The Workers' Party: Difference between revisions

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Changes to Ideology, Addition of mid to late CivCraft 2.0 history, and spots for 1.0 and early 2.0 history.
(Changes to Ideology, Addition of mid to late CivCraft 2.0 history, and spots for 1.0 and early 2.0 history.)
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=== Foundation ===
Founded on the 27th of December 2010 in the GoldenCreeper server at the same time as a city called Leningrad<ref name=":2"></ref>.
=== CivCraft 1.0 ===
[To be written]
=== CivCraft 2.0 ===
At the beginning of 2.0, Comrade [[ZombieLenin]] would go to the +- and found the city of [[New Leningrad]].
[Early 2.0 History]
After the retirement of Comrade ZombieLenin, he appointed Comrade [[Romec]] to the role of Party leadership. However, Romec quickly developed a severe case of Obsidian Lung due to prolonged shifts in the obsidian mines serving the ZombieLeninist ideal. He was put into intensive care in the New Leningrad Hospital, and Party leadership was passed on to BolleDeBoll. Very soon after this, Romec broke quarantine from his hospital room and escaped to the Capitalist world due to serious neurodegenerative side-effects from Obsidian Lung.
BolleDeBoll led New Leningrad during the Olympics, admission to the [[North East Alliance|North Eastern Alliance]], the formation of the [[Eastern Bloc]], and the formation of the [[Federal Socialist Republics|Federal Socialist Republic]] along with [[Centauri]] and Montarnis.
During the era of the FSR, The Workers' Party was an official part of the National Soviet, with its Central Committee given a guaranteed seat.
=== In Mount Augusta (Civ Classic) ===
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Much of the core ideology of The Workers' Party was derived from the ideas of its founder, [[ZombieLenin]]. ZombieLenin (aka ZL) was a self-described Left-Communist<ref></ref> and Leninist<ref></ref> who was the leader of TWP and the nations it controlled (most notably [[Leningrad]] on [[CivCraft 1.0]]) from the party's foundation in 2010 until stepping down as party chairman in August 2013.<ref></ref> ZL's ideology was anti-democratic, as he believed a political party (which may or may not be internally democratic) should lead the nation unilaterally, backed up by a paramilitary wing.<ref></ref> ZL believed workers should be included in the party as much as possible, even if they only held low-level positions, and they should always have jobs to do through means of public works projects.<ref></ref> Propaganda is also a major aspect of ZombieLeninism, as ZL himself was keen on making posters and art in order to boost worker morale.<ref></ref>
Following his departure, TWP donned ZL the "Eternal Glorious LeaderPresident" of the party, cementing his influence within the party regardless of his actual activity.
=== AnarchoZombieLeninism-StalinismBolleshevism ===
The ideologyemergence of AnarchoZombieLeninism-StalinismBolleshevism can date its origins back to [[Maltovia]], which TWP founded on [[CivClassic 2.0]] in June 2018.<ref></ref> However, Anarcho-Stalinismit really took shape when it was implemented by [[SandFalls]] as the system of governance of the [[Confederation of Socialist Augusta]] and subsequently the [[Confederation of Cities Communes and Protectorates]] in 2021. TheAlso known, as Anarcho-Stalinism, the oxymoron of the ideology describes its two-pronged approach to governance. On a day-to-day basis, governance is mostly ''anarchic'', with citizens living by means of mutual aid and free association and largely doing whatever they want with only basic regulation, regardless of their affiliation with the party itself. However, whenever there is an unresolvable dispute in regards to policy, foreign affairs, or between at least two citizens, the partyParty steps in and rules unilaterally, hence the ''Stalinism''.
== Governance and Structure ==
Since the renaming of the USA to the CSA and even before, The Workers' Party has become very informal in its structure in governance, with no written text to determine hierarchy or roles. However, structure can still be observed, mainly on the CCCP/TWP discord and in what the PremierFirst Secretary, [[SandFalls]], says.
=== Eternal President and Eternal Chairman ===
There are two honorary titles within The Workers' Party<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=SandFalls|sender=Courtney|url=|text=there are currently two positions other than the CC
Eternal President - ZL
Eternal Chairmain - Bolle|date=November 27, 2021|access-date=November 28, 2021|channel=party-general|server=CCCP/TWP (CivClassic)}}</ref>: Eternal President, held by ZombieLenin, and Eternal Chairman, held by BolleDeBoll after his retirement from the office of First Secretary. In theory, both these positions have simply delegated their powers to the current First Secretary and can revoke those delegations at any moment and take back power<ref name=":3">{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=SandFalls|sender=Courtney|url=|text=How it works:
- Party head is appointed by previous Party head
- Central Committee is an organization of equals, with Party head first of equals. (Why I call myself First Secretary)
- New members are added to the CC (at least now) by consent of existing CC. Same for removal.
- CC could technically coup me, but that would be very mean. I would be sad.
- I am technically not the highest position in the Party, I am still outranked by Bolle and ZL who have simply delegated their powers to me, and at any time can rescind that delegation and retake the Party|date=November 28, 2021|access-date=November 28, 2021|channel=party-general|server=CCCP/TWP (CivClassic)}}</ref>, however in practice both people who hold these titles haveare notlargely logged in to civ for a long timeinactive and are unlikely to rescind their delegations of power to the First Secretary [[SandFalls]].
=== First Secretary ===
The First Secretary of The Workers' Party is the same''de personfacto'' as the Premierleader of the [[ConfederationParty of Cities Communes and Protectorates|CCCP]], per thein CCCPday-to-day charteraffairs. The current First Secretary is [[SandFalls]]. She is the fourth leader of TWP, succeeding [[BolleDeBoll]]. The First Secretary is appointed by the previous Party head when they retire<ref name=":3" />.
=== Central Committee ===
The Central Committee is the central organ of TWP. There are fourthree current Central Committee members: [[SandFalls]], [[Smal]], [[BolleDeBoll]], and [[JonassnBolleDeBoll]]. New Central Committee members are added or removed with the consent of a majority of existentextant Central Committee members<ref name=":3" /><ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=SandFalls|sender=Courtney|url=|text=CC members added by consent of existing CC|date=November 27, 2021|access-date=November 27, 2021|channel=party-general|server=CCCP/TWP (CivClassic)}}</ref>.
== References ==


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