Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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| image = Imperial_Federation.png
| caption = Flag
| image2 = Imperial Federation MapIFStates-Feb28-2024.png
| caption2 = Map of the Continental IF at the end of 2023
| governing_document= [ Constitution on Google Docs]</br>
[ Constitution on IF Website]
| government_type = Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
| government_type = Federal constitutional monarchy
| position_title1 = Monarch
| position_name1 = [[Jalhf|King Jalhf I]]
| position_title2 = Chancellor
| position_name2 = [[ComradeSankaraGabrielmaennl5]] (Independent / [[Workers' Party of Grenada]])
| position_title3 = LordDeputy High CouncillorChancellor
| position_name3 = [[TheJmqnPotato_Duke]] (Independent)
| position_title4 = Senators
| position_name4 = [[Asgeir9]] </br>
| position_name4 = Aetherix (Independent), </br> Frostwarrior (DNP), </br> Asgeir9 (Independent), </br> Plupsnup (Cooperative-Individualist Party), </br> TheJmqn (Independent), </br> Potato_king (DNP), </br> Oakshelf (DNP)
[[CyanideForest813]] </br>
[[dcruzyx]] </br>
[[HolisticJalapeno]] </br>
[[Frostwarrior112]] </br>
[[TomatoeChips]] </br>
[[immediateDescent]] </br>
[[gabrielmaennl5]] </br>
[[TheJmqn]] </br>
[[SlothInASuit]] </br>
[[Vulcan1776]] </br>
[[ZeroQL]] </br>
[[BreadyMcB]] </br>
[[Mariora]] </br>
[[Zombie_Striker]] </br>
[[RobbyTheGobby]] </br>
| foundation_date = 31 August 2022
| location = Deluvia
| religion = Dark Sun (official religion), </br> Tengrism ([[United Donkiboure]]), </br> [[Reformed Shinto]] (Western Boundary and [[Gotland]]),</br> R'hollr (Regentsburgh),</br>Church of t (Irkhah), </br>[[Boarism]] ([[Icarus (CivMC)]]
| locationlanguage = -2800,English +7700<br/>
Spanish (Imperial Karydia) <br/>
| language = English, </br> Japanese ([[Western Boundary]]), </br> Romanian (Western Boundary), </br> Spanish (Grenada)
Elyriani (Elyras) <br/>
| capital_city = Imperia
Swedish (Thule) <br/>
| demonym = Iffers
| capital_city = New Callisto
| demonym = Deluvian, Iffer
|nat_color_desc=Imperial Red
|discord=|website=|mascot=Lion|motto="Glory to the IF and Deluvia!"|preceded_by=[[Imperial Federation (Civ Realms 2.0)]] (Indirect)|religion=[[Dark Sun]] (Anor Londo X) </br>
[[True Faith]] (Imperial Karydia) </br>
[[R'hollr]] (Regensburg) </br> }}
{{For-text|this nation on Civ Realms|[[Imperial Federation (Civ Realms 2.0)]]}}
The '''Imperial Federation''', colloquially known as the '''IF''', is a federation of states and territories on [[CivMC]] from [[Deluvia]], [[Karydia]], the [[Western Continent]], and the [[Eastern ContinentKarydia]]. It is a constitutional monarchy with free and fair elections held on aevery monthly40 basisdays. It was established as the successor of the [[Imperial Federation (Civ Realms 2.0)|Imperial Federation from Civ Realms 2.0]].
The IF is the largest and most populous nation in the southwest quadrant of the world, the thirdfirst or second most populous statenation andin the firstworld orand, secondas mostof active18 countryJune in2024, CivMC asone of 18the Novembermost 2022active countries on CivMC.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
The IF is also allied to the [[United Tribes of the Southern Sea]] as part of a Bilateral Security Partnership.
The Imperial Federation covers a majority of Deluvia's total land area and over four-fifths of the continent's population.
== History ==
===Cuparian Era===
===Conflict with Hyperborean Confederation===
====Conflict with Hyperborean Confederation====
After the integration of Snowshire into the [[Hyperborean Confederation]] on August 29th 2022, [[R2D231]] logged into CivMC only to find his house raided and his dog dead. Immediately he swore vengeance on the one who raided his house <ref>{{Cdisc|sender=@TheDiscordE51#6854|date=30th August, 2022|url=|channel=#cabinet|server=Hyperborean Confederation|access-date=5th September, 2022|text="i will fucking end whoever killed my dog"|screenshot-link=}}</ref>, but he didn't know who due to the lack of snitches on his premises. After telling [[SpacemanSpleef]] and getting advice, he set a snitch and bait chest in his house again. On the 30th, he logged in again to see the snitch had not worked and all his stuff stolen again. After exiting his house, he saw posts around the entirety of the two islands saying that the land was sovereign territory claimed by the "Imperial Federation", not to mention a Reddit post by someone named King_Cupar declaring the foundation of the Imperial Federation on R2's land. R2 told Spleef again and Spleef told him about the reddit posts. They both went around removing the signs and replacing them with Snowshirian ones. After finishing that, [[TheJMQN]], leader of the S.E.C. proposed something to R2 and Cupar (who was not online at the time), where Cupar and the I.F. could move to the S.E.C., a much more desirable land than Snowshire. After pinging Cupar on Discord with the proposal, on the 31st he agreed to it. Tensions between the I.F. and Hyperborea began to fall at that moment as the one who raided R2's house, Jadex1, had his position in the I.F. removed and was exiled from the kingdom. As of the 5th of September, an alliance between Hyperborea, the Pridelands, and the I.F. has been created, and a rail line from Hyperborea to the I.F. is in the works.
==== Ratification of the constitution ====
[[File:Ratification of IF Constitution.png|thumb|250px|Delegates meeting in Anor Londo to ratify the constitution of the Imperial Federation.]]
On 24 August 2022, delegates from Regentsburgh, Godhaven, Thoria, Anor Londo, Western Boundary and Pejite met to discuss and ratify the constitution of the Imperial Federation. This discussion resulted in the reinforcement of checks and balances within the Imperial Federation Constitution and confirmed the Dark Sun as the official religion of the IF and Topher as the Glorious and External Emperor, bless the IF.
Line 43 ⟶ 63:
All other Imperial Federation states ratified the constitution on 25 August 2022, bringing the document into effect from that date.
==== Admission of Myra into the Imperial Federation ====
On 2 October 2022, King_Cupar of the Imperial Federation signed [ a treaty] with the President of the [[Icarus (CivMC)|2nd Icarian Republic]] to incorporate the Territory of [[Khione]] in the defunct state of Myra into the Imperial Federation under the administration of the 2nd Icarian Republic, with the remaining section of Myra under the full control of the IF.
