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'''The Kingdom of Wyvern''', commonly known as '''Wyvern''' '''(''/Wy-vərn/)''''' was a nation that was active during [[CivUniverse 1.0]] and was one of the most active and richest nations on the server. The nation became known for having the largest Melon and Wheat farms on the entire server. On the 12th of December [[Nymph]] reformed into the Kingdom of Wyvern and adopted a [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YaRW9W6oDFLbCSVRC7Ntpg06tjhrD-dhHQCcJ9xLJsQ/edit consitution] with [[Seekinq]] as its King, with him later stepping down in favour of [[alexmelons]] a few months in, when the server released they quickly found themselves in the Southern Continent and started work on the Crownlands for Wyvern by designing stuff in advance on its own build server, Wyvern grew huge in numbers way past what [[Nymph]] or [[Kraken|Krake]]<nowiki/>n had ever achieved and became known as a peaceful and wholesome buildfriend nation who gave out free melons, a holy item in Wyvern Culture, When the War started Wyvern conformed to a strict policy of Armed Neutrality, dispite CivUni overall being a toxic experince for many players Wyvern was so disconnected from it all that it never really experinced it, most members of Wyvern look back on it as a fun time due to not getting involved in the toxic affairs of the rest of the server.
{{Infobox civilization|name=Wyvern|image=Flag Wyvern.png|subheader=Kingdom of Wyvern|foundation_date=December 12ᵗʰ 2020|preceded_by=[[Nymph]]|mascot=Watermelon|religion=Melonism|settlements=Mellon, Elysia, Crownlands, Tindra, Nymph, Farmeria, Arvendon|territories=North Respite Territories, The Desert Territory|government_type=Elective-Monarchy|capital_city=Crownlands|succeeded_by=[[Kingdom of Fish]] & [[Griffin]]|demonym=Wyvernian|discord=[https://discord.gg/Aev8nYz] Here|national_color=green|alliance=Commonwealth of Southern Nations|image2=WyvernCoatOfArms.png|caption=Flag of Wyvern|caption2=Coat of Arms}}
[[File:Wyvernposter.png|left|thumb|554x554px|Travel Poster for Wyvern showing the Crownlands, The Capital]]
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[[alexmelons]] - Lord of all Melons, DukeDuchess of Mellon and KingQueen of Wyvern
[[Seekinq]] - Duke of Elysia and Librarian
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=== Mellon ===
[[File:Mellonposter.png|thumb|288x288px|Travel Poster for the Duchy of Mellon, (Main Island Part)]]
Mellon was a duchy mostly located on an island in the Crown Lake in the centre of Wyvern but with a small part of it on the South-Western Swampland bordering The Duchy of Elysia, it was governed by [[alexmelons]], the DukeDuchess of Mellon and King of Wyvern, the Swamp was home to the Wyvern Melon Farms, the largest Melon Farm on the entire map, while the Island was home to the Melon Atlas Statue.
=== Tindra ===
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[[File:CoronationScreenshot.png|thumb|Screenshot from the Coronation taken by alexmelons, '''Circa February 13th''']]
[[File:Wyvern Crownlands .png|left|thumb|Wyvern Crownlands before any work was done, '''Circa December 28th''']]
Most of the Wyvern Dukes have been in a nation together since [[Devoted 3.0]] and early [[CivClassic|CivClassics]] in [[Nymph]] and [[Kraken]] so when they heard of a new upcoming Civ Server they quickly begun preparations to reform their current nation, [[Nymph]], into a new nation for [[CivUniverse]], after a few days worth ot discussion they arrived at the name and theme of Wyvern, the reformation was announced by alexmelons on the 12th of December and they begun recruiting and planning more extensively before release, as well as adopting a [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YaRW9W6oDFLbCSVRC7Ntpg06tjhrD-dhHQCcJ9xLJsQ/edit Consttitution] on the 24th of December, Wyvern did not play on the beta/alpha much like the other major nations however, On the 27th when the server opened Wyvern quickly made their way south to the Continent of Rodinia and begun explored the land a bit of water will what looked like an island, at first the early explorers thought it was some sort of bay connecting up to the ocean, however with more exploration they discovered it to be a lake and named it Crown Lake, [[alexmelons]], DukeDuchess of Mellon really liked the Island in the middle and decided to found the first duchy there, shortly there after they decided to build their Capital on the northern shores of Crown Lake and begun on the terraforming for it, shortly there after they made contact with the Swamp Nations to the west of Wyvern, however shortly after that the 3 Swamp Nations combined into the Empire of Javaya, which Wyvern had been in close contact with for a few days.they quickly formed a friendship with them and [https://www.reddit.com/r/CivUniverse/comments/km2luk/in_solidarity_with_our_friends_in_the_western/ decided to announce our claims together] after solidifying the borders Wyvern decided to put up border posts along the Eastern and Western borders and starting to settle in with [[JayTeeR]] and [[Seekinq]] going south to form the duchies of Arvendon and Elysia and bbase going east to form the Duchy of Tindra, and ItzJoshs going north to found the Duchy of Farmeria, around this time work began to speed up on our Capital and Infrastructure with progress being finished up on the Main Plaza and Factory buildings and basic roads in the capital, soon after [[Seekinq]], King of Wyvern and Duke of Elysia began designing the Waterfront for the Capital on the Wyvern Build-Server and work began on it shortly there after, with two piers and colourful houses along the Waterfront it quickly became