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Acadia was founded prior to [[CivUniverse]] by [[Cortwade]], who created the nation largely from [[Norlund|Norlundish]] and [[Adina|Adinan]] culture. Although Acadian history starts from October 21 2020, Acadia held ancestry from the older nations of [[Norlund]], [[Adina]], and [[Javaya]]. Acadia was founded to be a safe haven from toxicity and a welcoming home for newfriends and casual players, focussing on building and roleplay politics.<ref>Recruitment advertising: [ link] (reddit comment)</ref> To ensure the nation's security, Acadia became a vassal state of [[Javaya]], which brought protection and guidance in return for potatoes for their xp-production. As Javaya's vassal Acadia became involved in the [[Great War (CivUniverse 1.0)|New Vegas War]] against [[New Vegas]] and its allies, increasing production for Javaya, delivering a few fighters, and enduring raids from New Vegas ally [[Savaguard]]. With CivUniverse losing activity Acadia migrated to [[CivClassic]], where it re-established itself as an independent nation in the [[+,-|+,- quadrant]]. While it never experienced a major conflict like on CivUniverse, it suffered from the tiresome TNSC conflicts centered around the controversial player [[RainOfPain125|Rainie]]. Acadia became increasingly involved in international politics and became an associate member of the [[UDF]] with close relations to [[Columbia]] and [[Icenia]].
Acadia has known five Prime Ministers; the first one being '''Cortwade''' (three terms), who oversaw the formation of Acadia, its culture, and the migration to CivClassic. Cortwade was succeeded by '''[[Bloof]]''' (three terms), who oversaw Acadia's increased role on the world stage and kept Acadia together through times of hardship. Bloof was followed by '''[[Kannon]]''' (one term), who reformed much of Acadia's legal structure and managed to increase activity. Kannon was succeeded by '''[[Owain X|Owain]]''' (one term), who emphasized constitutionalism, transparency, and democratic values. The last elected Prime Minister of Acadia was '''[[MetalHusband]]''' (one term), who sought to increase newfriend recruitment and oversaw Acadia during the closing of CivClassic. [[File:Acadian Ancestry Chart.png|thumb|266x266px|Chart illustrating Acadia's ancestral history, made by Cortwade]]
=== CivUniverse ===
Officially founded on October 21, 2020, prior to the server launch, the Autonomous Republic of [[Acadia]], sometimes also referred to as 'the dominion of Acadia' was one of the oldest nations of [[CivUniverse]].<ref>The first announcement on Acadia Discord: [ link] (imgur of discord message)</ref> Undeterred by the risk of shitters and toxicity, [[Cortwade]], the first Prime Minister of Acadia, sought to make a new group on the newly-born server. Quickly after launch Acadians found the continent of Hyperborea and settled their capital city Turing, with help from a few [[Javaya|Javayans]]. Before the day was out Turing featured a factory building and the beginnings of its first large potato farm. In the following month houses were built and the town of Serena was founded as an outpost, and work began on the Acadia Grand Central Station, connecting Turing to Javaya. While activity began to slow down, this was quickly offset by a very successful recruitment initiative, bringing new life and energy into Acadia. The potato farm was expanded, the central station completed, and both Turing and Serena kept growing, most notably with the construction of the Supreme Tribunal in Turing.[[File:Picture of Old Turing.png|thumb|335x335px|Screenshot of Old Turing from the sea, made by Bloof|left]]Shortly after the influx Acadia held its first elections, reelecting Cortwade for a second term. In terms of engagement, the elections were a great success.<ref>Recording of the first Acadian election debates: [ link] (youtube video)</ref> However, it also marked the beginning of Acadia's divise party politics.<ref>Divisiveness in the first elections: [ link] (imgur of discord message)</ref> The development of an intra-Acadian rail was a paramount issue during the election, with Progressive-Snow candidates campaigning for the construction of an underground rail, and Solidarity Party candidates campaigning for an overground rail and claiming that the Progressive-Snow candidates were dragging their feet on the issue. While the Acadian Parliament kept discussing and delaying the issue, Interim Minister of Homeland Affairs [[Bloof]], member of the Progressive Snow Party and Javaya's 'fixer' in Acadia, eventually decided to finish the rail on her own. With the excitement of a new server sipping away and newfriend activity going down Acadia's population began to shrink in size despite new recruitment initiatives. Nevertheless, Acadia remained on of the most active nations on the server and kept developing. The Lionsgate Stadium was built, as well as a new, larger factory building, and Turing kept expanding with more residential and commercial buildings.