==== 1-2 October 2022 election ====
[[File:IF 1 October election.png|thumb|Election Results Map]]
{{For-text|full article|[[1 October 2022 Imperial Federation Election]]}}
Line 88 ⟶ 108:
==== The Thorian Crisis ====
Upon the loss of the 1 October 2022 election, there were allegations ofelection fraud against CJTheking12345, due to a lack of any houses built in Thoria, a necessity for citizenship and voting rights. A great many calls were made for action to be taken against him, and by extension Thoria, arguably resulting in the Anti-Thorian attitudes in the nation. Politicians expressing this view included then Chancellor, JAW689, as well as several Senators. JAW689 infamously paraphrased the words of George Wallace in saying, 'Thorian Oppression Today, Thorian Oppression Tomorrow, and Thorian oppression Forever' as well as calling Thorians 'different from you and I'.
[[File:Freeport meeting.png|thumb|First National Summit of the Imperial Federation]]
Line 94 ⟶ 114:
The culmination of this occurred on October 17th, 2022, when citizens of the Imperial Federation were gathered in a lighthouse in Freeport to discuss alterations to the constitution and other affairs facing the nation. Halfway through the nation, CJTheking12345 and another Thorian conducted a suicide bombing of the meeting, resulting in the killing of several, and the destruction of much of the lighthouse. It created a temporary pause in the meeting and use of unconstitutional but rapid action by the king to post a pearl-on-sight of CJTheking12345. [[Pandastical]] went and swept over Thoria, resulting in the Battle of the Two Fishing Huts, which involved him destroying two small Thorian lake huts and encountering no one. The conflict was eventually concluded with payment by ex-Thorian officials, and Thoria was turned into a federal district.
==== The JAW689 Chancellory ====
Under his administration, a number of achievements was made, both in foreign issues and domestically.
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Domestically, a great deal was also achieved. Votes were held for the national anthem, location of the capitol district, and it's name. Planning for the previously mentioned capitol began as well. With the rising number of political parties, a bill made by Pandastical passed in the Senate and created standards for them. Infrastructure was created, both rails and ice roads, as well as a great overland road linking the nation together. Perhaps the greatest achievement of his administration was successful recruitment of new players, mostly newfriends, causing the nation's population to skyrocket. Going into the Second Election, JAW689 was expected to have an easy victory, before it was announced that he would not run again due to personal reasons.
==== 1-2 November 2022 Election ====
[[File:IF 1 November election.png|thumb|Election Results Map]]
{{For-text|full article|[[1 November Imperial Federation Election]]}}
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|[[File:Independent_(Pandastical)_Colour.png]] Independent
|[[File:Province of Regentsburgh.jpg|25px]] [[RegentsburghRegensburg]]
| • Infrastructure development </br> • Anti-expansionism </br> • Empowerment of monarchy
Line 142 ⟶ 162:
==== The S0uthw3st Chancellery ====
Above all else, the S0uthw3st Chancellery is defined by continued focus on internal development. The rail lines were greatly expanded and developed, and practically the entire eastern portion of the nation became connected by road. The nation's population would also continue to boom, culminating in the December election featuring a hundred possible voters, compared to the previous' 78. While some players would begin to develop wealth, most would remain in a state of poverty, which would have an impact on the following election.
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In retaliation Okx would lava-bomb the WIP capital, Imperia. A cat-and-mouse game would ensue, with Okx being chased, logging off, chased again; rinse and repeat. Eventually, it was decided that pearling him wouldn't be worth the effort. A sum total of around 120~ diamonds would be funded by S0uthw3st and future Chancellor (at the time, Senator) Spoonce, and the islands were purchased. The conflict would see a cooperation between Icarians, Imperials and Matland-ers to face Okx. However, it's outcome would not be popular amongst the general public, and contribute to S0uthw3st's loss in the next election.
==== 1-2 December 2022 Election ====
{{For-text|full article|[[1 December Imperial Federation Election]]}}
[[File:IF 1 December election.png|thumb|1 December 2022 election results map.]]
Line 235 ⟶ 255:
==== The Spoonce Chancellery ====
Relating to his election platform, Spoonce quickly got to work further expanding and developing the rail network. His policy of paying players for their work would prove fruitful, and would motivate the playerbase to conduct work both in rail-development and building the capital. New progress was made on the WIP capital of Imperia, including the finished plans for the Imperial Mall, a planned shopping center for the nation.
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At the end of his Chancellery, Spoonce would decline running for a second turn, and thus set the stage for the New Years election.
==== 31-2 January 2023 Election ====
[[File:January 2022 IF election map.png|thumb|1 January 2022 election results map.]]
''For more information, see [[31-2 January Imperial Federation Election]].''
The Imperial Federation held it's fourth federal election from the 31st of December 2022, to the 2nd of January 2023. With no incumbents, candidates would be [[Jahlf]], S0uthw3st, [[wilwithonel]] and [[CoolChacha97]]. No debate could be organized in time; however, many questions were sent to and answered by the candidates. The election would create the Imperial Federation's greatest scandal to date, the [[Chacha-Slide Scandal]]. In the end, Jahlf would become the new Chancellor of the Imperial Federation.
On September 15, 2023, the Imperial Federation publicized a vote sheet of the fourth federal election as a part of the Freedom of Information Act. This makes the fourth federal election the largest election in Civ history with 84 voters total<ref></ref>.
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Line 300 ⟶ 322:
==== The Jalhf Chancellory ====
Jalhf's immediate priority upon coming into office was cleaning up the remnants of the Chacha-Slide Scandal. With the help of [[King_Cupar]], he negotiated with k0mmi, Docker_Image and Icenian officials to settle things. The scandal was resolved there, however, threats of a new one did come up when CoolChacha97 became a Senator. Sure enough, he quickly said several inflammatory things regarding the nether. Jalhf helped implement a rule allowing the Senate to kick out a member with a 2/3 vote. CoolChacha97 would instead become an 'infrastructure advisor' due to his great works in advanced XP production. He would run in the February election.
During Jalhf's chancellory, the nation would begin producing advanced XP for itself, a promise made by several chancellors to this point. With the help of Chief-of-Staff BikMik, the military would also be re-organized, creating a 'military-support' role for non-geared citizens to join. These all helped the nation be more self-sufficient, which was becoming a rising concern as Pavia left its alliance with the FCCImperial Federation, while relationships with Icarus seemed to cool, and the two states became less close.
Chancellor Jalhf would also begin the de-claiming of it's unused land, wanting to diminish it's unnecessary size. This followed the actions of Pavia and Icarus. Near the tail end of his Chancellory, he would also kickstart a program of western development. Halland and Surmadri became states in his reign, as well as the re-organization of Myra. Development on the capital Imperia, however, stalled.
=== Jalfian Era ===
The most defining event of Jalhf's rule, however, was the abdication of longtime monarch King_Cupar. He cited burnout, and international attitudes towards newfriends, as the reason for his abdication. For his countless work in the IF, he was granted the status of Emperor by the Senate, and later canonized as the patron saint of the Imperial Federation. He would choose Jalhf as his successor, which was confirmed by the Senate. An amendment package was passed by the Senate, to provide the nation with stable governance. Jalhf would be King and Chancellor for a period of ten days, ending right around the end of the next election.
