The No State Commune: Difference between revisions

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added some citations I found. they are discord screenshots but they're better than nothing for now
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(added some citations I found. they are discord screenshots but they're better than nothing for now)
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|ideology=Communism, Anarchism, Pacifism|location=[,-11342,r115 3200, -11350]|foundation_date=July 22th, 2021|preceded_by=Guthrie Commune}}
'''The No State Commune,''' commonly known as '''TNSC''' and sometimes referred to as '''Tri-NoNostate StateArea Autonomy''', was a [[CivClassics]] nation/town comprised of communists, socialists and anarchists founded by [[RainOfPain125]], located in +,- directly north of [[Acadia]], and was publicly declared on July 22nd, 2021.<ref>[ Declaration of The No State Commune on the CivClassics Subreddit]</ref> It was later renamed '''Consortium'''.
A week or so prior to its founding, RainOfPain125 was told by Zombie_Striker that CivClassics was a fun server and invited them to come play. Initially planned to enter into Acadia, plans changed when it was realized that Acadia was mostly made up of the same people who ran [[Norlund]] on [[CivRealms]] who not only disliked, but were hostile towards Rain.
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Despite the way lots of Acadian government members treated Rain formerly in Norlund, peace and co-existence was always the most clear and obvious option for all members of TNSC. And yet conflicts with Acadia started from the very beginning, despite TNSC's intentions to be a pacifist and relaxed nation.
====JuniorTide's house "griefed" with signs====
JuniorTide reported and provided a screenshot of one of his Acadian homes sporting signs on the front such as "NORTH KOREA BEST KOREA" and other kinds of left-leaning statements. With no evidence, he accused Rain as the one who made them. Rain fired back reminding JuniorTide that he was an Anarchist and is against the North Korean dictatorship. On top of this, Rain had only very recently joined CivClassics and was still in the +,+ territory, nowhere near JuniorTide's home. Despite having no evidence to support his claim that Rain put signs around his home, he publicly threatened to "glass" him.<ref>[ JuniorTide, citizen of Acadia and Icenia, threatening to "glass" people]</ref>
====Pentigrass incident====
At some point a new user joined CivClassics named [[Pentigrass]], he was invited by Rain and was new to the Civ genre. He was told multiple times to treat people kindly and to not raid or steal anything along his journey to TNSC land. Despite these warnings he started to break into things until he was caught and pearled in [[Icenia]].
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====hawkeye0066-Acadia incident====
This idea of Rain being a nefarious untrustworthy malicious raider was further propagandized when another member of TNSC who was new to Civ - [[hawkeye0066]] - who was brand new to Civ, and against our warnings, decided to start raiding and stealing things in Acadia just like Pentigrass. He was caught, and we told him to return what he stole and turn himself in, which he did. We held him accountable for his bad behavior! This situation was almost immediately resolved, infact people in Acadia offered him a house and citizenship.
====Acadia Raids TNSCRain's BunkerMining Trip====
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Acadia Raiding Party
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On July 27th, 2021 Rain was mining for ore underground at bedrock level when he stumbled across mines that other players had already dug out. However, these users seemed to only be interested in diamonds because they had left all other ores - iron, redstone, lapis - ores which TNSC required. While mining along these pathways he came across an underground bunker, walking around inspecting it to find a sign of ownership until [[Egi]] logged on. Egi was concerned at first, but seemed more peaceful as he advised Rain that he was in Acadia territory, demanding that he leaves and mines elsewhere. Rain was perfectly fine with adhering to these orders, following them immediately as a sign of friendship and understanding.
==== Acadia Raids TNSC's Bunker ====
By tomorrow on July 28th, 2021 when Rain logged in he found that TNSC's only bunker was completely broken into and robbed. A quick look through the snitch logs revealed the horrible truth - Acadia was responsible, the members of the raiding party consisted of [[JuniorTide]] (Citizen of Acadia & Icenia), [[Egi]] (Acadian Minister of "Defense"), and [[Polygondwana]] (Poly is probably an alt). The three man raiding party completely destroyed the bunker and stole everyone's gear. Sometime after the assault TNSC players logged on and found the bunker in ruins, realizing that Acadia was responsible Rain and TNSC issued an angry international dispute to the CivClassics subreddit.<ref>[ TNSC issues international dispute against Acadia for destroying their bunker unprovoked]</ref>
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After announcing to the international community what Acadia had done, many TNSC members did not know what to do - whether they should quit the server or move far away from Acadia and so on. Though it didn't take long for others to exploit our panic and weakeness.
Later in the same day, a raiding party sponsored by an unknown organization / nation came to attack. At first [[Okx]] came to pearl Rain and Zombie, but the two of them fought hard enough to get him to retreat away from the bunker. NotOkx longwas afteralready caught wandering around TNSC hitting snitches, theand fullfailing raidingto partyprovide camea consistingreason offor [[TTastic]],his unannounced visit.<ref>[[ Okx]] andhitting [[MrJeremyFarmer]]snitches withtwo intentdays tobefore pearlraiding everyoneTNSC]</ref><ref>[ withOkx nohitting reasonway provided.more snitches]</ref>
Not long after, the full raiding party came consisting of [[TTastic]], [[Okx]] and [[MrJeremyFarmer]] with intent to pearl everyone with no reason provided. Their mission failed as Zombie, Rain, and all other members successfully evaded being pearled.
TNSC took to the international community again on the same day, exposing them for their shitter behavior against the newfriend town.<ref>[ TNSC's brief post calling out Okx, TTastic, and MrJeremyFarmer for attacking TNSC unprovoked]</ref> After taking a break to think and breath, TNSC returned to the international community a day later on July 29th to clear things up and provide all the evidence everyone would ever need, mostly via video proof.<ref>[ TNSC providing video proof of what Acadia's raid did, proving Rain was not trying to raid Acadia's bunker, and showing the perspectives of Okx, TTastic and MrJeremyFarmer as they attacked]</ref>


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