the main face of the capital, on a trip to Acadia [[Seekinq]] discovered a very small snow island of the coast of [[Acadia]] and decided to claim it for Wyvern with plans to start a small resort there. Due to close relations with Javaya and Javaya's colony at the time, [[Acadia]], they decided to found the Commonwealth of Southern Nations with Javaya, Chroma, [[Acadia]], Goldcrest and the Central Union, and begun a railway to Javaya, soon after on a trip around Hyperborea, the south-western snow continent, [[Seekinq]] discovered the Island of Respite and found a small Acadian presence there, in love with the look of the biome and the potential for pumpkin farms, Wyvern quickly opened up discussion with [[Acadia]] to buy the Northern quarter of the Island, the discussion ended with Wyvern giving control of the Snow Island of the coast of the [[Acadia|Acadian]] Mainland to [[Acadia]] and 20 diamonds from Wyvern for the Northern Half of the Island, once the deal was finalized Seekinq quickly set up Port Shroom, a small town of a few buildings with houses built into Giant Mushrooms and some basic Pumpkin farms on the colony and officially named it the North Respite Territory. on the 23rd of January Wyvern announced its first ever Thane, Grynszphill, later changed his name to Grynghis. on the 5th of Febuary the Royal Libary of Wyvern was created and officially recognised as one of the great Librarys by rthe CivUni Librarians Guild and on the 8th Febuary opened the Wyvern General Goods, one of the main stores in Western Rodinia that people came to visit from all over even as far as [[Plexia]], right across the street from the Royal Library of Wyvern. and on the 9th of Febuary after almost 3 years of kingship across [[Kraken]], [[Nymph]] and Wyvern, [[Seekinq]] announced he would be stepping down as King of Wyvern to focus on his own Duchy of Elysia, following an election from the Council of Dukes Wyvern decided to elect [[alexmelons]], The DukeDuchess of Mellon as the new KingQueen of Wyvern and announced the Coronation would be on the 13th of Febuary. on the 13th a lavish coronation was held in the Crownlands with almost everyone chasing [[alexmelons]] to hisher bunker attempting to give him some celebratory sword taps. on the 16th of Febuary Wyvern announced its second colony, this time a very small desert Colony in the desert just east of Wyvern, with it only containing a Cacti Farm, this was officially named the Desert Territory. on 17th, tzJoshs, Duke of Farmeria was accused by Yooklid of stealing his horse, after ItzJoshs admitted it and returned it he was demoted from his position as a Duke and his duchy disolved and absorbed into the Crownlands and a new Duchy was formed with parts of the former Duchy of Farmeria and parts of Northern Tindra into the Duchy of Nymph, named after our old nation on [[CivClassic|CIvClassics]] with kiimmy as its Duchess, the former queen of [[Nymph]], on the 18th [[alexmelons]], KingQueen of Wyvern and DukeDuchess of Mellon announced the formation of the Wyvern Militia as a defensive measure to protect the Kingdom from any raider attacks. On the 27th of Febuary Grumpy was promoted to the 2nd Thane of the Kingdom, however on the 14th of March he stepped down as Thane as he was becoming a duel citizen due to wanting to be in many nations at once. On the 28th [[alexmelons]], KingQueen of Wyvern and DukeDuchess of Mellon announced plans for a shopping district in the capital with many plans for shops there. and on the 4th of March what many feared would happen did end up happening, [[New Vegas]], the "weepee" of the server went to war with various other nations, including our own allies of Javaya and Acadia, following talks in the council and citizen chats pretty much all day Wyvern decided to conform to a strict policy of Armed Neutrality, Wyvern didnt see the toxicity of the war and of most of CIvUni due to being in its own bubble for most of it, they quickly formed friendships with other likeminded neutral nations such as [[Tokyo]] and [[Plexia]]. and on the 14th of March [[Seekinq]], Duke of Elysia decided to start up the Wyvern Telegraph, with the first issue of it featuring the opening of the Wyvern Bank, a building within the shopping district where people could exchange currencies, and Wyvern Neutrality giving more infomation on how the Nations foriegn policy will be for the duration of the War, and on the 16th New Vegas officially surrendered and the War was over, however it left a scar on the server which it wouldnt recover from activity wise, with many of their neighbors becoming Inactive they started to forge closer bonds with [[Plexia]] and [[Tokyo]]. on the 1st of April as an April fools joke [[alexmelons]], KingQueen of Wyvern and DukeDuchess of Mellon announced Wyvern would be reforming into a Smurf based nation with all buildings being destoryed and rebuilt in a mushroom style. this was quickly reversed the day after, on the 4th of April the 3rd Thane of Wyvern, Etheralto was promoted with Wyvern spending the last few weeks of the server building and relaxing and trading with the active nations, However it soon became clear that the server was on the edge of a shutdown and soon after on the 23rd It was officially announced it would be shutting down, [[Seekinq]] announced Wyvern would be going into a sort of limbo state until a new civ server released, on the 2nd of June [[Seekinq]] announced the formation of [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]], a Wyvern "spin off" on CivClassics which remained active until the shutdown of [[CivClassic|CivClassics]] on the 18th of December.
== Culture ==


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