The most defining event of Jalhf's chancellorship was the abdication of longtime monarch King_Cupar. He cited burnout, and international attitudes towards newfriends, as the reason for his abdication. For his countless work in the IF, he was granted the status of Emperor by the Senate, and later canonized as the patron saint of the Imperial Federation. He would choose Jalhf as his successor, which was confirmed by the Senate. An amendment package proposed by the Imperial Federation general counsel was later passed by the Senate, to provide the nation with stable governance. Jalhf would be King and Chancellor for a period of ten days, ending right around the end of the next election.
At the same time as Cupar's abdication, the Pridelands announced that it would be leaving the Imperial Federation. The treaty welcoming them into the IF always held a provision allowing them to leave. Leader Bstallio explained that the Pridelands had initially joined to help the IF start up and develop, along with creating a community. Now that both were completed, the Pridelands decided it was time to leave. 'Prexit' would quickly become a defining topic in the political discourse, and would be the most passionate point of debate in the February Debate and election.
==== 31-2 February 2023 Election ====
''For more information, please see the [[31-2 February Imperial Federation Election]] page.''
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!1st Pref. Votes
!Independent/|[[File:The Unity Party Colour.png]] '''Workers Party of Grenada'''
|[[File:ComradeSankara Portrait.png|50x50px]]
* '''Rational Prexit Negotiator'''
* '''Domestic Development'''
* '''Military Development'''
|'''32 votes (59%)'''
Rational Prexit Negotiator
Domestic Development
Military Development
!32 votes (59%)
|[[File:Tophers Party Colour.png]] Independent
|* Hardline Anti-Prexit Platform
* Re-establishing previous foreign alliances
* Recruitment, Domestic Development & Declamation
* Nationalism
Recruitment, Domestic Development & Declamation
|12 Votes (22%)
|[[File:Party for Egality and Sovereignty Colour.png]] Independent
|* Amicable Prexit Negotiation
|4 Votes (7%)
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|* Military Development
* Domestic Focus
* Semi-Meme Candidate
Semi-Meme Candidate
|4 Votes (7%)
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] United constitutionnal monarchist party (UCMP)
* Centralization
* Constitutional modifications
* Amicable Prexit negotiation
|0 votes (0%)
ComradeSankara and dropped out
==== The ComradeSankara Chancellory ====
== Current and Former States ==
After being elected at the beginning of the month of February, ComradeSankara served 3 consecutive terms as Chancellor (the longest term to date). The Imperial Federation saw a period of relative inactivity during the month of March as many players joined [[King_Cupar]] and [[Zhirall]] to play in the nation of [[Laurentia]] on [[CivReign]] until their return in April.
=== Duchy of Godhaven ===
[[File:GodhavenFlag.png|25px]] '''[[Godhaven (CivMC)|Godhaven]]''' is the one of the founding states of the Imperial Federation founded by [[TheJmqn]] as a successor to the former [[Godhaven|Duchy of Godhaven]]. The Duchy is located in the eastern shore of the Federation in frozen tundra between FELINE and formerly-Thoria.
==== HassDaMahn Chancellorship ====
Godhaven has no official build code and is considered to be a "starter state" designed to help new players learn the mechanics of civ.
The United Constitution Party was formed by King_Cupar, Oakshelf, Blu, Frostwarrior, Zhirall and CapianColton to push for centralization and democratization reforms in the Imperial Federation in April and May 2023. It was created on the ideas of the UCMP (United constitutionnal monarchist party), initally founded by Frostwarrior and Zhirall for the february election.
8 out of 9 senators subsequently joined the party and they were supported by pro-reformist HassDaMahn in his campaign for Chancellor of the Imperial Federation. On 3 May 2023, HassDaMahn was elected as the Chancellor of the Imperial Federation with over 80% of the vote, signalling rising support for reform and democratization in the IF.
Godhaven is represented in the parliament by TheJmqn and in the senate by TrickyDickNixon
The reforms resulted in the establishment of a democratic parliament and centralization efforts in the Imperial Federation towards the states of [[Imperia]] and [[Midgard]]. The first Parliamentary election of the Imperial Federation held on 15 May 2023 yielded a landslide result for the pro-reform United Constitution Party who won 83% of first preference votes and 8 out of 9 Members of Parliament, with TheJmqn being elected as an independent MP. The United Constitution Party also achieved super-majority by having of 6 out of 9 Senators.
It is often referred to as 'Ohio'.
On 6 June 2023, the United Constitutional Party rebranded itself to the "Unionist Party". On the same date, the Imperial Federation announced its intention to co-host a Summer Olympic Games with [[Venne (CivMC)|Venne]].
=== Province of Regentsburgh ===
[[File:Province of Regentsburgh.jpg|25px]] '''[[Regentsburgh]]''' is one of the founding and most populous states of the Federation. In the western side of the province is the city of Regentsburgh, which has a rustic theme based on the surrounding snowy environment.
During HassDaMahn's premiership, large portions of unused land were declaimed by the Imperial Federation for new nations to use. [[CCTT]] became independent from the IF and later disbanded, while the [[Pridelands]] rejoined the nation and was reorganized into federal land. The Imperial Federation remained neutral during the [[2023 Butternut–SEC Conflict]] and welcomed in war refugees as part of the Blue Cross program.
Regentsburgh is currently led in the senate by CapianColton and in parliament by King Cupar
At the start of June 2023, [[SlothInASuit]]'s resignation as a Member of Parliament triggered a by-election being fought by [[Aetherix]] of the Unionist Party who adopted a meme platform against TheRisenUndead and ThisPurple who stood as independents supporting similar centralization, militarization and unionist policies to the Unionist Party, with outsider candidates TheArgonite_ standing for the International Bezist Labor Coalition and TheGelatoh running as an Independent. Aetherix won the by-election with 48.5% of the vote on the first round and 62% of the vote on the fourth round, with Independent candidates collectively winning 42.4% of first round votes and the International Bezit Labor Coalition candidate winning 9.1% of the vote.
=== Thoria ===
[[File:Flag of Thoria.jpg|25px]] '''[[Thoria]]''' is a former state of the Imperial Federation, located in the south-eastern most corner of the nation. Following the Thorian Crisis, the state was dissolved by the Senate and re-designated as federal land.
==== WatersideKing_Cupar Chancellorship ====
On 27 June 2023, the following Members of Parliament were elected:
[[File:Flag of Waterside.jpg|25px]] '''[[Waterside]]''' was the fourth-oldest state of the Imperial Federation which was founded by Lord_Bacon10. It is situated between Regentsburgh and the border with [[South Augusta]]. Waterside's main city was Joannesberg - a self-proclaimed slum made up of tents where everyone is welcome and free to build as they wish.
