Temporal Isles (founded 2022): Difference between revisions

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Discussions were had with the three leaders, [[ChrisChrispie]], [[Rinvincibl3]], and [[PhysicsGamer]] , who came to a number of agreements, which were later codified by an amended version of the treaty presented previously. Notably, the revised treaty granted the Temporal Isles half the land it had originally requested, removed all farm access from Icenian farms for all Temporals, and forcefully stripped all Temporals of Icenian citizenship, forcing Temporals into a decision on if they wished to remain with Icenia or leave with the Temporal Isles. Most citizens of the Temporal Isles at this point did not hold Icenian citizenship, though [[SirAlador]], through some unknown means, retained both citizenships, despite the agreement.
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== The Finite War ==
The [[Finite War]] lasted from November 25th to December 11th officially, but the war's effects lasted from November 6th to the end of the [[Four Hour War]], on December 21st, with further reverberations of these events lasting until the Temporal Schism, motivating actions of multiple parties citing the handling of the war and the untenable situation of the war as arguments in favor of and against the [[PhysicsGamer]] regime. Temporal Citizens [[Jaimiemie]] and [[Blu9710]] were pearled during a portion of this conflict.
== Valyrian-Temporal War ==
On January 16th, The Temporal Isles and [[Kallos]] declared war on [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]] due to the fact that [[Dr_Bacon_Hair]] had been removed from [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]]'s nether portal groups. The planning of this war mostly occured in a new alliance called Vox, also known as Vox Pendelum. [[PhysicsGamer]] and [[Dredd_kiji]] planned the operation, with [[Dr Bacon Hair]] pressuring for the operation to occur, and [[Docker_Image]], and [[Blu9710]] also contributing. Several days before the attack, [[Blu9710]] elected to back out of the planning, as he had determined that it was not the ideal course of action. Temporal government member [[Jaimiemie]] was intentionally left out of preparations(despite many questioning the decision) because he had expressed support for [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]] in the recent months and was deemed to be a security risk. Soon after the Valyrian War had started [[Dr Bacon Hair]] had realized that the war was a mistake and along with Blu9710 and Jaimiemie began pressuring [[PhysicsGamer]] to surrender and pay reps. However [[PhysicsGamer]] did not want to surrender and instead came up with the plan to coup the Valyrian Government despite the active population of Temporal Isles being agasint it.
== The 1st Temporal Coup ==
Because of [[PhysicsGamer]] inability to listen to the players of the Temporal Isles and them wanting to surrender he was couped and thrown out of TI.
In the early hours of February 2nd (Central Standard Time), the Valyrian-Temporal War continued, during which PhysicsGamer was online and running along former joint infrastructure and hitting Valyrian snitches to test response times. During the day on February, Blu9170, Dr_Bacon_Hair and Jaimiemie began plans to remove PhysicsGamer from the leadership of the Temporal Isles. Around 5:00 PM CST, Blu9710 returned from his trip to the Imperial Federation and moved the doors of the Temporal Potbunker over to rebel groups to deny access to PhysicsGamer. PhysicsGamer was to be manipulated into logging on by the presence of Jaimiemie, who had become a hostile player to the existing regime, and subsequently killed. This plan quickly proved to be unnecessary, however, as PhysicsGamer had logged out within the Potbunker, being assassinated soon after logging in. The Temporal Isles was soon turned over to Icarus by the instigators of the coup, who annexed the land as a semi-autonomous region under Dr_Bacon_Hair, while PhysicsGamer was pearled for a month before fleeing to Gang Shi, who had taken him in at Gwua's insistence during his time being held on the behalf of Bacon's Temporal Isles.
In the early hours of February 2nd (Central Standard Time), the Valyrian-Temporal War continued, during which [[PhysicsGamer]] was online and running along former joint infrastructure and hitting Valyrian snitches to test response times and annoy them. During the day on February, Blu9170[[Blu9710]], [[Dr_Bacon_Hair]] and [[Jaimiemie]] began plans to remove [[PhysicsGamer]] from the leadership of the Temporal Isles. Around 5:00 PM CST, Blu9710 returned from his trip to the Imperial Federation and moved the doors of the Temporal Potbunker over to rebel groups to deny access to [[PhysicsGamer]]. [[PhysicsGamer]] was to be manipulated into logging on by the presence of Jaimiemie, who had become a hostile player to the existing regime, and subsequently killed. This plan quickly proved to be unnecessary, however, as [[PhysicsGamer]] had logged out within the PotbunkerPot bunker, being assassinated soon after logging in. The Temporal Isles was soon turned over to Icarus by the instigators of the coup, who annexed the land as a semi-autonomous region under Dr_Bacon_Hair, while [[PhysicsGamer]] was pearled for a month before fleeing to Gang Shi, who had taken him in at Gwua's insistence during his time being held on the behalf of Bacon'sthe Icarian Temporal Isles and Valyria.