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==== The First TNSC Crisis ====
In late July 2021, the controversial player 'Rainie' [[RainOfPain125]] from [[CivRealms 2.0|CivRealms]] and CivUniverse started playing on CivClassic, choosing to settle close to the north of Acadia with a quickly gathered group of young newfriends and establishing 'The No State Commune' <ref>Claims of TNSC: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>. This immediately resulted in an uncomfortable situation as, due to previous drama on CivRealms and CivUniverse, Rainie held bad blood with some prominent Acadians and other civ players, including Cortwade and Juniortide, whom Rainie considered to be 'violent anti-communists'.<ref>Rainie POV: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>
While Acadia initially meant to settle for an uncomfortable peace, a number of issues quickly sprang up that made it hard for Acadia to ignore its new neighbours. As raidings kept being an issue in Acadia, one of them involved a TNSC member, [[Hawkeye]], who was caught in the act though immediately released after an apology and returning the stolen items. However, not much later, another TNSC member was sentenced for raiding in Icenia, who during his trial declared that Rainie had encouraged him and other TNSC members to raid nearby places to help develop TNSC. Additionally, Rainie was accused of vandalism in the form of propaganda on JuniorTide's house, and was seen mining newfriends' unfinished diamond veins under New Turing, even though Rainie had already been declared PNG in Acadia. More serious concerns about Rainie and TNSC arose with Rainie's suspicious excursions through Acadia, especially the area where Acadia's skybunker was being constructed, and when Acadia learned that TNSC possessed many hundreds of diamonds and many high-value tools just mere days after they started playing on CivClassic, leading to concerns of a possible hostile sponsor. With Acadia soon after accidentally finding an almost finished large bunker-complex under construction in TNSC, the Acadian military elected for a pre-emptive strike on the bunker. On July 28, Egi and Juniortide attacked the TNSC bunker, confiscating some of its contents, and disabling it by placing reinforced obsidian inside the bunker. This quickly attracted a lot of international attention as Rainie and other TNSC members made intensive use of global chat to accuse Acadia of harassing them and attacking newfriends as well as posting accusations and requests for help against Acadia on the server reddit page. This attention quickly brought a number of non-Acadian players, [[TTastic]], [[Okx]], and [[MrJeremyFisher]], who were possibly out for 500 diamonds bounty on Rainie's pearl by [[MCSPenguin]] due to CivRealms drama. They did not manage to pearl him, and Rainie was only briefly logboxed.<ref>Official Acadian explanation of the first TNSC crisis: [ link] (reddit post)</ref><ref>Explanation of the first TNSC crisis from an Acadian: [ link] (reddit comment)</ref>
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The PMC alliance had grown with the admissions of [[Kallos]], at the time close to Columbia, and [[Jomsviking Confederation|Jomsviking]]. The alliance soon proved unstable however, when Jomsviking suddenly unilaterally annexed its neighbour and fellow PMC ally City of England during the [[Jomsviking-England Incident]], dissatisfied with their low activity which delayed their admittance into the PMC as England took a few days to cast their vote, and desiring England's plains biome for the agriculture of melons. As Acadia helped City of England with the removal of the banners, signs, and the hostile city bastion Jomsviking had placed in their city, the situation escalated dramatically as heated dicussions, especially between Acadia's newly elected Prime Minister Owain and Kallos' leader Kayla who supported Jomsviking, turned relations sour. While Jomsviking had already decided to back down, the fall-out increased and virtually all PMC members at that point planned to leave the alliance, with Acadia and Fish together moving to the re-established [[United Northern Congress (New)|UNC]] alliance, announced by [[Varkonia]] and Gabon. The PMC alliance was disbanded mere days after the original incident.