{| class="wikitable"
!Home State
!1st Pref Votes
!2nd Pref Votes
!3rd Pref Votes
!4th Pref Votes
!5th Pref Votes
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Capital District Flag.png|25px]] [[Imperia]]'''
| '''17 (55%)'''
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Capital District Flag.png|25px]] [[Imperia]]'''
| '''4 (13%)'''
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]'''
| 2 (6%)
| '''13.5 (44%)'''
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Capital District Flag.png|25px]] [[Imperia]]'''
|[[File:Aetherix head.png|50px]]
| 2 (6%)
| 2 (6%)
| '''9.2 (30%)'''
|'''[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent'''
|'''[[File:GodhavenFlag.png|25px]] [[Godhaven]]'''
| 3 (9%)
| 3.8 (12%)
| '''4.9 (16%)'''
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Surmadri.png|25px]] [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]]'''
| 0 (0%)
| 0.7 (2%)
| 1.3 (4%)
| '''6.3 (20%)'''
|'''[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Imperial Accelerationist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Surmadri.png|25px]] [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]]'''
| 3 (9%)
| 3 (9%)
| 3.6 (12%)
| 3.9 (13%)
| '''4.1 (13%)'''
|[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]
|[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]
| 0 (0%)
| 0 (0%)
| 0 (0%)
| 0.3 (1%)
| 2.0 (6%)
|[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]
|[[File:Vermonters Flag.jpg|25px]] [[Vermont]]
| 0 (0%)
| 0 (0%)
| 0 (0%)
| 0.5 (2%)
| 0.9 (3%)
King_Cupar was elected as Chancellor of the Imperial Federation following the election with the backing of Unionist Party MPs.
=== Holy See of Anor Londo X ===
[[File:Flag of Anor Londo X.png|25px]] '''[[Anor Londo X]]''' (officially the Holy See of Anor Londo X) The state is the religious capital of the Imperial Federation. Anor Londo X was represented in the senate of the federation by JoelThaTroll.
Cupar's first act as Chancellor was to pearl fellow MP Zhirall. Following the first meeting of the nation's Parliament, Cupar and [[Potato_Duke]] led an assault of thirteen citizens to bomb [[Thoria]] as revenge for the bombing of Freeport Lighthouse in November 2022.
=== Pejite ===
[[File:Flag of Petije.png|25px]] '''[[Pejite]]''' (pronounced ''Pedge-ight'') is a former state located on a hilly and frosty island on the western border of the nation.
A few days later Cupar attempted to install [[SlothInASuit]] as King of the Imperial Federation in a failed coup d'état which led to the brief pearling of King_Cupar, Jalhf and TrueToneMatters and independence calls from states and territories across the nation, before Jalhf was restored as King and order restored.
=== United Donkiboure ===
[[File:Flag of United Donkiboure.png|25px]] '''[[United Donkiboure]]''' is a former located to the north-west of the country between FELINE, Anor Londo X and Pejite. It has a turkic theme with yurts and its own distinct culture.
A national by-election was held between 7-8 July 2022 following the suspension of Argonite as an MP due to his failure to disclose or end his involvement in the governance of [[Truidencia]].
=== Christopia ===
[[File:Flag_of_Christophia.jpg|25px]] '''[[Christopia (IF)|Christopia]]''' was a result of the split of Christopia between the IF and the [[Hyperborean Confederation]].
[[TheRisenUndead]] of the Unionist Party successfully won the election with 61% of votes cast, with the newly formed Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition winning 26% of the vote and independent candidates securing 12%.
=== Western Boundary ===
'''{{flag|境界の西部共和国}}''' (Western Boundary) joined the Imperial Federation upon its dissolution on 18 August 2022. [[tactical_maid|Yuuki I]] serves as Queen of the territory.
Support for the UP was strongest in Imperia, Midgard and outlying states and territories, whilst the Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition won majority support in Surmadri, Meriecta and Godhaven.
==== Realm of Gotland ====
[[File:IFGotlandSmall.PNG|25x25px]] '''[[Gotland]]''' (officially Realm of Gotland) is a state on the western border of the Imperial Federation's territory in Eastern Deluvia.
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=== CCTT ===
[[File:CCTT.jpg|25px]] '''[[CCTT|Cooperative Commonwealth of Tenants' Toil]] (CCTT)''' joined the Imperial Federation upon the dissolution of Western Boundary on 18 August 2022. It officially left due to disagreements about the current constitution on May the 14th 2023. It has a Myan/Aztec theme and is led by Plupsnup, who represented the state within the senate of the IF.
!Home State
!1st Pref Votes
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]'''
| '''21 (62%)'''
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|[[File:Image 2023-05-13 195458745.png|25px]] [[United Tribes of the Southern Sea|UTSS]]
|[[File:Potato_duke head.png|50px]]
| 3 (9%)
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition]]
|[[File:Fr.png|25px]] [[Meriecta]]
|[[File:Smothyhoo head.png|50px]]
| 3 (9%)
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition]]
|[[File:Surmadri.png|25px]] [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]]
| 2 (6%)
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition]]
|[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]
|[[File:Crazyman559 head.png|50px]]
| 2 (6%)
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition]]
|[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]
|[[File:TomatoeChips head.png|50px]]
| 2 (6%)
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|[[File:HallandFlag.png|25px]] [[Halland]]
|[[File:Spaceman_Spleef head.png|50px]]
| 1 (3%)
On 9 July 2023, the [[Pride Isles]] became independent from the Imperial Federation.
=== Vermont ===
[[File:Vermonters Flag.jpg|25px]] '''[[Vermont]]''' is a state of the Imperial Federation located in south-west Deluvia, which was originally designated as a newfriend refugee nation.
On 12 July 2023, [[Blu9710]] pearled [[MrCooCooMan]], the leader of [[Thoria]] for raiding in the IF state of [[United Tribes of the Southern Sea|UTSS]].
Vermont is the home state of JAW689, a former Chancellor of the Federation. It is represented in the Senate of the Imperial Federation by JAW689 and in the parliament by Korvenov, the duke of the capital city of Burlington.
A by-election held on 27 July 2023 saw the Unionist Party remain the largest party in the nation despite a low turnout:
=== Grenada ===
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[[File:StrosMkaiFlag.png|25px]] '''[[Grenada]]''' is located in northern of Deluvia. It is a Caribbean-themed state predominantly made up of islands on the South Sea. It is led by the republican, authoritarian leftist [[Workers' Party of Grenada]], who are the only legal party on the island. Individuals caught supporting other parties are subject to a smack ffrom "the People's Stick".
!Home State
!1st Pref Votes
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] [[Unionist Party]]'''
|'''[[File:Flag of Nalora.jpg|25px]] [[Nalora]]'''
| '''11 (69%)'''
|[[File:Greatest Party Colour.png]] [[Democrat-Accelerationist Coalition]]
|[[File:Surmadri.png|25px]] [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]]
| 2 (12.5%)
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|[[File:Flag of Anor Londo X.png|25px]] [[Anor Londo X]]
| 2 (12.5%)
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|25px]] [[Midgard]]
| 1 (6.25%)
===== Coup d'etat attempt =====
New residents of the territory are entitled to a free pony on entry. The State is led by Supreme Leader ComradeSankara.
