aesthetics and integration with Icarus as a whole. [[Dr Bacon Hair]] built many builds during this time including a majestic crab, a monument to Icarus and TI above a sheep farm, a stone farm and a train station with rails to Icenia. Jaimiemie helped in mainland Icarus with running farms for xp. [[Mushroom_Cultist]] moved to TI and Bacon built him a quaint Mushroom house to live in. [[VilyanZ]] and [[Sdorr]] also became residents of TI building a house next to the Mushroom.
== The Butternut-SEC War ==
During the [[Buttsecs War]], theBacon's Temporal Isles, as a territory of [[Icarus]], found itself in conflict with the Butternut Coalition, which included [[PhysicsGamer]] among their fighters. Government member Jaimiemie and Mushroom_Cultist was pearled in the early days of the war, and Blu9710 elected to flee the fighting to join IF, leaving the Temporal Isles with only [[Dr Bacon Hair]] actively playing in the area. Following the fall of Whole Foods, the area returned to occupation under [[PhysicsGamer]] as TI's only active player. The progression of the war led to the Temporal Isles being asserted under [[PhysicsGamer]] , and the defeat of the SEC secured this new status quo. At the urging of [[AbyssalSire]], [[PhysicsGamer]] elected to allow integration of citizens associated with the previous government, despite his own reservations regarding the potential risk such an act posed.
== The Temporal Schism/2nd Temporal Coup ==
Members of the previous government were allowed to return to the Temporal Isles on a number of conditions, the most notable of which was that all military infrastructure in the area would be built on groups owned by [[PhysicsGamer]] , so as to eliminate risk of a second coup or other such action which could destabilize the new status quo. However, Mushroom_Cultist was soon discovered constructing a bunker9x9x9 holeStone whichReinforced hadobsidian notbox yetto hadstore thehis containeditems bunkerin. constructed,After leavingan sufficientalmost deniabilitythree onweek thelong natureperiod of thebeing bunkerabsent forin competingTI, perspectives[[PhysicsGamer]] ofreturned to discovered Mushroom in the naturemiddle of theconstructing bunkerthe holebox, withwhich Mushroom_Cultistat claimingthe ittime was simplyjust aan storage9x9 bunkerobsidian afterfloor. theMushroom_Cultist in a eventsmoment of thepanic incidentdecided to run, whilehowever [[PhysicsGamer]] hadpearled nohim wayfor toit, confirmdespite thisMushroom assertionbeing completely unarmored. [[PhysicsGamer]] immediately ran over to Butternut Vault to store the pearl, havinghowever beenthey workingdenied onhim defensiveaccess. infrastructureGang inShi also stated that they would not hold the areapearl for thehim. past[[PhysicsGamer]] week,kept discoveredthe Mushroompearl in thehis middleinventory ofas excavatingIcenian/Icarian/Yoathlan themilitary bunkerchased holehim along with some other volunteers including Gang Shi citizen, whichFastestgrass. extendedAccording fromto justFastest, undermany members of the surfaceGang halfwayShi intogovernment thewere deepslatetelling layer,Physics andto androp additionalthe obsidianpearl, floordespite atthis he kept the bedrockpearl toin preventhis disablinginventory and ran for several hours. Eventually [[PhysicsGamer]] initiallywas askedcornered Mushroomby questionsIcenian aboutfighters, forced to throw the naturepearl ofoff the hole,skybridge withhe Mushroomwas makingholed declarationsup suchon, asand "what'sjump ato diamondhis vein"death whenon askedthe whyground hebelow. wasThen quarryingNegotiations began and askeda ifnumber heof wasproposals miningwere athrown diamondaround, vein.including Aseven questioningconstructing progressed,a however,second PhysicsGamerTemporal determinedIsles thatelsewhere Mushroomto wasallow ratherfor obviouslyindependent playingTemporal dumbIsles nations to theexist situation,simultaneously. and[[PhysicsGamer]] instructedat Mushroomfirst towas CTRstrongly against selling any bit