The initial tensions were worsened when the leader of Jomsviking, [[Cat alunya|Alunya]], who held citizenship in Acadia, was declared POS by Prime Minister Owain, asking her to renounce her citizenship in Acadia in order for the POS to be removed. The Acadian Senate disagreed with this action and Owain briefly resigned, as well as Ymir Cortwade, as there was a heated discussion around whether the POS was an appropriate tool to use in this situation. Unfortunately, the Acadian Constitution did not allow the government or the National Assembly to remove an individual's citizenship. This was eventually fixed with an amendment, but together with a legal incident during the December elections where it took days for it to be established whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actually legally existed and whether an election for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs was to be held, this highlighted a growing problem with Acadia's legal system. Acadia, no longer a simple newfriend nation, had fully outgrown its original Constitution, and, at the same time, with all its amendments which at times conflicted with each other, the Acadian legal system had become increasingly complex, to the point where there was in practice only one Acadian, [[Aelfred]], who fortunately happend to be the Chief Justice, could somewhat effectively navigate through it. This complexity exacerbated the already existing presence of e-lawyerism in Acadia.[[File:Render of New Turing, Acadia, 8-12-2021.png|left|thumb|364x364px339x339px|Last render of New Turing, 8/12/2021, made by Cortwade]]In the meantime, New Turing, for the first time, began to thrive as [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] economic presence began to grow in the city and a large newfriend wave increased activity and the need for more residential units. Acadia's population count was on the rise again, reaching 25 in November 2021.<ref>Excerpt from the November 2021 Census: [ link] (imgur of document)</ref> Many residential units, as well as commercial units, and a new, larger factory and storage building were built by [[TheGreatUniter]] who had recently started playing on CivClassic and joined Acadia. Whereas New Turing never managed to find a convincing, cohesive general aesthetic before, and was limited by the small-scale Acadian architectural norms, Uniter introduced a new architectural style for the city, with taller and more detailed buildings. His style proved succesful as more buildings in Uniter's style began to pop up and genuine excitement about the future of New Turing began to emerge. Redevelopment continued, with the government discussing far reaching plans to increase its control over the capital to organize its redevelopment and to find a way around the e-lawyerism and lack of executive tools that made derelicting unused, unaesthetic buildings in the capital near impossible. Center to the redevelopment plan was to remove the western half of the large boulevard reaching down to the quartz Parliament building construction site, as well the largely unfinished Parliament building itself, which after many months of stalled construction had become a symbol of New Turing's previous stagnation.
However, these plans never came to be, as the Acadian government received word that the server was about to end, and with the incident of [[Pearled Harbor]] following. In the last few days of the server, a number of Acadians attended the 2021 Winter Olympics in [[Rotterdam]], Columbia, with Bloof winning silver medals for Acadia in archery and pvp tournament.<ref>Acadian Olympic Medals: [ link] (imgur of discord message)</ref> With the server finally shutting down on December 18th 2021, Acadia's history on CivClassic came to an end.
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==== Economy on CivClassic ====
On CivClassics, Acadia kept much of the capitalist and individualist nature it had developed in CivUniverse, and while in the very beginning Acadians often had to rely on mining andto buyingbuy high value products in Icenia, 20 minutes away, some Acadians quickly established private production of prot, XP, and potions, with The Lovelace Company and Steve Corp playing a particularly large role in this development. Throughout Acadia's history it has also known several different manufacturers of enchanted tools, though the international competition in this sector was tough. As individual capitalist ventures grew less popular throughout time, national (collective) production of XP began to speed up around the end of Acadia's history on CivClassic, with national prot and tools production only held off because of delayed plans to build a small vault in which those factories would then have been housed. Around the end of Acadia's time on CivClassic, Acadia began to develop a small economy, now also hosting among others a nethertree shop and a map-art shop, and with small-scale privatecommercial production of elytra's and netherite ingots. However, the limits of CivClassic's post-scarcity server economy, the geographic isolation of Acadia, and lack of international profile limited the potential of growing a fully functioning economy, and export remained an unsolved challenge. The result of this was a rather insulated economy, exemplified by the used diamond/iron exchange rate which, unlike in the rest of the server, remained stable at 1:30 throughout Acadia's time on CivClassic.
== Government and Political Parties ==