{{For-text|full article|[[Imperial Federation attempted coup d'etat]]}}
On 27 July 2023, the leader of [[Anor Londo X]] was pearled by Defence Minister [[Dcruzyx]] following the unravelling of a coup d'etat attempt headed by [[SlothInASuit]] against the democratically elected government of the Imperial Federation.
===== DistrictImperial ofFederation MyraSecession Crisis =====
{{For-text|full article|[[Imperial Federation Secession Crisis]]}}A constitutional crisis caused by a variety of factors resulted in the states of CCTT, Pride Isle, Grenada, Surmadri, Southseasia and North Africa seceding from the Imperial Federation.
[[File:Flag of Myra.jpg|25px]] The defunct state of '''[[Myra]]''' was annexed by the Imperial Federation on 2 October 2022, housing the Imperial Federation resort towns of Tucon and Sandy Shore on its northern shore.
==== Territory12-15 ofAugust Khione2023 Election ====
''For more information, please see the [[12-15 August Imperial Federation Election]] page.''
[[File:Khione.png|25px]] The territory of '''[[Khione]]''' is part of former territory of Myra which is sovereignly part of the Imperial Federation but administered by the Government of the 2nd Icarian Republic under the terms of the [ Treaty of Khione], signed on 2 October 2022.
Following the Secession Crisis resulted in multiple government members resigned from their positions and multiple states seceded after the accusation of Grenadian Leader Sankara. The direct election for Chancellor would be held for the first time since May 2023, five candidates participated: immediateDescent, Potato_Duke, Tr1ckyD1ckNixon, Spaceman_Spleef, and OnceDoceTrece. A debate would be held a day before polls opened. ImmediateDescent would end up becoming the new Chancellor of the Imperial Federation.
It was represented in the Senate of the IF by BikMik.
==== The ImmediateDescent Chancellory ====
=== Irkhah ===
In a wake of the secession crisis, first move as the Chancellor was to revert the constitution back to the original constitution prior to the May 2023, the month when the Imperial Federation adopted second constitution. The Senate voted to strip King_Cupar of Emperor and Patron Saint title for his attempts to destroy the nation through illegal secessions. The Joseon Dispute would continue throughout the ImmediateDescent's term. It also saw the readmission of Esberg and Anor Londo X (also Slothistan) back to the Imperial Federation as a state, some of the former IF states are considering to readmit back in the Imperial Federation. Several IF states including Nalora and Hallands saw the rise in the population which that have significantly boosted activity throughout the nation, making the Imperial Federation one of the most active nation in Deluvia continent since the secession crisis.
[[File:Flag of Irkhah.png|25px]] '''[[Irkhah]]''' is a territory of the Imperial Federation located in the Western Continent. It join the federation on 12 October 2022 and merged with North Africa.
===== KalengradRegentsburgh Situation =====
Regentsburgh population were frustrated with the Founder of Regentsburgh King_Cupar's decision on the independence of Regentsburgh and tried to find a reason to justify independence but to no avail. The current Regentsburgh leader [[Asgeir]] alongside with the residents expressed their desires (also Asgeir gave blessing to the Federal Government to readmit Regentsburgh back in the Imperial Federation) to rejoin the Imperial Federation and re-unify with the IF State of Regentsburgh. It eventually rejoined the IF and reunited rest of the state of Regentsburgh.
[[File:Kalengrad.png|25px]] '''[[Kalengrad]]''' is a state of the Imperial Federation located on the [[Eastern Continent]] near to former [[CivMarket]] and [[Pavia]]. Sections of the territory are jointly administered with [[Lambat]].
===== New Capital Construction =====
=== Esberg-Ostersund Federation ===
After the loss of the Imperia State to Asgard, CapianColton sought to build a new capital from ground with a different theme, name, and location. Colton chose a abandoned military district stated:<blockquote>This land for our New Capital is much more strategic and perfectly closer to - even central location of - the most populous area on the Deluvia continent. We will rebuild, we will make a big comeback, glory to the IF!</blockquote>The New Capital construction would be headed by CapianColton and spearheaded in the blueprint planning, location for each buildings, name for the capital city, and even railroad network. It is said that the new capital will be much more complete and faster to build than Imperia due to the design and choice of materials. First two buildings would be completed within two days after creation of new schematics and more will be built in the coming days.
[[File:EsbergFlag.jpg|25px]] The '''[[Esberg|Esberg-Ostersund Federation]]''' was a federation of the formerly independent Kingdom of Esberg and the Republic of Ostersund which declared independence from Hyperborean Confederation. The two states federated after the [[Balkanization of the Hyperborean Confederation]] and subsequently joined the Imperial Federation. Many former Hyperborean Confederation citizens live in the state, which was represented in the Senate of the IF by [[Frostwarrior112]].
===== WalledSlow CityExpansion of Surmadrithe Imperial Federation =====
After a major setback caused by the secession crisis, the IF managed to gain few new lands such as Waterside and Halland's expansion. Nalora became the most populated and active state in the IF, surpassed Godhaven and Regentsburgh combined. The military of the Imperial Federation, also known as the Federal Army, is being rebuild. It is rumored that the Federal Army is consisted of mostly [[Nalora|Nalorans]] due to the Nalora's martial traditions.
The [[Walled City of Surmadri]] is a city residing in the Western portion of the Imperial Federation. It is defined by the many walls that contain the city and it's inhabitants. It is represented in the Senate by [[Argonite]]
==== 27-29 September 2023 Election ====
=== Imperia ===
''For more information, please see the [[27-29 September Imperial Federation Election]] page.''
[[File:Capital_District_Flag.png|25px]] The '''Capital District of the Imperial Federation''' or '''Imperia''' is administered by the Grand Council of Imperia which is currently composed of Aetherix, Zhirall, HassDaMahn, King_Cupar, and CapianColton.
The election would be held on September 27 after 40 days since the last election result passed. The September 2023 election saw one of the lowest voting turnout to this date, this low turnout were contributed by the secession crisis and school year directly. The two candidates in the election were Potato_Duke from Sneg and Spaceman_Spleef from Halland. Election analysts predicted a large victory for Potato_Duke, as there was little opposition to his policies.
== Economy ==
{| class="wikitable"
!Home State
|'''[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent'''
|[[File:Potato_duke head.png|50px]]
| '''• Infrastructure and internal development <br>• Anti-expansionism <br>• Cooperative with foreign nations <br>• Constitution remodel'''
|[[File:The Unity Party Colour.png]] Restorationist Party
|[[File:Spaceman_Spleef head.png|50px]]
| • Infrastructure development
==== The First Potato_Duke Chancellory ====
== Infrastructure ==
[[File:Interimmessage.png|thumb|Potato_Duke's message to the citizenry midway through his first term as chancellor.]]