== Boarian Era ==
After PhysicsGamer was couped the citizens of TI decided to join Icarus, having become good friends with the Icarians. Dr Bacon Hair built many builds during this time including a majestic crab, a monument to Icarus and TI above a sheep farm, a stone farm and a train station with rails to Icenia. Jaimiemie helped in mainland Icarus with running farms for xp. [[Mushroom_Cultist]] moved to TI and Bacon built him a quaint Mushroom house to live in. [[VilyanZ]] and [[Sdorr]] also became residents of TI building a house next to the Mushroom.
== Boarian/Icarian Era ==
After [[PhysicsGamer]] was couped the citizens of TI decided to join Icarus, having become good friends with the Icarians. [[Dr Bacon Hair]] built many builds during this time including a majestic crab, a monument to Icarus and TI above a sheep farm, a stone farm and a train station with rails to Icenia. Jaimiemie helped in mainland Icarus with running farms for xp. [[Mushroom_Cultist]] moved to TI and Bacon built him a quaint Mushroom house to live in. [[VilyanZ]] and [[Sdorr]] also became residents of TI building a house next to the Mushroom.
== The Butternut-SEC War ==
During the [[Buttsecs War]], Bacon's Temporal Isles, as a territory of [[Icarus]], found itself in conflict with the Butternut Coalition, which included [[PhysicsGamer]] among their fighters. Government member Jaimiemie and Mushroom_Cultist was pearled in the early days of the war, and Blu9710 elected to flee the fighting to join IF, leaving the Temporal Isles with only Dr_Bacon_Hair[[Dr Bacon Hair]] actively playing in the area. Following the fall of Whole Foods, the area returned to occupation under [[PhysicsGamer]] as TI's only active player. The progression of the war led to the Temporal Isles being asserted under the original[[PhysicsGamer]] regime, and the defeat of the SEC secured this new status quo. At the urging of [[AbyssalSire]], [[PhysicsGamer]] elected to allow integration of citizens associated with the previous government, despite his own reservations regarding the potential risk such an act posed.
== The 2nd Temporal SchismCoup ==
Members of the previous government were allowed to return to the Temporal Isles on a number of conditions, the most notable of which was that all military infrastructure in the area would be built on groups owned by [[PhysicsGamer]] , so as to eliminate risk of a second coup or other such action which could destabilize the new status quo. However, Mushroom_Cultist was soon discovered constructing a bunker9x9x9 Stone Reinforced obsidian box to store his items in. After an almost three week long period of being absent in TI, and[[PhysicsGamer]] returned to discovered Mushroom in the ensuingmiddle interactionof constructing the box, hewhich at the time was just an 9x9 obsidian floor. Mushroom_Cultist in a moment of panic attempteddecided to fleerun, andhowever was[[PhysicsGamer]] pearled him for it, despite Mushroom being completely unarmored. For[[PhysicsGamer]] theimmediately nextran severalover hoursto Butternut Vault to store the pearl, however they denied him access. Gang Shi also stated that they would not hold the pearl for him. [[PhysicsGamer]] kept the pearl in his inventory as discussionsIcenian/Icarian/Yoathlan weremilitary hadchased amonghim formeralong Coalitionwith nationssome onother volunteers including Gang Shi citizen, Fastestgrass. whatAccording to doFastest, many members of the Gang Shi government were telling Physics to drop the pearl, despite this he kept the pearl in his inventory and eventuallyran for several hours. Eventually [[PhysicsGamer]] was cornered by SECIcenian fighters, forced to throw the pearl off the skybridge he was holed up on, and jump to his death on the ground below. DuringThen ensuingNegotiations negotiations,began and a number of proposals were thrown around, including even constructing a second Temporal Isles elsewhere to allow for independent Temporal Isles nations to exist simultaneously. Eventually[[PhysicsGamer]] at first was strongly against selling any bit of the land to the rest of the population of TI(despite not developing the land and being absent from the nation for several months), but eventually following internal discussions between PhysicsGamer and Jbblocker, however, PhysicsGamer conceded to a deal in which reparations would be paid from Icarus, and all Temporal land outside of the home islands would be placed under the administration of PhysicsGamer. The Temporal Empire was then formed in these territories, primarily composed of [[PhysicsGamer]] , SirAlador, and Shady_Warri0r, with a monarchical power structure and an explicit Gang Shi alliance. The New Temporal Isles was formed primarily with the players Dr_Bacon_Hair[[Dr Bacon Hair]], Jaimiemie, and Mushroom_Cultist with aIcenian, council republican power structureIcarian, and IcenianYoathlan backing.
== New Nation Pages ==
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* Militia Chief: Blu9710
* Representative: Dr_Bacon_Hair
=== '''Icarian Government''' ===
* Rizz God: Dr_Bacon_Hair
* Rizz Knight: Jaimiemie and Mushroom_Cultist
* Icarian Rizz: Sdorr
* Legacy Rizzer: Blu9710
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