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On May 2, 2019, a Varkonian expedition into the newly acquired territory of Vesuvius discovered an unmarked bunker. Not seeing any signs of who it belonged to and seeing that some of the reinforcements were decayed, the expeditionary forces entered the bunker to take inventory. Shortly after they entered, Machinemaker, who at this point was pearled by Mir in the NATO-Mir war, logged in and protested that Varkonia was raiding his bunker. Initially, Varkonia tried to argue that it was in the right. The Senate passed a measure ordering the seizure of his bunker. However, after the vote passed, the Red Duke realized that this wasn't easily justifiable or necessarily reasonable. Machinemaker was not held in high regard by Varkonia, the result of what Varkonians felt were abrasive and acidic tones in his commentary on ongoing events, but outright raiding his bunker was seen as too aggressive in the eyes of the Red Duke, who was trying to maintain Varkonia's position of neutrality.
The Red Duke came up with a plan to achieve both the Senate's will and keep Varkonia neutral, at least at face value in this case. Britishwanderer had been using a macro that would broadcast his position to the group he was currently chatting in. The Red Duke suggested that Britishwanderer should talk about being at Machinemaker's bunker in (!) chat, the global chat which most players were part of, then have Jacques_Cartier, governor of newly formed Vesuvius, hit Britishwanderer once. This would trigger the macro and Machinemaker's bunker would be made obvious to anyone looking for it. The idea was that Mirians, who were online at the time, would see this and come to loot the bunker of their enemy. Varkonia, which had only recently acquired the territory and did not yet have snitch coverage, would turn a blind eye, which would be reasonable as it would have had no way to detect if Mir entered their territory to loot the bunker. The Red Duke would maintain that Varkonia did not loot the bunker, and meanwhile [[gregy165]] would take the loot back to Mir.
==== The Golden Age of the UNC ====


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