The First Potato_Duke chancellor began on October 1, 2023 and saw the rapid regrowth of the Imperial Federation. Potato_Duke's diplomatic prowess and international connections allowed the Imperial Federation to greatly improve its international standing, especially its Public Relations and diplomatic position. The threat of [[Asgard]] on the border was greatly diminished as the nation fell into inactivity, thus leaving the Imperial Federation unchallenged on the continent of Deluvia. The population increased drastically due to recruitment efforts and better national infrastructure, especially in the newly established capital of [[New Callisto]]. [[Anor Londo X]], [[Vouxia]], and [[Sneg]] were officially incorporated as states and territories. The Imperial Federation expanded west with the passage of the Federal District West Act of October 24th. The constitution was also officially amended for the first time since the secession crisis, which led to the establishment of an official Independent Judiciary Branch, the establishment of the office of the Vice Chancellor, and the official relocation of the capital from [[Imperia]] to [[New Callisto]].
==== 12-14 November 2023 Election ====
The 12-14 November 2023 election was the first Imperial Federation election to have two votes due to the reestablishment of the judiciary. Citizens cast their vote for chancellor, as well as for their choice of People's Judge of the Imperial Federation. Incumbent chancellor Potato_Duke ran for a second term, claiming to need to finish the progress that had been started. He was contested by [[CyanForest813]] of [[Nalora]]. For the first election of Citizen's judge, [[JudeTheDude113]] of [[Regensburg]] ran against [[Regencyshadow40]] of [[Nalora]]. Election analysis predicted a large Potato_Duke victory for chancellor and a toss-up for judge. Potato_Duke ran under the newly established [[Deluvian Royalist Party]], while CyanForest813 ran as an independent.
===== Chancellor: =====
{| class="wikitable"
!Home State
|'''[[File:Unionist_Party_colour.png]] Deluvian Royalist Party'''
|[[File:Potato_duke head.png|50px]]
|'''25 (75%)'''
|[[File:Independent_(AwdryFan1997).png]] Independent
|'''[[File:Flag of Nalora.jpg|25px]] [[Nalora]]'''
|5 (20%)
| -
| -
| -
| -
|2 (5%)
== Politics ==
{{User:S0uthw3st/IF Timeline}}[[File:IFGovernment.png|thumb|Government System of the Imperial Federation (Correction: King is the Primary Diplomat, not Chancellor)]]
Following democratic reforms implemented in May 2023, the Parliament of the Imperial Federation is elected using the Single Transferable Vote proportional voting system, while one Senator is appointed from qualifying states which have at least 3 active citizens. Territories of the nation are allowed to appoint Senators to observe and contribute to the Senate without a vote. However after the [[Imperial Federation Secession Crisis|Great Secession]], the Senate of the Imperial Federation voted to revert the democratic reform of May 2023 back to the original government system and constitution.
The Chancellor of the Imperial Federation is elected by the popular vote, voted by citizens that are active in the last 30 days at the time of the Federal Election Day. While one Senator is appointed from qualifying states which have at least 3 active citizens. Qualifying states can also have multiple Senators if a qualifying state have more than 8 active citizens in the last 30 days. Currently [[Nalora]] is the only state with two Senators. The 3 Judges are elected by the popular vote, also voted by citizens that are active in the last 30 days at the time of the Federal Election Day.
The King is the primary diplomat of the Imperial Federation while Chancellor is the secondary diplomat.
=== Every Chancellors' nicknames ===
Since October 2022, the Chancellor of the Imperial Federation is elected once every first day of the month and later changed to 40 days on October 2023. Each of them have its own personalities and traits which are described by their nickname. Following list of every chancellors and their home state.
{| class="wikitable"
|September 2022
|the Fraud
|October 2022
|the Hammer
|November 2022
|the Connector
|[[file:Spoonce portrait.png|50px]]
|December 2022
|the Foreign
|January 2023
|the Humble
|[[File:ComradeSankara Portrait.png|50x50px]]
|January-April 2023
|the Reasonable
|[[File:HassDaMahn Portrait.png|50x50px]]
|May-June 2023
|the Visionary
|June-August 2023
|the Divider
|[[File:ImmediateDescent Portrait.png|50x50px]]
|August 2023
|the Restorer
|[[File:Potato_duke head.png|50px]]
|September-November 2023
|the Diplomat
|December 2023-February 2024
|the Expander
|[[File:Potato_duke head.png|50px]]
|February 2024-March 2024
|the Uniter
|April 2024-May 2024
| the Enforcer
|May 2024
| the Banker
|June 2024-Present
| -
== Political Parties ==
[[File:ifSenateJune24.png|thumb|Party Composition of the Imperial Senate as of June 2024, WBPP(red) . IF-ELSE(aqua) . Baller(green) . Prog(blue) . Security(purple) . GovInd(gray outlined) . Ind(gray) . Liberty(yellow)]]
The Imperial Federation does not recognize political parties officially nor encouraged but citizens are allowed to create and run a political party. Chancellor and Senators may be part of their political party however they want even though they are not required to be in a political party.
=== Active Federal Parties ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- style="background:#ccc;"
!Party Emblem
! Date of foundation
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Political position
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Ideology
!Alliance or Coalition
! data-sort-type="number" |Senate
!State Governments
| [[File:IF Independent.png|frameless|148x148px]]
| Independent
| align="center" |N/A
|Various (asgeir9 with Government)
| align="left" |{{Composition bar|6|18|#767676|}}
|{{Composition bar|3|9|#767676|}}
|[[File:Liberty Party logo.png|frameless|161x161px]]
|[[Liberty Party]]
| align="center" |September 2022
|Right to far-right
|Libertarianism<br>Parliamentary Abstentionism
Pro-Thorianism (formerly)<br>Pro-Christopia (formerly)
| align="left" |{{Composition bar|1|18|#F5DB00|}}
|{{Composition bar|1|9| #F5DC00|}}
|Security Party
| align="center" |November 2023
| Right
|1st Gidein Government
| align="left" |{{Composition bar|4|18|#A07DA5|}}
|{{Composition bar|2|9|#A07DA5|}}
|[[File:Progessive party emblem.png|left|thumb|150x150px]]
|Progressive Party
| align="center" |May 2024
military development
|1st Gidein Government
| align="left" |{{Composition bar|0|18|#2A37EC|}}
|{{Composition bar|1|9| #2A37EC|}}
|[[File:Hammer and sickle.svg|frameless|100x100px]]
|Communist Party of Deluvia
| align="center" |January 2024
|Working Peoples' Alliance
| align="left" |{{Composition bar|0|18|#8B0000|}}
|{{Composition bar|0|9|#8B0000|}}
|[[File:IF-ELSE Party Emblem.png|alt=|thumb|100x100px|left]]
|IF - Economic, Liberty, Security, Empowerment Party (IF-ELSE)
|May 2024
|Center to Center-left
military development
|{{Composition bar|1|18|#0EC097|}}
|{{Composition bar|0|9|#0EC097|}}
|[[File:Socialist Republic of the Bay Flag.png|left|thumb|150x150px]]
|Western Bay Peoples' Party
|April 2024
Western Bay Nationalism
|Working Peoples' Alliance
|{{Composition bar|3|18|#CF171F|}}
|{{Composition bar|1|9|#CF171F|}}
|[[File:Baller Party Logo.png|left|thumb|150x150px]]
|Baller Party
