Finite War: Difference between revisions

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→‎Conflict and Resolution: Additional information about the Refugee status in Pavia by combatants in the war.
(→‎Conflict and Resolution: Adjustments to elaborate further on causes of the war.)
(→‎Conflict and Resolution: Additional information about the Refugee status in Pavia by combatants in the war.)
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As a result of Chosen being involved with the raiding in Arnen, Icenia and the SEC formed a temporary coalition with [[Gang Shi]] and [[Arnen]] and sent a pvp force to intercept the raiders. A brief teamfight ensued with Icenians opting to retreat to their nearby defensive infrastructure. At this point, Chosen and the remaining rogue Estalians kited to [[Temporal Isles]], were given vault groups, and logged off for the night. This infuriated Icenia as PhysicsGamer was a former senator and should've known of Icenia's gripes with Chosen. Conversations between the SEC and Temporal Isles ensued, with Icenia expressing its frustration at a POS player being given safe haven in Temporal Isles. The SEC was legally bound by its charter to pursue de-escalationism before declaring open war, and thus an agreement was struck that if ChosenTwice was removed from groups and told not to participate, Icenia would remain neutral in any further conflict that Gang Shi and Arnen would choose to pursue. This included removing fighters from their groups and strictly policing the border they shared with Temporal Isles for any violations. Icenia also rapidly mobilized its pvp force and began construction of massive fortifications on the border of Temporal Isles due to the high density of farms related to XP production in that region.
==Conflict and ResolutionRefugee Status==
After the extreme tensions of the night before, both Arnen and Temporal Isles released statements with their side of the story relating to the conflict. <ref></ref><ref></ref> Arnen described in their post the rogue Estalians who had broken into their bunker and demanded reps for the actions taken by these players. In Temporal Isles' post, they described that Chosen and the rogue Estalians had been hired as Arnen had come to attempt to pearl Blu9710, their Chancellor at the time, and had placed a unreinforced obsidian in the future site of their capitol building the night before, and Temporal Isles was seeking retribution for these actions. Due to Arnen and Gang Shi's defensive agreement, Gang Shi also declared war on Temporal Isles after Arnen did when Gwua brought pumpkin pie as a gesture of peace on thanksgiving and was instead jumped by two Temporal Isles pvpers. Gang Shi pvpers flooded into the region, immediately dominating proceedings by pearling DefectedHeart, a valyrian pvper who had come to assist his allies in Temporal Isles. At this point, the rogue estalians minus Chosen returned to temporal isles to help with fighting, and several other Estalians who had been kicked out a few weeks prior for raiding also joined. The conflict seemed to be reaching a boiling point.
When things seemed to be heating up for a prolonged siege of Temporal Isles' skybunker, which at this point had developed into a 2 ring vault with sky defenses, one of the rogue Estalians Tommy789 betrayed Temporal Isles and pearled two of their pvpers. At this point, Temporal Isles and valyriaValyria, didn'thaving botherbeen exhausted by the near-constant harassment by Gang Shi and Arnen fighters, failed to login to defend their vault a final time as Gang Shi and Arnen forces rolled in and broke vault bastions and began disabling the vault.
Following this, the remaining Temporals and Valyrians fled to [[Pavia]], where they were taken in as refugees and given Pavian citizenship. The Temporals and Valyrians, including those whose pearls are currently held, continue to play, unimpeded by the continued harassment by Gang Shi and Arnen forces. Pavian leader [[BritishWanderer]] made statements a number of times in global chat directed at Gang Shi that any attack on Pavian citizens, referring to the refugees, would invoke the [[Elysian Pact]]. Despite these statements, however, a number of Gang Shi and Arnen combatants have come to Pavia's vault multiple times, seeing PhysicsGamer on radar inside the vault, and lingering for a time in each instance. How the situation will progress is unclear, though it appears that Gang Shi and Arnen combatants continue to have interest in the pearls of the remaining unpearled Temporals and Valyrians.
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