of the obsidianland to anthe adminrest groupof hethe gavepopulation Mushroomof accessTI(despite to,not todeveloping ensurethe thatland and being absent from the holenation couldn'tfor beseveral usedmonths), inbut aeventually hostilefollowing mannerinternal againstdiscussions him.between InPhysicsGamer and responseJbblocker, MushroomPhysicsGamer electedconceded to flee,a withdeal PhysicsGamerin pearlingwhich himreparations duringwould thebe flight,paid determiningfrom thatIcarus, despiteand beingall unarmored,Temporal itland wasoutside aof necessarythe acthome afterislands discoveringwould himbe workingplaced onunder athe bunkeradministration hole.of [[PhysicsGamer]]. immediatelyThe ranTemporal overEmpire towas Butternutthen Vaultformed toin actthese asterritories, aprimarily scarecrowcomposed whileof determining[[PhysicsGamer]] what, to doSirAlador, asand ButternutShady_Warri0r, hadwith declareda itmonarchical waspower notstructure gettingand involved.an explicit Gang Shi's vaultalliance. wasThe notNew sufficientlyTemporal activatedIsles atwas theformed timeprimarily to holdwith the pearlplayers safely,[[Dr whichBacon wasHair]], determinedJaimiemie, inand aMushroom_Cultist voicewith callIcenian, betweenIcarian, GSand leadershipYoathlan including PhysicsGamer himselfbacking.
[[PhysicsGamer]] kept the pearl in his inventory as Icenian/Icarian/Yoathlan military chased him along with some other volunteers including Gang Shi citizen, Fastestgrass. There was heavy debate within the Gang Shi government on what to do, with JB advocating for backing PhysicsGamer in the situation from a position of empathy for the situation PhysicsGamer found himself in, and fastest advocating that a conflict was not worth the effort due to the perceived minor nature of the conflict. Eventually [[PhysicsGamer]] determined he was unable to effectively flee the situation without immediate backup, and was forced to throw the pearl off the skybridge he was holed up on, and jump to his death on the ground below. Then Negotiations began and a number of proposals were thrown around, including even constructing a second Temporal Isles elsewhere to allow for independent Temporal Isles nations to exist simultaneously. [[PhysicsGamer]] was opposed to abandoning his home territory, which he had settled on at start of the world and spent many sleepless nights defending against raiders and other such aggressors, and offered to personally fund efforts to make the Bacon faction whole, offering diamonds, alternative land, and even constructing the second TI which was pitched previously, but eventually following internal discussions between PhysicsGamer and Jbblocker, PhysicsGamer conceded to a deal in which reparations would be paid from Icarus, and all Temporal land outside of the home islands would be placed under the administration of PhysicsGamer. The Temporal Empire was then formed in these territories, primarily composed of [[PhysicsGamer]] , SirAlador, and Shady_Warri0r, with a monarchical power structure and an explicit Gang Shi alliance. The New Temporal Isles was formed primarily with the players [[Dr Bacon Hair]], Jaimiemie, and Mushroom_Cultist with Icenian, Icarian, and Yoathlan backing.
== New Nation Pages ==
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Page for [[New Temporal Isles]]
== Governments of the Temporal Isles ==
=== September/October Government ===
* First Consul: PhysicsGamer
* Second Consul: Vacant(PhysicsGamer)
* Chancellor: PhysicsGamer
* Economic Advisor: Dr_Bacon_Hair
* Militia Chief: AsinX
* Representative: PhysicsGamer
=== November Government ===
* First Consul: PhysicsGamer
* Second Consul: Vacant(PhysicsGamer)
* Chancellor: Blu9710
* Economic Advisor: Vacant(PhysicsGamer)
* Militia Chief: Blu9710
* Representative: Dr_Bacon_Hair
=== '''Icarian Government''' ===
* Rizz God: Dr_Bacon_Hair
* Rizz Knight: Jaimiemie and Mushroom_Cultist
* Icarian Rizz: Sdorr
* Legacy Rizzer: Blu9710
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