|May 2024
|We Ball
|{{Composition bar|3|18|#8FAC15|}}
|{{Composition bar|1|9|#8FAC15|}}
=== Defunct Federal Parties ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Party Emblem
!Date of Foundation
!Date Defunct
!Political Position
!Maximum Senators
!State Governments Held
|Progressive Trade Union
|December 2023
|May 2024
|Split into the Western Bay Peoples' Party and Progressive Party
|Left to center
|{{Composition bar|2|12| #FF2400|}}
|{{Composition bar|3|8| #FF2400|}}
|Unionist Party
|April 2023
|September 2023
|Defunct after King_Cupar's conviction of Treason by the Imperial Federation Senate
Parliamentary System
|Deluvian Nationalist Party
|February 2023
|April 2023
|Taken over by laurentians and merged into the Unionist Party
|Deluvian Nationalism
|Democrat Accelerationist Coalition
|April 2023
|August 2023
|Various iterations of the DAC were banned or disqualified for being subject to foreign leadership
|Left wing
=== State and Territorial Parties ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Party Emblem
!Date of Foundation
!Political Position
!Alliance or Coalition
!State/Territorial Governments Held
|[[File:Grenada WPG Flag.png|thumb|150x150px]]
|Workers' Party of Grenada
|October 2022
ComradeSankara Thought
Grenadian Nationalism
|Working Peoples' Alliance
|Grenada and St. Thomas Special Administrative Region
|[[File:ShatterStar Surma Insignia.png|thumb|150x150px]]
|Surmadri Vanguard
|June 2024
Surmadrian Nationalism
|Surmadri Territory
=== List of Current Senators ===
{| class="wikitable"
!First Term
|September 2022
|January 2023
|Security Party
|April 2023
|Progressive Trade Union
|August 2023
|Security Party
|November 2023
|November 2023
|January 2024
|Security Party
|February 2024
|February 2024
|Progressive Trade Union
|March 2024
|Security Party
|March 2024
|March 2024
== Foreign Affairs ==
=== Current Allies and diplomatic relations ===
On 22 May 2023, the IF signed a treaty of mutual defense with [[Don Fuer]] known as the [[Frostlands Treaty]]. On 24 July 2023, the IF entered the [[Builders United for an International League of Defense|B.U.I.L.D.]] alliance with [[Mount Augusta]] and [[Fempire Union]], later expanded to [[Arsenia]], [[New Jersey]], and Amicitia.
The Imperial Federation renewed relations with [[Pavia]] through [[Council of Universal Betterment]] (C.U.B.) on 25 October, 2023.
During the first Chancellor term of Potato_Duke, the Imperial Federation opened direct diplomatic channels with nations of Icenia, Pavia, Estalia, Yoahtl and Gang Shi. These channels were part of Potato_Duke's policy of connecting the Imperial Federation with the other communities in order to get to know each other and to be able to quickly resolve any potential problems.
=== Former Allies ===
The Imperial Federation were allied to the neighboring nations of [[Pridelands]], [[Hyperborean Confederation]] and [[Venne]] as part of the [[Meridiem Compact]] from 16 September 2022 until their withdrawal from the alliance alongside the [[Pridelands]] on 23 December 2022, a nation which joined the Imperial Federation.
The IF also maintained an alliance with [[Pavia]] and [[Venne]] as part of the [[Four Continent Concordat]] from 15 October 2022 until Pavia's departure from the alliance on 20 January 2023.
The Imperial Federation had a bilateral defensive alliance with the [[Arsenio Pact]], know as IFAP, from 12 April 2023 until the dissolution of the Arsenio Pact at the conclusion of the [[Buttsecs War]] on 29 June 2023.
=== Neighbors ===
The IF maintains amicable relations with the neighboring nations of [[Akawija]], [[Venne]], [[Icarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]] (now part of [[Icenia (CivMC)|Icenia]]), and [[Mercutio]], while relations with [[Otonabee]] and the [[Leibniz Confederation]] have been strained. The IF has mixed relations with [[Thoria]] following a long-running dispute after members of Thoria bombed a lighthouse in [[Freeport]] in November 2022, a claims dispute in July 2023 and Thorian leader [[MrCooCooman]] conducted minor raiding in the IF for which he was pearled on 12 July 2023.
Since August 2023, the relations between the IF and Thoria has improved significantly after the secession crisis. Several of other nations including the [[Kingdom of Southseasia]] and some former IF states like [[Grenada]] and [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]] also improved relations with the IF and working toward to a close partnership between the IF and former IF states through the [[Union of the South Sea|Union of the South Sea alliance]].
== States and Territories of the Imperial Federation ==
''Main Article: [[List of I.F. states by date of admission to the Federation]]''
=== States ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- style="background:#ccc;"
! Flag
! Name
! Activity level
! Date of admission
! Senator(s)
|[[File:Province of Regentsburgh.jpg|frameless|150px]]
|[[Regensburg|Province of Regensburg]]
|31 August 2022
|[[Godhaven|Duchy of Godhaven]]
|31 August 2022
| [[File:Flag of Nalora.jpg|frameless|150px]]
|15 June 2023
| [[CyanForest813]]<br/>[[Zeroql|ZeroQL]]<br/>[[BestFireTop]]
|31 October 2023
|[[File:WITHERVALE FLAG V1.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|18 November 2023
|[[Barony of Angriver]]
|1 December 2023
|[[File:Groveheart Flag.jpg|frameless|150x150px]]
|3 January 2024
|15 February 2024
|[[File:Thorian Flag1.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|27 February 2024
|[[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]]
|26 March 2024
|[[File:Flag of Midgard.jpg|frameless|150px]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- style="background:#ccc;"
!Activity level
|[[Imperial Karydia]]
|[[File:Sneg Flag.png|150x150px]]
|[[File:Vermonters Flag.jpg|150px]]
|[[TheJmqn]] (Caretaker)
|[[File:Flag of Pridelands.jpg|150x150px]]
|[[Pride Rock]]
|[[Gotland|Realm of Gotland]]
|Great Western Bay (G.W.B.)
|Great Western Bay Council
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- style="background:#ccc;"
!Date of admission
!Date of dissolution
!Reason of defunct
|[[File:Thorian Flag1.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|[[Thoria]] (Original location)
|31 August 2022
|19 October 2022
|Dissolved and turned into Federal District 4 after [ the Thorian Crisis]
|[[File:Flag of Waterside.jpg|frameless|150x150px]]
|11 September 2022
|5 February 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
|[[File:Flag of Petije.png|150x150px]]
|14 September 2022
|15 January 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
Later replaced with [[Nalora]] as a new state on 15 June, 2023.
|[[File:Flag of United Donkiboure.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|[[United Donkiboure]]
| State
|18 September 2022
|15 January 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
|[[File:Flag of Christophia.jpg|frameless|150x150px]]
|18 September 2022
| 15 January 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
|[[Western Boundary]]
| 18 September 2022
|7 May 2023
|Renamed to Joseon alongside with the new flag. Later united to Imperial Karydia.
|18 September 2022
|14 May 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation, dissolved a week after the departure.
| [[File:Flag of Pridelands.jpg|150x150px]]
|19 September 2022
|13 June 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation on 15 February, 2023.
Rejoined Imperial Federation on 12 May, 2023 as a state.
Became as a national park on 14 May, 2023.
Declaimed completely on 13 June 2023.
Restored as Pride Rock on August 2023.
|[[Stros M'kai|Stros M'Kai]]
|1 October 2022
| 30 November 2022
|Dissolved due to the inactivity.
|[[File:Flag of Myra.jpg|frameless|150x150px]]
|2 October 2022
|29 March 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into Imperia State.
|2 October 2022
|6 June 2023
|Released from the Imperial Federation to rejoin [[Icarus (CivMC)|Icarus]].
|[[File:Free City of Lovira.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|3 October 2022
|15 November 2022
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
|[[File:Flag of Irkhah.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|12 October 2022
|25 May 2023
|Annexed by North Africa.
|23 October 2022
|18 December 2023
|Land given to Vouxia as citizens moved to Angrivier
|9 December 2022
|15 March 2023
|Dissolved due to the inactivity and absorbed into the Federal Lands.
|[[File:Flag of Comanche.png|frameless|150px]]
|30 May 2023
|27 June 2023
|Dissolved due to the entire population of Comanche state left to join Midgard.
Absorbed into the Federal Lands, later absorbed into Nalora.
|19 June 2023
|19 July 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation. Later rejoined.
|[[File:Image 2023-05-13 195458745.png|150px]]
|[[United Tribes of the Southern Sea]]
|10 May 2023
|1 August 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation. Later rejoined.
|[[File:Cat Island.png|frameless|150x150px]]
|11 September 2022
|2 August 2023
|Absorbed into Nalora as a duchy.
|[[Grenada|Democratic Peoples' Republic of Grenada]]
|10 September 2022
|4 August 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation. Later rejoined as Special Administrative Region.
|[[Walled City of Surmadri]]
|7 January 2023
|4 August 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation. Later rejoined.
|[[File:Flag of North Africa.png|frameless|150px]]
|[[North Africa|Grand Duchy of North Africa]]
|13 March 2023
|5 August 2023
|Left the Imperial Federation and rejoined Commonwealth.
|[[File:Landshut flag.png|150x150px]]
|18 November 2023
|5 January 2024
|Dissolved due to inactivity and given to Withervale
|1 January 2024
|13 February 2024
|Became vassal of Groveheart
|[[File:Flag of Anor Londo X.png|frameless|150px]]
|[[Anor Londo X]]
|11 September 2022
|15 February 2024
|Renamed to Slothistan and change to the state flag
|23 October 2022
|11 March 2024
|Sold to Heikki
There are no signs of functioning economy in the Imperial Federation, due to the system of private economy.
Citizens of the IF are known for high productivity, wealth generation and market based economy.
The federal government is in charge of Crops exchange and ore exchange in the cities of New Callisto and Groveheart. Both exchanges are open to public from within the Federation as well as foreigners.
The primary sector of economy is a hybrid between extensive agriculture with enormous farms spreading chunks of land, and intensive agriculture based on small scale production.
Primary source of revenue for the Federal government are the ore and experience exchanges, and New Callisto housing market.
[[File:Imperial Federation Railway Map - 31 March 2023 .png|thumb|Imperial Federation rail network.]]
==== Rail Network ====
The Imperial Federation's rail network connects internally to the following [[RailSwitch|/dest]] commands:
'''<big>IF Deluvian mainland:</big>'''
*/dest Imperial NewCallisto - '''Imperial capital'''
* /dest AnorLondoX
*/dest Southseas AnorLondoX or /dest Founders AnorLondoX
* /dest Ostersund
* /dest Imperial Aethia
* /dest Imperial Godhaven
* /dest Imperia - '''Imperial capital'''Imperia
* /dest Imperial PrideRock
* /dest RegentsburghImperial Feline
* /dest JoannesbergImperial Meriecta
* /dest SurmadriImperial Halland
* /dest EsbergMidlands Vallstena
* /dest VanaheimMidlands Regentsburgh
*/dest Midlands Nalora
'''<big>IF terriotories in the Southern Sea:</big>'''
* /dest FreeportMidlands Surmadri
* /dest GrenadaHyperborea Esberg
*/dest Hyperborea Ostersund
*/dest Hyperborea Vanaheim
*/dest Bay Groveheart
*/dest Bay Malasana
*/dest Bay Withervale
'''<big>IF lines in the Southern Sea:</big>'''
*/dest Southseas Freeport or /dest Founders Freeport
*/dest Southseas Grenada or /dest Founders Grenada
'''<big>IF terriotories outside of Deluvia:</big>'''
* /dest !Karydia -,+ IF kilahijoKilahijo - Western BoundaryJoseon
* /dest ! -,+ foundersKarydia petergradSanpietro - NorthSan AfricaPietro
*/dest Founders NorthAfrica - North Africa
Additionally, it connects to [[Nara]] (Through PrideRock from Godhaven, Gotland, and Regentsburgh OR through Venne from anywhere else in the IF), [[Venne (CivMC)|Venne]], [[Icarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]] (Through PyramidPlaza) and [[Novo Sanjurjo]].
All of the destination commands can be appended with /dest ! -,+ deluvia if <region name> <state/town name> (e.g. /dest ! -,+ deluvia if midlands nalora or /dest ! -,+ deluvia if newcallisto) for those that are incoming from another continent outside of the Imperial Federation.
Additionally, it connects to [[Nara]], [[Venne (CivMC)|Venne]], [[Icarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]] and [[Novo Sanjurjo]].
==== National Highway ====
The Imperial Federation's road network connects to RegentsburghRegensburg, Pride Rock, Godhaven, FELINE, Ostersund, Vanaheim, Esberg, Halland, Anor Londo X, and OstersundNalora, with plans to expand the main road to AnorNew LondoCallisto Xand andWestern ImperiaStates.
== Gallery==
File:RegentsburghImperia RenderSunrise.png|RenderImperia, former Capital of Regentsburghthe IF.
File:RenderofRegentsburgh.png|Render of Regensburg
File:Anor Londo Render.png|Render of Anor Londo, capital of Anor Londo X and site of the judiciary of the Imperial Federation.
File:Render of Pride Rock.png|Render of Pride Rock, capital of the Pridelands.
File:Donkiboure Render.png|Render of Donkibourne, capital of United Donkibourne.
File:Render of Godhaven.png|Render of Godhaven.
File:Kilahijo render.png|Render of Kilahijo, capital of Western Boundary.
File:CCTT render.png|Render of CCTT pyramids.
File:Vallstena Render.png|Render of Vallstena.
File:Stros Mkai at night.png|Grenada Harbor at night.
File:IF Propaganda poster.png|A propaganda poster encouraging settlers to move to 'the West'.
